
What if vision survived

Chloe_Stanbridge · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

After making it to the train, Vision quickly realised he hadn't brought any money. Fortunately, he found enough money in the jacket pocket that he had put on before leaving. He used it to board the train. He sat down and awaited the arrival of his destination. To hide himself and avoid being noticed, he tried to make himself as human-like as possible.

After a tiresome and lengthy journey, he arrived in New Jersey and immediately began searching the area for any indications of where Westview might be.

He spent ages wandering before deciding to ask someone for directions. "Excuse me, ma'am, can you tell me where Westview is, please?"

A young woman turned to face him. She gestured to the left and said, "I believe it's about five lefts and two rights down that way." She told him not really paying attention to him.

"Thank you," Vision said.

Vision then continued to walk while writing it down on the piece of paper, just in case he forgot. He didn't want to forget. He couldn't forget.

He understood that he would have to do this permanently since he would now suffer from memory loss, but he would figure it all out and how to handle it. Finding Wanda and ensuring her safety was the first priority.

When he arrived at Westview, he noticed the "Welcome to Westview" sign and two people who were standing outside but not entering.

"Sorry you cannot enter; no one is able to enter," a man told Vision.

"Why not?" Vision asked.

"Nobody can enter or leave the town since Wanda Maximoff has taken control of it." The man told Vision.

"Wanda wouldn't do that." Vision told the man.

"I'm afraid it's true; she has, and we've just tried to get in contact with her; we've tried to speak to her, but nothing's working," the man told Vision.

Vision thought about it. Why would Wanda do this? It didn't make any sense.

"Have you tried going into Westview?" Vision asked.

"Yes, we have; there's a barrier; we can't walk through it." The man told Vision.

"I'm not giving up on Wanda," Vision told the man.

Vision then removed his hood.

"Wait your vision. How are you alive?" "You died, and many people saw it," the man asked.

"I'll explain later; it's complicated. I need to try and get into West View. I need to talk to Wanda," Vision told the man.

"I'm afraid I don't think it's going to work; we've tried," the man told Vision.

Vision put his hand on the barrier and said, "I'm not giving up," but no matter what he did, it didn't work. Eventually, after much effort, he began to fall through the barrier, but it was painful for him.

Then another woman approached, calling out, "Agent Woo, what's going on over here?"

"Agent Rambeau he is attempting to get through the barrier, and I think it's working," agent Woo told her.

The next thing Vision noticed was waking up on the other side of the barrier. He stood up, but his head hurt. He had a splitting headache.

"Where am I, and what am I doing here?" Vision asked himself.

Vision walked up to a man and decided to ask him where he was. "Excuse me, sir, where am I?"

The man smiles and replies, "You're in Westview, silly," before continuing to walk off.

Westview? Vision couldn't think of why that sounded so familiar.

Vision made his way around the town, trying to remember why he was there and what he was meant to do.