
When a Comet Approaches the Sun

In a time long forgotten, there used to be a king whose greed and arrogance drew the ire of the Gods who cursed him and his people as punishment. Thus, the first werewolves, men by day and beasts by night, were created. According to an ancient prophecy, the last direct descendant of the king of old whose green eyes will shine brighter than emeralds will break the curse with the help of the daughter of the Moon. As time trickles by, many things were forgotten, including the second part of the prophecy. So, when Aethelwulf "green eyes", the heir of Arkadia, the prophecised child, was born, the people joyfully celebrated their freedom. But, the curse did not break. Civil war erupted, marking the beginning of Aethulwulf's life, the promised child, in violence and blood. Lycée Artemia was the daughter of the goddess of the moon in name only. Her bright disposition, free-spiritedness and overflowing charisma were akin to a burning sun. When she first meets Aethulwulf, a harsh and cold individual shackled by an ancestral curse and demons of the past - a clash occurs. "Do you know what happens when a comet approaches the sun? It melts. "

Ida_Lily_Dang · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

My fate was given to me by an ox


Over two years later


One early morning, when the seven years old Lycée was strolling around on her own, something surprising happened. By the rocky area where the girl liked to play hide-and-seek with her twin brother Lucien, there was a white ox lazily laying in the shade. It was the most beautiful ox Lycée had ever seen and up until that point, the seven years old didn't know she'd ever call a bovine beautiful.

Somehow, it looked nothing like the ones the farmer couple's owned. It certainly was an ox- mind you, but it felt like there was something more to it. Approaching the animal cautiously, Lycée offered it her hand. The ox looked away disinterestedly. Lycée took it as a sign to go ahead.

Patting the animal was unexpectedly soothing. Its hair was surprisingly smooth and silky. In fact, it was much better than her own hair - and Lycée, she was proud of her thick raven locks.

Never having been in such close proximity with an ox before - for the ones in the area were not friendly, to say the least - the seven years old was incredibly curious. Oxes, Lycéé realized, had otherworldly long eyelashes. The young girl had never seen such voluminous ones before.

Admittedly, it made perfect sense. The overall animal was many times bigger than a regular human being. It was only logical everything else about it would be bigger too, including its eyes. The lazy white ox's eyes were half-lidded but one could still clearly see its shiny brown orbs.

"You know, I think you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, Mister Ox. That is indeed amazing when you take into account you beat me and my twin there. We have gorgeous eyes too!"

Lycée did not know whether it was a coincidence, but the white ox huffed in reply. It strangely felt like it was being smug. The seven years old didn't know how she could tell but she was convinced she was right. Not being one to shy away from the unknown, Lycée went straight to the point.

"Mister Ox, you are not a regular ox now, are you? I feel like you understand me."

At first, the white ox did not show any response but then, it suddenly made direct eye contact with Lycée. In her head, the seven years old heard a deep ancient voice reverberating.

"That is true. How could you tell, young one?"

Elated for getting it right, Lycée smiled.

"Just a feeling. When I look at you, I see an ox but it feels there is something-"

Before Lycée could delve deeper into her thoughts, she was interrupted.

"You would be correct. I am not a mere ox in the same way you are not a mere girl. There is an unearthly element to us you will not find anywhere else. Tell me, do you know whose sacred animal I am?"

As soon as the white ox pronounced those words, Lycée knew.

"The ox is the moon goddess's symbol. It is my mother's, is it not?"

As the brunette was leaning against the ox, she could feel it nodding its head. An ox behaving like a man painted a rather bizarre scene and Lycée internally wondered what people would think if they accidentally stumbled upon this scene.

"Indeed, I am Séléné's symbol. And I have come bearing a message from the Fates."

Lycée immediately straightened up. Tidings from the Fates were extremely serious matters that could easily go both ways. They were either a frightful piece of information or, excellent news. Her father, Endymion, had once been told by the Fates he would conquer his purpose in life by first losing what he cherished most.

It was true, and Lycée's father would often tell her and her twin that the two of them were the reason he'd been born for.

"Lucien, Lycée, I do not know what future awaits you, but no matter where it may lead you - there will be greatness. This much, I can feel."

There were times to be foolish and there were times to be focused. This was such a latter instance. Thus, the seven years old paid extreme attention to the white ox's next words.

The air shifted and the atmosphere turned solemn. It was like the world had stopped and was waiting for the ox's words in order to take its first breath.

"Daughter of the Moon, heed my words.

Dark times are ahead of you- do not give in, do not give up.

If the sun of the night sky flickers out - hope will be lost, for more than one.

You shine brighter than the stars and light is your power.

Confronted with deeply rooted darkness, moonlight will be your guide.

For there is nothing you can do alone, but nothing you shan't do as a whole.

The dove will flap its wings for you - flocks will follow.

The choice will be yours but it may lead to your downfall.

Interwoven with the lives of many, you are the keystone of thousands of Fates.

An eye for an eye, a life for a life - the Fates are not kind.

Your destiny has been set in stones, hanging by a thread.

A decision, not of your own making, shall determine whether it snaps."

After listening to the last sentences, Lycée could not help but find them particularly ominous. She shivered, unsettled.

"Thank you for transmitting the message, Mister Ox. Your words have certainly been insightful. The Fates- they have certainly given me much to think about."

Rubbing the bridge of her nose, Lycée sighed loudly. This morning, when she woke up, the seven years old had not expected all of this would happen. It felt surreal, like utter nonsense. Lycée felt like she was completely underprepared to receive news as life-changing as a prophecy.

Mostly, the brunette wondered why out of all days, it had to be today. Why tell her this when she was seven? Weren't prophecies something for grown-ups? Why would the Fates burden her so right now, while she was still living her peaceful rural life with her family?

Speaking of family, this reminded Lycée of a question she had for the Fates's messenger.

"Mister Ox, will you also be delivering something for my brother Lucien?"

"He is not ready yet."

The white ox's words were final and while Lycée desperately wanted to ask more, the brunette felt like it would be unwise to question its words. Whatever that white ox was, Lycée suspected it was dangerous. Trusting her instincts, the girl kept her tongue.

As she was leaving, the white ox imparted with last parting words.

"The path ahead of you will be arduous. It will test your will and the strength of your character but as long as you stay true to yourself in all and every circumstance, you won't be led astray."

While Lycée yet had to know it, those last pieces of wisdom would stick to her thereafter…


An unknown amount of time later


Back in the homes of the Gods, way up high in the sky, the God of them all lounged on his throne. Before him, the three Fates were weaving at their looms. Everything was now in place. Both of the main actors of the prophecy had now started their own paths. It was only a matter of time and luck until the wolf boy and the Moon's daughter met.

Zeus could not wait to find out how these children's stories would unfold. All he hoped was for it to be an interesting tale. After all, why would go to all this trouble - including shapeshifting into an ox, if it was doomed to be dull?

Hello guys!

Things are picking up! The story is going to get a lot more action thereon.

I am really sorry about the late update but I just finished writing the chapter, so- it can't be helped.

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I will try uploading every other day, but no promise.

I do not have any pre-written material and I have a ton of exams next week which will sadly take priority over writing.

Let's cross our fingers and hope for a Sunday update.

Ida_Lily_Dangcreators' thoughts