

"tring tring, tring tring" , my alarm clock rang. It was 6 in the rainy morning and birds were chirping to the fullest. Mild rain and the smell of it pouring into the soil made my day. With a cup of coffee in my hand, I was walking at the balcony in my apartment. "tring tring, tring tring" , this time it was boss calling. I thought, why the heck he would call me at 7 in the morning suddenly, being thoughtful I received the call. "Come to office right now, we are discussing on the new project". I couldn't say anything , after all it was my boss. Being a cryptozoologist, I had to research on creatures whose presence is unknown. In the whole office, Mohit and I were the ones who had to go to various inhabited places to search for some clues about such creatures. At exact 8:15 , I was at my office discussing about the new case that happened recently that somewhere near Transylvania, a Yeti was seen!! I mean seriously ??? A YETI ?  an ape-like entity, taller than an average human, that is said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet, found in Transylvania!!! I couldn't believe, neither could they. Now I understand why I was called upon so early in the morning. This information was given to us by the cryptozoologists of Romania. We didn't disclose this to anyone because it would cause a maniac in the whole world. At last I, and Mohit decided to go to Transylvania to gather some information on the incident that happened. It was September 20th, winter was slowly about to dominate the rest of the months of 2012.

We were at the IGI airport, waiting for Jet Airways. It was going to be a long journey, we thought. As we were travelling from Delhi to Bucharest, We had to head to North which would led us to the Mountains of Sinaia , which would be a good place to stop, as told by the sources. The plane was delayed for 3 hrs due to some unwanted reasons. Those 3 hrs were enough for me to think and imagine that what would happen in Transylvania. I had heard about the sightings of vampire and some wierd stuff. I was pretty sure that these are fake. Moreover, I wanted all these to be fake, as I had a strong fear towards these. But, I enjoyed those moments and that was the only reason for me to become a cryptozoologist...