
CHAPTER 3 He started to walk Sickness!

Robert is being admitted now in ward 3 room 7,nurse escort mama Robert please"Senior nurse said.It was the second day of the New year when my husband came in the ward with a brown envelope holding it in his hands and told me, I am supposed to go to college.That it was enrollment letter from The Kenya polytechnic.I had applied for a course at the college in the past six months until I forgot about joining the college.What will l do , I thought.I have small twin babies,one is sickly,who will take care of them while I am away.I told my husband to take that letter home for me to think about it.

l left the hospital after twelve days and Robert was tired of staying in the hospital.He had known anyone with a white dress is a nurse.Incase anyone passes near our bed white a dress he would cry and show me the door for us to go home.

Finally I decided to go to Nairobi and join the college because the live must go on.When we were traveling in a bus a hawk passed by carry juices and Robert asked his father to buy for him.To our surprise he drank all of it,for the first time since he started being sick.He did not vomit and this encouraged his father to buy more for him.

At Nairobi I started to go to college and leave my boys with a house help.She was caring and loving.Enjoyed playing with the boys until Robert gained weight,he would talk but he was unable to walk.We bought him baby walker to help him exercise his feet but all was in vain.

During weekends I would take my time with my boys,wash them,feed,them,play ,sing and pray.On one weekend when we were teaching and helping Robert to walk I realized his right part of the body seems weaker.

I noticed his left limb were weak to step down. Left arm and fingers was unable to hold anything.I was worried that my son is becoming lame.I decided to call Ambrose and explain to him.He told me to go see physiologist.

I went to the physiologist who examined Robert and told me that my son left side of the body is paralyzed.The cause of paralysis was unknown.Physiologist recommended that Robert to be going for physio three times a week.

Above all I used to pray for Robert's healing and God to help him walk because his brother Louis was hype active, doing everything perfectly.I would call on God every minute I looked on Robert and ask God to have mercy.He is Almighty,healing and faithful God.

In the evening after college,I was in the kitchen preparing supper,Robert, Louis and Linet ( my house help)were in the sitting room watching television,then I heard them clapping and shouting," mama,mama...! come and see.Louis was shouting mtoto wetu!(our child) mtoto wetu!. When I hurried to see what was the matter, I would not believe my see, Robert was approaching the kitchen.I took him by my arms and started to dance and praise my God.

When I placed him down to walk again he wouldn't,but I encouraged my myself that at least I have seen him walk.We were over excited to see Robert walk.

Everyday evening I used to exercise with Robert and motive him to walk.Slowly by slowly,day by day he started to walk but limping on the left side. The leg on the left was short,he would step with toes to get balance.The left arm was thin and weak to hold anything and fingers folded.

I would sing praises to God because He heard my cry and Robert was walking.

Two years after Robert walking, talking , being a healthy boy.I left to visit my husband upcountry.Their uncle ( my brother) was to take care of them while I am away for 3 days.

My weekend was enjoyable because my husband was graduating from theology college.During graduation party we had met old friends,eat,drank,sang and danced together the whole day of Saturday.I had called my brother to inquire about the boys and he assured me they are doing well.

On Sunday before I left upcountry I called and requested my brother to give me the boys so that I can talk to them.I only talked to Louis because Robert was sleeping. when I was leaving to Nairobi their father gave me two toys to take to his sons.I knew they are going to be happy and thankful for the toys.

When I arrived in the house my brother was the one who opened the door and told me to be quiet because the boys are sleeping.I tip toes to their bedroom,looked at them and they were a sleep.I had missed them though out the weekend.I wanted to talk to them. I went back to the sitting and asked my brother if a can wake them up.He told me not to wake up because Robert is sick and he had be crying the whole day.I felt cold from the head to my toes,sat down because I was loosing strength.Inside me I heard a voice ROBERT AGAIN..I stood slowly and moved towards their bedroom to check on Robert.My brother had to hold my shoulders because memories of Robert being sick was bad

and painful ,why and Almighty God had healed him."Please don't disturb him,let him sleep "my brother said.I just wanted to see my son.