
What if vision survived

Chloe_Stanbridge · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 vision wakes up

Vision noticed the sun shining through the window as he began to awaken. His eyesight returned fully a short while later, and he could see everything around him.

"Wanda," He whispered, but there was no reply.

Vision then sat up. He called out again, but nobody answered.

So he got up and searched the apartment room by room, but was unable to find her.

He thought to himself how strange it was that he couldn't find her. She should be here. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 10 a.m.

"Perhaps she's gone out somewhere." He thought to himself,

In the living room, he found a telephone. He wondered who he could call. who would be able to tell him where Wanda was. He thought about Natasha and called her number, but there was no answer. Sam was the only other person he could think of to call, so he dialled his number and hoped for an answer.

Sam responded after two long minutes.

"Do you know Wanda's location, Sam?" "She wasn't here when I woke up, and I can't find her anywhere," said Vision.

Vision listened to Sam.

"Yes, I'm alive. I'll explain later. "I need to find Wanda," Vision told Sam.

Vision listened to Sam.

Vision asked, "What do you mean that no one you have spoken to knows where she is?"

Sam informs Vision that no one knows Wanda's location and that she hasn't been seen or heard from since Tony's funeral yesterday.

"Is anyone looking for her?" "It's not like her to just disappear and not contact anyone or be seen by anyone." Vision asked.

Sam informed Vision that despite people searching for her, no one had been able to locate her, and that even Clint had looked for her because she seemed upset, not just because of Tony's funeral, but he had no success in finding her.

"I'll go look for her myself to see if I can find her; hopefully nothing terrible has happened to her. Thank you anyway, Sam. Please let me know if you learn anything. If I find her, I'll let you know, and then I'll explain how I survived," Vision said before putting the phone down.

Vision searched every inch of the flat for clues as to Wanda's whereabouts but came up empty-handed.

He discovered nothing other than a note with The words "Shields phone number" and a number on it. He decided to call the number to see if they had any information on Wanda.

"I'm calling to ask if you know anything about Wanda Maximoff. I have searched for her but cannot find her. I called one of her friends, but they haven't seen or spoken to her since Tony Stark's funeral." Vision stated.

One of the shield agents explained to Vision how Wanda had charged into the shield the day before, just after Tony Stark's funeral, taken some items, and then fled.

But Wanda wasn't like that anymore; that didn't sound like the woman Vision knew and loved.

"Does anyone know where she went?" asked Vision.

The person said they had no idea where Wanda had gone; all they knew was that she had a map with a heart on it on her and seemed to be wanting to go wherever The heart-shaped location was.

Deep down, Vision had a feeling he knew what the map with the heart shape on it was, but he couldn't think of why it felt so familiar. Why did it feel so familiar? He had no memory of it.

"I'm going to look for her, and I'm going to find her," Vision told the agent.

They requested to speak with Wanda as soon as Vision found Her and instructed Vision to let them know when he had found her.

Something inside vision told him not to tell them when he finds Wanda; he didn't have a good feeling about what they would want from her, and if she had taken something that they didn't want anyone to find out about, who knows what they would do? So he lied and told them that he would tell them when he found her, then put the phone down.

Something about that map with the heart on it felt so familiar, but Vision couldn't work out what it was.

Vision Then Noticed a red pen lying on the table, and suddenly, everything came rushing back. He knew where she was, or at least where she had been yesterday, but what he didn't know was how to get there.

He recalled that the location was called Westview. It was in New Jersey, but he had no idea how to get there—all he knew was that it wasn't very far.

Vision went and used a laptop that Wanda had. Hoping to find out how to get to New Jersey. He soon learned that a train ran from coast to coast and would transport him from his current location to New Jersey. As he prepared to leave, he took the pen with him and wrote a note that read, "Westview, New Jersey," just in case he forgot where he was going. He could not forget how to get to Wanda and where she was; he had to find her.

Vision left to find Wanda.