
What does Akaza do on his Days off?

When Akaza enters a brothel and meets Akari, her other suiter will be Doma. After Akaza tells her to find true happiness, she finds it in Tokito. Yes, I know he is 14 in the show, but in my story, he will be 18 and taller

CherryBlossom1990 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Night Seven

Tokito catches up with Obani and stops him. "Go apologize for kicking her," he said. "I will do no such thing," he said, kept going. Tokito sighed and went back to her cabin and made a fire and lays down across from her, and went to sleep. He woke up the following day and saw the sun almost hitting her. He picked her up and saw a hatch on the floor. He opened it and rushed down and laid her in the bed. He went back up and shut it and sighed, "To close." Tokito said. He left and went back to his house. That night Akari was walking in the woods and picking flowers. She sighed. Tokito lands next to her. "Hello," he said. She jumps back. "Lord Tokito," she said. "I am sorry I didn't mean to scare you," he said. She smiles. "It's fine; how are you this lovely evening," she asks. Tokito smiles. "Better with you," he said. He takes her hand. "Tokito, your too kind," she said, making a flower crown and putting it on his head. She giggled. He smiles and leaves it alone. "You want one," he asks and picks flowers and makes her a crown, and puts it on her head. She smiled brightly and touched it. Akaza watched and sighed, seeing her smile again. "Thank you, Tokito," he whispers. Akari stops smelling Akaza. She tensed up. "Akari," Tokito asks, seeing it. "Akaza, leave me alone. You pushed me away. I am finding happiness," she screamed into the woods. Akaza heard her, and he left. Tokito held her hand and squeezed it. She smiles at him. He kisses her hand. She smiles. "Hey, I think I remember how to make almond tofu," she said. Tokito nodded and followed her back to her cabin. She was cooking for him Tokito smiled, watching her. "Akari," he said, touching of hand. She looks. "You make me happy," he said. "Seeing you smile and how strong you are, how all you want in life is true love, it's amazing," he said. Akari smiles. "All I ever wanted is love from a man who truly loved me for me," she said. Tokito smiles and relaxes. Akari severs him. "Umm Akari, could you maybe," he asks as he takes a bit of food. Akari slowly stood up and got behind him. She gently put his hair up and smiled. Tokito drops his kimono. She smiles and puts mint-scented oil on her hand, and starts to rub his back, her hands slowly putting up his back. He lets out a moan of pleasure. She smiles, hearing him, she moves her hands around his shoulders, and he touches her hand and kisses her, and gets on top of her. She blushes, looking up at him. He slowly placed kisses along her neck and collarbone. She smiles, feeling it. Her hands ran up his sides and around his neck. He smiles. "Akari, don't hate me, but I want to wait," he said as he got off her. She sat up she blushed. "I would love that, Tokito," she said.