

After two days I finally get discharged from the hospital and I came back to school and to work ofcourse. I also secretly investigating those five people I’ve suspected, Levi also helping about this case but so far I couldn’t find anything about everything. Most of the time I feel hopeless, why does it have to be this hard; after this I am going to take a vacation.

“How’s your day baby?”- Dad ask me the moment I step in inside the house when I cameback from school

“Same as usual; I still need to go to work Dad”- I said to him in reply before I go upstairs to wahs up and change my clothes.

I just have to was up and hange my clothes because as I’ve said I am still going to work. After the shower and changing clothes I blowered my hair to make it dry fast, because going to work with my hair down is a bet of annoying. So usually; I tie it so that it won’t get in my way of work.

“You’re going already?”- Dad ask the moment I went downstairs ready to go to work