
What if vision survived

Chloe_Stanbridge · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

Chapter 1 the start

"I only feel you," Vision said, looking at Wanda one last time. He then saw the red glow of her magic, and seconds later everything went dark.

When he next opened his eyes, he saw a hooded woman in front of him.

Vision stood up. "Is this what humans call the afterlife?" Vision asked.

The woman approached him and removed her hood. "No, this is the place souls go before the afterlife, a waiting room of sorts." The woman told Vision

"Are you someone who escorts people to the afterlife, then?" Vision asked.

"Generally, yes, but you have a choice to make first," the woman told Vision.

"What kind of choice?" Vision asked.

"You died in an attempt to stop Thanos from snapping and killing 50% of life. That failed, but the Avengers and other heroes managed to go back in time, get the stones, and stop Thanos in the present day. Then Steve Rogers put the stones back where they were to not cause any timeline issues, but in doing so, he unknowingly reversed any deaths that were caused by a stone's power or in place of the stone, including sacrifices for a stone, so anyone that died like that gets the choice to come back to life, basically another chance at life," the woman told Vision.

Vision listened carefully to the woman's words, feeling a mix of emotions wash over him. The thought of being able to go back to his life was both exciting and daunting.

"I See," he said slowly, processing the information. "And what are the conditions for this 'second chance'?" Vision asked.

"You must have a consequence of what happened to you, an injury, as you probably call it, because of what happened to you. Your head took most of the damage, so if you choose to go back then you will have a brain injury. I don't know how bad it will be exactly, but it will likely include memory loss, which will most likely remain permanent, and more than likely headaches as well. I can't say for sure how much memory loss you'll suffer or how bad the headaches might be, but they will most likely be bad. You've also been gone for 5 years, so please keep that in mind when making your decision. We have to do this quickly, or it will be too late. Anyone who is choosing to go back has to do so within a certain amount of time of Thanos being eliminated and the stones going back to where they were; otherwise, it will not work," the woman told Vision.

"And if I don't want to return, I could just cross over?" Vision asked.

"Yes, you will, and it's completely your choice," the woman told Vision.

Vision thought about it and knew he had to know if Wanda was still alive; if she wasn't, then it wouldn't be worth going back. He cared about the others, but he knew that if she was alive, she would need his help, and the others could look after themselves. He loved Wanda and wanted to be with her if he had the choice. Even if he forgot his life so far with her, he'll remember it, or if not, he'll make a new life with her. He still wanted to be with her.

"Before I make my choice, I want to know if Wanda Maximoff is still alive," Vision told the woman.

"Yes, she is; she was one of the ones who were snapped away, but she has recently returned. She went two minutes after you died until not long ago, so she hasn't been alive long without you," the woman told Vision.

"I would like to accept this second chance," Vision told the woman.

The woman smiled. "Very well then. Your soul will return to Earth, and you'll have another chance at life. I will place a spell over you shortly. You will not feel any pain; you will simply fall asleep, and when you awaken, you will be at the home you and Wanda Maximoff shared, and your body, along with anyone else's in the same position as you, will disappear, and it will be as if nothing happened; the only proof of it will be your injury," the woman told Vision.

The woman approached vision, and he soon fell asleep, happy for the chance to be able to see Wanda again.

He didn't know what his future might hold, but he was ready to try and face it head on.