
what lies under the surface

Aria awoke to find herself in a hospital, but something didn't feel right, so she tried to flee but was pursued. When she comes across a man who appears to be very familiar and willing to assist her, she seizes the opportunity, but is he truly on her side, or does he have hidden motives? but not everything is as it appears.

Teonia_Matthews · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
2 Chs


When I looked up, there was a beautiful white two-story mansion nearby with a private pool and tennis court, and it had an amazing view of the ocean.

"Wow," I muttered, unable to take my gaze away from the breathtaking sight before me.

I finally took my gaze away from the house and looked over to say something, but the car was empty. I heard the car door open as I turned my head.

I got a good look at the man as I looked up. He was tall and athletic, with short white hair and stunning red eyes.

I was dazzled by his beauty and stared at him for a moment.

I was about to say something, but he beat me to it.

"Are you going to stay in the car?" He said it as if to mock me.

"No, I was just in awe of how beautiful your house is," I explained as I stepped out of the car.

He turned to walk away, and I quickly followed.

As we entered, I was met with an even more beautiful sight. He had glass countertops that looked great with the marble backsplash and white walls.

"So," I began, "what's your name?" I inquired, hoping to find a more appropriate way to address him than "man."

"Adrian," he said with a warm smile, "and you might be," he inquired.

"Aria," I said. "Nice to meet you!"

He said with a smile, observing me for a moment before telling me to follow him.

We walk down the hall, and he leads me to a room at the end.

"You can sleep here," he said as we walked in.

"Thank you" and "Your house is gorgeous," I said as he walked out of the room.

"Thank you," he said after a brief pause. "If you need me, my room is on the second floor."

I could hear his footsteps descending the hall as he left.

I began to reflect on the day and wonder how I had ended up in a hospital.

The last thing I remember is going to bed.

It's definitely strange.

But I'll think about it more after I've rested a little.

As I climbed into the soft bed—definitely too big for one person—I wrapped myself in the cover.

I began to consider Adrian, what he did for a living, and what motivated him to assist me.

I was grateful, but I was curious why he would help a complete stranger.

I drifted off to sleep as my thoughts faded.

When I opened my eyes, I was in what appeared to be a school.

"Hey Aria," I tried to move, but it was as if I couldn't control myself.

I quickly realized I was speculating about what appeared to be a memory rather than a dream. I woke up.

"What a dream," I thought to myself.

But the more I thought about it, the more I started to remember that day, and then it finally clicked, "Ha, that's where I know him from," which I accidentally said out loud much like the dream hinted he was someone I knew from school. Is that why he helped?

Huh. Now that I think about it, I don't really remember much after going down a rabbit hole of questions. A delectable aroma drew me out of my reverie.

I entered the kitchen to find Adrian preparing breakfast. "Good morning," I said, my gaze fixed on his. looking at his eyes. Dazed, in the day you could see just how beautiful they were. He lifted an eyebrow in confusion. "Good morning. Is something wrong?" he said.

quickly snapping out of my daze, "No, sorry, I was just staring at your eyes; they are gorgeous," I replied, not realizing I was staring.

He smiled and said, "Thanks; no need to be sorry; anyway, breakfast will be done soon."

"smells delicious," "So do you have any plans for the day?" I asked while leaning on the counter.

"Yes, I'm taking you shopping."