
Wheel of chaos

World has been changed ever since a wheel had appeared in the sky .As the first time wheel rotates human gain mana while weapons became useless and animals became beasts , plant was the first to adapt to mana and evolve into plants that produce mana fruit or absorb nearby beasts as nourishment to produce mana fruit.The second time it opens portal into other worlds and many species such as Demi human,dwarves,elfs,and monsters into earth.The third time wheel rotates to produce dungeon inside earth or outside gate From another planet. The novel starts from 3250 which is after 1200 years where human adapted to changes and evolve after wheel of chaos had appeared meanwhile reasearch had predicted that next time Wheel of Chaos rotates in 18 years and it was confirmed by Demi human, dwarves, elfs that it will be arrival of vampire and demons The elf dwarves Demi human ran away from their own planet to earth because of vampire and demons so races United in protecting the planet but they realised it was too late since many spies and forces came into earth via gates .Our protagonist is a young boy who saw his own father dies in the hands of a vampire . Desiring revenge he wants to get stronger by joining the academy where human and other races train for the upcoming war in 18 years but they have no idea that vampire and demons are the last enemies are someone even stronger are waiting behind them NOTE: MC is a kid in novel so don't expect the kid to be powerful and smart from the start

Gamer_Reader · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Sectional match -1

"The tournament which everyone was expecting will begin within 5 minutes, students prepare yourselves for the upcoming competition" said the host.

Karan and his friends were waiting for the first match in the waiting room.

Many people were present to watch this tournament such as parents, officials and kids who are going to participate next year.

Karan and his friend's family has arrived to watch the tournament.

The host "Dear audience , I will explain the tournament rules now . A total of 320 students is divided into 64 groups and these 64 groups will be split into 8 sections and 8 group for each section, each group will fight another group in a section 8 becomes 4,4 becomes 2 and 2 becomes 1.

That one group moves to the top 8.This is called sectional matches and it is a group battle."

Host" Top 8 teams will fight each other in a best of 5 battle and will be promoted to semi-finals and followed by finals."

Audience expressed their excitement by cheering loud .

Host " The school will reward the students who makes into the semifinals, finals and the winner of the tournament.

FIRST PLACE : 2 D-GRADE FRUITS for each member of the group

SECOND PLACE : 1 D-GRADE FRUIT for each member of the group

THIRD PLACE : 5 E-GRADE FRUITS for each member of the group


After 2 minutes , Section A matches began Team 1 and Team 2 had appeared on the battle arena just like during the practice match any deadly injury you will be teleported.

The judge entered the battle arena , Seeing that both teams are ready he said " 3 2 1 Battle START"

Immediately both teams who are in front used Mana Body and increased their speed and move towards each other. From team 1 attacked using fire balls on Team 2 Who used Mana Body while ,team 2 used earth wall and blocked fire balls ,when both teams entered striking distance they used full power attacked long range attacks were used very less and came an all out brawl . Team 2 who had 2 earth element users participated in defence and reduced lot of damage to the team . Using this chance remaining Team 2 attacked and broke their front line to moved forward and eliminated the fire balls users .Now there is no disturbance and Team 2 eliminated remaining 3 member and won their first match.

The judge declared Team 2 wins.

Karan and his friends left the waiting area and moved towards the arena.

On the spectator area .A man who in late twenties approach Alia and said " It seems that your students are going next ,I heard that they couldn't adapt to basic training you are so pitiful Alia it seems you can forget about getting into A-grade for the next 2 years"

Alia said" Don't worry Harry , I will reach A-grade within this year because my student will win "

Harry laughed and said " It seems you are a bit delusional Alia " Alia did not mind only expecting for her students' first match.

Seeing Alia ignore him he decided to mess with her "Hey Alia how about we bet ? Don't tell me that you are scared."

Alia who wanted to ignore him turned because of the bet . She said " Fine what will you give me if I win "

Harry Said " If you win I will give you this " He placed a card on the floor.

Surrounding people were shocked because it was not a ordinary card but VIP card that allows you to enter all B-grade dungeon/ gate for free for an year

[[Dungeon/ Gate below D-grade are free to enter but D-grade and above you must pay for a certain amount to enter . A VIP card allows you to enter it freely for a fixed time]]

Harry said " Now what will I get if I win ?"

Alia who was surprised to see the card but decided to stay calm and asked " What do you want?"

Harry was waiting for this moment because he always liked her but she didn't respond to his feelings.

Harry who grew together with Alia realised that she saw him as neighbour that's it not anything more .

Sometimes he will say rude things are act like a villain to gain her attention. But he never confessed his love because he was afraid of rejection.

When the school principal asked for training kids ,he thought he could get closer but Alia who trains her students alone and leave immediately after the training is over.

Today was the day he could finally meet her.He knows that he talks she won't speak and tried to provoke her and managed to secure a bet .

Harry who was thinking all this responded " If I win you will love me".

Alia who had zero emotions said "Deal".