
What if vision survived

Chloe_Stanbridge · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Vision saw the twins in their separate cribs as he walked closer.

"What are their names?" Vision asked.

"He's called Billy," Wanda told Vision, pointing to the right, "and he's Tommy," Wanda told Vision, pointing to the left. "American names. You named him Billy. You wanted him to be Billy, and I wanted him to be called Tommy; when I had twins, we both got what we wanted," Wanda told Vision.

"What do you mean?" "I wanted to name one of them Billy; I haven't been here," Vision asked, confused.

"There's something else I haven't told you," Wanda said.

Suddenly, the room changed. Vision was shocked. He didn't know what to do; everything in the room had changed, including the layout and the design.

"Wanda, what's going on?" Vision asked Wanda.

Vision got no answer. He turned around and saw Wanda and the twins gone. Had it all been a trap or some sick joke?

"Wanda" Vision called out to her as he searched the house.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Vision walked to it and opened it to see a man standing there.

"Is my sister here?" the man asked.

"Your sister, no, sorry, I think you must have the wrong house," Vision told the man.

"I can't have someone told me my sister lived here; it was her neighbour; she was named Agnes or something," the man said.

"What's your sister's name?" Vision asked, confused but thinking he would check it out.

"Wanda, I'm her brother. I'm called Pietro," Pietro told Vision.