
Getting a seat near a lady or...

" Hey, the plane has come. Let's go.", Mohit said, putting my thoughts to an end. While I was imagining all these, he made there a new friend within 3 hrs !!  She was quite pretty.It took little time to completely register that within myself. I mean ....How???? the one who doesn't know how to properly wear a shirt..... made a friend???? That too within 3 hrs !!! That too a girl!!! That too a pretty girl !!! From that day my faith towards humanity was restored. Although he is bit dark, but he is quite handsome. 

The plane had come. But I was walking very slowly. So slowly like an injured turtle. There were mainly two reasons for my super slow pace-

1. A deep fear of vampires that succumbed me from inside.

2. Mohit got a girlfriend!!!!

But the fear of missing flight was above all these. So we quickly gathered our seats. We were both seated on different window seats respectively because we always fought for the window seat. In the meantime, I opened my Laptop and started scrolling over the case study again and again, hoping to find some clues. But all in vain, so I started to search about vampire sightings in Transylvania. Soon boredom engulfed me as there was not much info about them. So I started to play Clash Royale, hoping for a LEGENDARY card, but I wasn't lucky enough to get. But..... I was lucky enough to get a seat near a lady.

She wore a maroon shawl that was fully covering her. She was looking like she was in mid 20s. She was constantly looking at a map. I guess it was the map of Bucharest. From side angle, I couldn't see anything of her. So I decided to talk to her. I am little shy type, so it took me 15 minutes to even look at her.But the jealous that developed within me after seeing Mohit with Annabeth, his new wannabe girlfriend,,,, slowly dominated my shyness and after gathering all my courage........"Hi", I said. At first she ignored me, then I tried to raise my volume. "HI !", I exclaimed. She looked at me with mere disgrace and again ignored me. BOOM !!! She dropped an atom bomb on my heart, just like America dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Cursing my luck, I waited for the food and after having it, I went into mini hibernation. But I could sense that she kept looking at me whole night long, because of which I couldn't sleep well.