
What if one of walburgas punishments went to far

Sirius Black who grew up his whole childhood loving and playing quidditch, joining the Gryffindor team as a beater in his 2nd year Sirius Black who had all the energy in the world and was constantly running around Sirius Black whose friends couldn't fathom how he was always running and jumping and flying and never tired Sirius Black who, at age 16 over Christmas break, lost all of this in one night Sirius Black whose mother's took punishment to far. Sirius Black who finally left his family home for good because of this. In December 1975, over Christmas of 5th year, after playing a prank on the elves, Sirius Black was punished by his mother. His leg was paralysed below the knee and he couldn't play quidditch anymore, he couldn't run around or jump anymore, so once and for all, he left for good. the Potter's help him through this as much as they can. he returned to Hogwarts in January 1976 wearing an leg brace and using a walking stick, and there were whispers. Remus lupin who had only just started using a cane for the pain being a werewolf caused him. Tried to help Sirius deal with it as best as he could. Sirius Black, would hex anyone who said anything even remotely ableist to him or Remus.

Chloe_Stanbridge · Phim ảnh
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 Remus

Remus was in the middle of his dinner when his owl suddenly appeared carrying a letter. He

wondered who it could be from since he had already spoken to James and Peter. He knew that Sirius never contacted him during the holidays, especially with what he knew about Sirius' mother.

As the owl landed on the table, Remus snatched the letter and quickly tore it

open. His face turned pale as he read its contents. Without wasting any time,

Remus stood up and grabbed his cane that was leaning against the table. He headed towards the hallway but was so distracted that he bumped into Professor McGonagle.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I wasn't paying attention, Remus apologized, looking up at her.

"It's alright, Mr. Lupin, but please be more careful next time. What's the hurry?" Professor

McGonagle asked curiously.

"I need to leave immediately. I just received a letter with bad news about Sirius, Remus explained to her. "I received a letter from the Potters. Something has happened to Sirius, and James wants me to go right away, " Remus explained urgently.

"Alright, follow me to my office. We will contact the Potters just to confirm your story, and if it's true, I'll then Apparate you myself as it would be the quickest way for you to get there," Professor McGonagle told Remus.

"Thank you, " Remus replied gratefully.

"If what you're saying is true, then it must be

severe, as Mr. and Mrs. Potter wouldn't have you contacted for something minor," Professor McGonagle added thoughtfully.

They arrived at her office, and she sent a letter with her owl to the Potters.

Within a few minutes, she received a reply confirming that it was indeed true. The Potters requested Remus' presence as soon as possible.

"I'Il grant you permission to visit, and if anyone

questions it, you can tell them that I gave you

permission. Also, please check on Mr. Black and keep us informed about what's happening and when you both plan to return," Professor

McGonagle instructed Remus.

Remus knew that this was the closest thing to a confession of concern from her. She had always been his favorite professor, just

like Sirius and James - even though the latter might not want to admit it to anyone.

The next thing he knew, he was at Saint Mungo's Hospital searching for James and the Potters. As he turned the corner and spotted James, a sharp pain shot through his left

leg, causing it to buckle.

He would have fallen if James hadn't been there to catch him.

"Are you alright?" James asked with genuine concern in his voice.

"'I'm fine," Remus replied through gritted teeth as he tested his weight on his leg. He was relieved when it didn't buckle again.

"My parents are still with Sirius; he's not alone," James reassured Remus as

he let go of him.

Remus straightened himself up and asked,

"Can you show me where he is?" As they made their way to the room, James recounted

what had happened. "His mum attacked him. I think he pulled some prank or something, and when she found out, she just lost it. She punished him in a really messed up way. It was his dad who showed up at my parents' house

the one who can't stand him, the one who doesn't even like him - yet he brought him to my parents' house because he was scared for his life and what his mother might do to him. Sirius's father was afraid that she would end

up killing him."

"He has mentioned his mother and how bad she is a few times. I know she punishes him, but I didn't know it would be this severe," Remus replied while trying to conceal his winces of pain.

James could see that Remus was in pain, but he knew better than to question him about it.

"His father said that she used a spell so full of rage and hatred that it hurt him differently than normal. He thinks it's done something bad to him, but we still don't know what exactly," James explained to Remus.

James looked up at Remus and said,

"Mooney, he still hasn't woken up.

"How long has he been here?" Remus asked with concern.

"A few hours. We were so worried about him that I forgot; I'm sorry. When he still hadn't woken up, my mother mentioned you. That's when I remembered and had to contact you,"

James replied.

"It's alright. Have you contacted Pete yet?"

Remus asked.

"No, I contacted you first. It made sense, and I was going to contact Pete in a minute, but I wanted to make sure you were here and at the room first," James responded.

Finally arriving at Sirius's room, Remus looked through the window and saw his friend lying unconscious in the hospital bed.

Remus's anger towards Walburga intensified with every passing second.