
What if vision survived

Chloe_Stanbridge · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

A few hours later, Vision was approached by a man who looked to be some sort of agent.

"There is a phone call for you. It's Director Fury. He wants to talk to you," the person told Vision. He then opened a slot in Vision's cell and passed the phone through it. Vision took the phone and placed it next to his ear.

"Hello," Vision said.

Vision listened to fury.

"I don't know where she is right now; we're at some sort of prison; they won't tell me much except that I can be released in 48 hours max, but that Wanda's got to go to the raft or somewhere. apparently for the rest of her days unless you or someone higher up says any different; I don't even know what's going on; they told me that she enslaved a town, but that's not her," Vision told Fury.

Vision listens to Fury's response.

"So if we come to this meeting and we pass it and I sign some stuff, you'll give her and me a trial where you keep an eye on us and you'll let Wanda out meaning she won't have to go to the raft?" Vision asked.

Vision listened to Fury respond.

"OK, I'm agreeable to that; just to let you know, it's not her that was behind whatever happened; it was someone else; it wasn't her. I don't know how I know, but I just do," Vision told Fury.

Vision listened to Fury respond.

"Okay, thank you, Director Fury. No, I don't know anything; I don't remember anything aside from looking for Wanda, whom I believe I found, and then I remember waking up here," Vision told Fury.

Vision listens to fury.

"I want to be aware of what's going on; otherwise, I won't know how to help her or be able to understand what happened to her, and I want to be able to help her," Vision told Fury.

Fury responded, and then he put the phone down.

Vision then waited patiently in his room for when the people who looked like agents were going to let him out.