
What if vision survived

Chloe_Stanbridge · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

Chapter 11

Vision was finally let out a few hours later.

"Where is she?" "Director Fury said that she could be released as long as she came to the meeting with me" Vision asked as he left the cell, looking around for Wanda but not seeing her.

Vision then hears someone approaching; he turns to see Wanda coming towards him, being led there by two guards.

"She is allowed to go to this meeting, but there will be someone watching her 24 hours a day on the way and during the meeting, and she will have supervision and contact at all times whenever she's in public for the next six weeks if she steps one toe out of line We will bring her straight back here and straight to the raft. She's extremely lucky that Director Fury even let her get away with this." the person who seemed to be some kind of agent told Vision.

Vision ignored them and stepped forward, taking Wanda's left hand in his. He then noticed that Wanda wouldn't even look at him.

"What happened, Wanda?" "They said you enslaved a town that's not like you," Vision asked.

Wanda finally looked up at Vision. "I don't know. I woke up, and I was alone. And then everything happened, and I finally had you back, and I had the twins. I had my family, And then they had to come and ruin it," Wanda told Vision.

The people who appear to be agents move to approach Wanda, but Vision stops them.

"Stop, I'm dealing with it," Vision told them.

"It's OK, calm down. We'll work it all out. I promise you all of this will be sorted out," Vision told Wanda.

Vision and Wanda are then shown the way out of the building and into the back of a van that will be taking them to the meeting. Two men jumped in the front, and a woman and a man jumped in the back with them.

"Everything is going to be OK. We need to go to this meeting, and we have to be monitored for a few weeks, but then we can go back to normal," Vision told Wanda.

Wanda just sat there and said nothing. Vision didn't know what to do except sit there holding her hand and wait for Wanda to be ready to talk to him.

Vision closed his eyes, and memories started coming back. Agatha, Pietro, and the twins He opened his eyes and asked, "What happened to the twins you said they were to do with your magic Are they not real?"

"They were real; they were always real to me; I gave birth to them; they were mine; but apparently it was all part of my magic and the fake reality; the people back at the cells told me they were tied to the fake reality, and the only way to destroy it and save people was to lose them as well," Wanda told Vision.

Vision notices Wanda subconsciously putting her free hand on her stomach.

"It's OK; I'll sort it all out. We need to get this meeting out of the way, and then I will help you figure out what to do next." vision said he then felt sad for the children that he had met and learned were also his but that he never got to raise or meet properly.