
What if vision survived

Chloe_Stanbridge · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

Chapter 5

Vision hears a voice, and he goes to the door. "Wanda," he calls out.

At first, there's no response, but Vision knew it was Wanda, so he calls out again.

"Wanda, it's me," Vision told Wanda.

Suddenly, Vision heard the crying stop. He then heard footsteps coming towards the door, and the door flew open, and he saw her.

"What do you want?" "I told you to leave me alone. I said, Leave me alone, and I will leave you alone. Why have you sent more people to me?" Wanda told Vision, her hands moving so her palms faced him.

"Wanda I don't know what you are talking about, but if someone is after you, I'll help you; it's OK," Vision told Wanda.

"Don't play stupid with me; you know who I am, you know what I can do, and I have my family; as I told you, no one is going to ever take it from me again," Wanda told Vision.

"Wanda, please believe me. I am me. I've returned. I know it's going to be hard to believe, but I'm telling the truth: if someone is after you, I'll help you. It's OK."

Wanda wanted to believe him, but a part of her wouldn't let her.

Wanda raised her hands higher, and they glowed red.

"Don't do this, Wanda. I'm not lying; you can check if you want," Vision told Wanda.

Vision felt Wanda's magic fly through his head. All his memories flipped through his mind. He remembered everything, which sent a piercing pain through his head that felt like his head was going to explode.

Vision finally feels her magic leave him.

"You're telling the truth," Wanda said, moving her hands lower.

"Yes, I am. I know it's going to be strange and hard to believe, but I'm alive. Someone gave me a second chance, a chance to come back to you," Vision told Wanda.

Vision then heard children crying again.

"Are they yours?" Vision asked Wanda. confused because she had only been back a couple of days and no one they knew had children.

"Yes, their twins," Wanda told Vision.

"How old are they?" Vision asked.

"Their six months There are yours as well," Wanda told Vision.

"Wanda, what do you mean I've been dead for five years? How can I be mine? Plus, you've only been back for two days how can They be your children?" Vision asked, confused.

"It's hard to explain, but they are mine and yours. My magic created them, but they're mine and yours." Wanda told Vision

"If your magic created them recently, why are they six months old?" Vision asked.

"I don't know my magic; it isn't working properly. They were only born this morning; it's like they have a mind of their own and can age when they feel like it," Wanda told Vision.

"Can I see them?" Vision asked.

Wanda moved away from the door.

"Come on," Wanda told vision.

Vision then followed Wanda inside the house. The house was so different from the outside that it was weird.

"Wanda, what's going on here?" Vision asked.

"I don't know how or why any of this started," Wanda told Vision.

Vision could see the fear in Wanda's eyes; she was scared of something, and he hated it.

Vision wondered how much of what was happening was Wanda's magic fault or if something else was to blame.