
CHAPTER 2 How it all started.

Dong! dong! dong! at pediatric door.Robert is sick.He had high temperature and looks tired.When pediatric saw me enter in the door ,he asked," is Robert is sick again"." Yeah doc ".I was worried what would be the problem again.After examination he had malaria and he was given medication.

I was given malaria drugs which he took for three days,but to my worry the high body temperature was still on.I decided to seek medication in another hospital,where the did their test of blood and stool.The result was scanty malaria and I was given malaria drugs fever was high for thirty days.

There was no improvement of his health for those thirty days, temperature high daily, crying,no breastfeeding,weight lose, skin turned yellowish.I didn't know what to do because I had gone to different hospital and there was no improvement.

It was heartbreaking to see my son helpless for three weeks with fever, vomiting, crying and as a mother I would not help.

On 27th July,it was their first birthday and Robert was still sick.His father organized a colorful first birthday party for the boys.Robert was just sleeping in the bedroom while Louis and friends enjoyed blowing balloons, cutting cake and singing.I carried him to where other children were but it was like disturbing him.When they other children saw him,they jumped up,sang to him birthday song,hold his weak limbs but he was sick that he would not even open his eyes.

Louis tried to give him a cake as a twin brother but it was in vain.

We were still young, energetic and ready to do anything for our son to be well but in vain.This made me cry every morning before my husband would leave for job because I knew I will remain with Robert alone.He would look at us as we cry , Robert and I,then he would ask politely ma'am ," can I leave for work?"." Please no,no,no,I would insist,"I am afraid of staying alone with Robert". When alone I used to check his heartbeat in fear he is dead. My husband used to go to school for one hour then come back check on us and encourage me not to loose hope, he was always determined to carry his son in his arms and talk to him.He used to talk to him as a grown up."My son , you will be well and live long enough to see the goodness of the Lord".He encouraged Robert to smile,to be happy, not to cry.He would call his name "Robert"! Robert was there still but just turning his eyes side to side as if he is hearing...

" Robert" you will be well and get strength to play with your toys and your brother Louis..He would sooth him to sleep then go back to school for some hours as he wait for lunch time to come home again.

A friend introduced us to a good pediatrician in Kisumu city.My husband called him and explained to him the condition of our son.He booked a day for us to go see him.On that day we left the house at dawn to go see the pediatric.At the hospital the doctor examined the boy and asked us alot of questions.After thirty the doctor took his blood, urine and stool to the laboratory for examination.As we were waiting for the results the doctor told us that the boy's belly was looking big because of poor movement of bowl.He touched his bell and there was hard stool.He inserted some drug in his anus and told us to wait for ten minutes.

After fifteen minutes Robert was crying, sweating, shivering and struggling to release the bowl.The bowl had bad odour, black and hard.When he finished releasing himself he just fell asleep.The doctor told me not to disturb him.

Results was out.Robert was having malaria,low blood level and urine infection.The doctor told us he is going to treat malaria, give us drugs to boast blood level and antibiotics to treat urinary system.The drugs were to be administered for ten days then after we go back to see the doctor to examine why he was having poor bowl movement.

Robert slept well for about four.When he woke up,I had prepared food for to eat and warm water to bath.While bathing him he was relaxed, enjoying the bath, trying to hold the water with those thin,tiny fingers.I would see life in his face.l gave him food and he eat very little but I thanked my God for that because he would not eat at all.The fever was gone.

There was peace, happiness in our house again because Robert had improved and increasing weight.He would sit upright and smile, remember his twin brother Louis is walking, running and talking but Robert was down.Louis would come hold his hand ask me to help him carry his brother so that they can go out and play.

On the fifth day after seeing Doctor Ambrose,his father came from work and called him "Robert ! my strong son" ,by surprise he replied "BA- A- BA" We didn't believe our hears,his father called him again"Robert!" Robert!" he raised up his up for the father to carry him and tried again to call Ba. ,Ba ba.That was the first miracle that our God had done in Robert's life.

Robert was recovering very fast, for I started to mile changes every day.We went to see the doctor after ten days as agreed.The doctor was happy, took some stool for examination again and us ,he will call us when results will be out.

As I was doing my daily chores,I heard a funny sound from Robert's bedroom.Louis was playing in the sitting room with his toys and Robert sleeping.I ran to see what was helping.Ah! my son was convulsing.

His limbs were moving up and down and body shaking.I started to cry and call my neighbor for help.Two of my neighbors heard and came quickly to help.One of them tried first aid and another called my husband to come back home.When my husband arrived we were already leaving to go to the nearest hospital.When we arrived at the hospital,the nurse on duty , rushed Robert in the room and injected him and he fell asleep immediately.

While sleeping we called Doctor Ambrose ,who was very fast to respond that he was coming to attend on him.

As Doctor Ambrose was examining him I was praying to God to have mercy on my son.He had passed through alot of pain.We left the hospital at exactly two p.m.and my husband had planned to go up country to see his parents.He decided to stay because Robert was weak and in pain.As were relaxing after running up and down,Robert became restless and stopped breathing.I was confused, and his father took him in his arms and started to pray , " my God my son is not dieing in Jesus name Amen ",He lied him on the couch so that he can remove him his clothes."Robert you are not dieing in Jesus name ".I was outside in the verandah because that was too heavy for me to bear.

We had no money because we had spent all the cash we had in previous hospital.My husband was having unshakeable faith,he called me from the verandah and he became to talk to God as if he is standing next to him.He told God,"Father in heaven you made me the head of this house with a reason,I ask you to manifest and you should not let me down".He was talking eyes open and holding his son Robert.He told me to take my bag and follow me.