
What does Akaza do on his Days off?

When Akaza enters a brothel and meets Akari, her other suiter will be Doma. After Akaza tells her to find true happiness, she finds it in Tokito. Yes, I know he is 14 in the show, but in my story, he will be 18 and taller

CherryBlossom1990 · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Night Eight.

Akari swallows and walks into the hashira meeting. "Miss Akari has some information she would like to share," the master said. Akari walks so she is in front of everyone she bows. "I understand Muzan is a problem, and we need to fix this Tanjiro and Toikto, and Misturi had fought upper ranks and came out alive so did Tengen. His numbers are lower. It's just Doma Akaza and upper rank one," she said. "If you would like the strike, tonight would be best Muzan holds his meeting every full moon, and I know how to get in," she said. "but all I ask is you allow me to kill Doma and Akaza," she said and bowed. That night they moved on to the mansion; Tokito stopped and kissed her deeply. She kisses back and runs, and her whips come out. They follow and break in Doma and Akaza, where there. Akaza stared at her. "Akari," he said and got in a fighting stance. She stood there. "Come at me," she said, and they fought. She cried as she killed Akaza. She turns her attention to Doma, runs and jumps on top of Doma, and shoves her hand into his stomach. "What do you taste like" she whispers and bites his neck. She licks her hand clean from Domas's blood and looks at Muzan, holding up a small child. The child looked human. Akari stood there. "Put the boy down, you pussy ass bitch" she yelled. Muzan grins and drops him. Akari ran, dropping her whips and jumping after him. Tokito tied a whip up and dropped it for her so she could climb back up. He was worried. Nakmui played, and Muzan was gone. "God damnet," Tengen yelled. Akari jumps and lands holding the child. The boy looks seeing Doma. "You killed my father," he said and bit her arm. "Ouch," she said and knocked him out. "Little shit," she mumbled. Tokito picks up the child, and they all leave. The child woke up at the butterfly mansion. Tokito stood up. "Doma was your father," he asked. He sat on the bed. "Yes, and that mean lady killed him," he said. Tokito nods. "Your father killed her, so she was angry. My name is Tokito," he said. "Hoshi," he said. "The woman you bit, her name is Akari, and she is my girlfriend," he said. Hoshi nods. "Still mad at her," Tokito nods.