
Wheel of chaos

World has been changed ever since a wheel had appeared in the sky .As the first time wheel rotates human gain mana while weapons became useless and animals became beasts , plant was the first to adapt to mana and evolve into plants that produce mana fruit or absorb nearby beasts as nourishment to produce mana fruit.The second time it opens portal into other worlds and many species such as Demi human,dwarves,elfs,and monsters into earth.The third time wheel rotates to produce dungeon inside earth or outside gate From another planet. The novel starts from 3250 which is after 1200 years where human adapted to changes and evolve after wheel of chaos had appeared meanwhile reasearch had predicted that next time Wheel of Chaos rotates in 18 years and it was confirmed by Demi human, dwarves, elfs that it will be arrival of vampire and demons The elf dwarves Demi human ran away from their own planet to earth because of vampire and demons so races United in protecting the planet but they realised it was too late since many spies and forces came into earth via gates .Our protagonist is a young boy who saw his own father dies in the hands of a vampire . Desiring revenge he wants to get stronger by joining the academy where human and other races train for the upcoming war in 18 years but they have no idea that vampire and demons are the last enemies are someone even stronger are waiting behind them NOTE: MC is a kid in novel so don't expect the kid to be powerful and smart from the start

SHADOW_WRITER506 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
27 Chs

Sectional matches -2

Harry who was happy about the bet said excitedly " It seems our students won't meet each other untill finals"

Alia "Hmm".

Karan and his friends stepped into the arena and Team 4 also stepped in . Team 4 have 1 fire ,2 wind ,1 earth and 1 water element users .

The judge stepped in the arena asked " Are you both ready?"

Both teams "Yes"

Judge " 3 2 1 START!!"

Both teams who were atleast 50 meters apart . Karan's friends all hold on to him tightly then he used him elemental power and reduced all their gravity which made them float .

Team 4 who was shocked ,water element user shot a water blade and wind users shot 2 wind Blade each .

Leo who expecting this attack released fire at 50% which pushed the team to the height of 30 feet.

Leo" TIME to switch Rio "

Rio whose elemental power which is MID (1/1000) created a huge mist of ice and several ice spikes and exhausted his mana completely and then " Time to switch Leo" he said .

Leo who used fire power and melted all the ice spikes

which made it look like it is going to rain making all your opponents completely wet .

During this whole process opponents skill cooldown was over and 3 of them were ready to use their skill .

Before that Adam shot a lightning ball towards the wet opponents .

They were completely shocked by lightning and all of them were teleported out .

The judge declared "TEAM 3 WINS".

Team 3 applause from the audience and they left the arena.

Team 4 who mocked them felt extremely sorry because that one lightning ball made them feel it was pure hell.

"It seems like like first round is over ,let's go and see our next match up ", said Nera .

Team nodded and looked at the screen.

The next match up was announced.



The anchor announced the match will begin in 1 hour.

Karan "let's watch team 6 match "

They nodded and played the match.

Team 6 vs Team 5 START

As soon as the match started team 5 1 boy created a poison mist spread in the entire arena while the remaining members used both gas filtering mask and thermal vision Goggles.

Four of them walk forward towards their opponents at a slow pace.

While Team 6 who did not expected this attack was shocked but they didn't lose faith because they had a Trump card . Their captain yelled "Now James use your skill at Full power".

James used his skill Tornado slash .

A skill that allows the user to create a tornado and release air like slash and attacks the opponent.

However now this skill is used to absorb the mist and release air slash and their opponents.

Two of them were teleported out by the attack, while the remaining was teleported by the remaining members of team 6.

The judge declared" TEAM 6 WINS".

Karan said "Except James no one used their skill, Do you they know what skill they have?"

"Captain is a lightning type"said Adam.

This is going to be a different fight against them.