
Werewolf Lord in a Modern World of Heroes

A werewolf lord gets kicked from his home and ends up on modern earth. He struggles to find a way home while being surrounded by the very things he hates and new wonders. All he possesses is his power and a gem that he knows will be the key to his return home. -I’m a totally new writer so don’t hate it to much.-

Adderm · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Introduction To Earth

Atrix walked away from Jacob and contemplated what he should do. He was on a place that was obviously foreign and had no way back with a broken gem.

"Come human tell me of this place," he said.

When Jacob heard those word he wanted nothing more than to just run down the alley and away from the hulking bipedal wolf that was Atrix. But he could already feel that if he disobeyed than he would die.

So he did what anyone who wanted to live would he slowly walked to Atrix and answered his questions. They were relatively simple and basic. What year is it? What city am I in? Are there any mages here? What is the power structure like? How advanced are you? Well not all were simple but were important.

"Its 2023. We are in L.A like I said before. Um, I never heard of a mage before. There is politic…"

"Wait you never heard of mages," Atrix interrupted.

'They must not exist in this world hmm interesting.'

"No sir there are no mages." Jacob said.

"Ok just continue."

"Well there are politicians like the president in this country at the top. But there are also super powered beings. Like Ultralight who use their superpowers to help people, there is also the villains who use there powers to do whatever they want."

"Wait powers. Are you saying that people here have powers but don't rule but help people."

"Um yes but in other parts of the world the powered people have territories and rule like warlords but here in America Ultralight makes sure that democracy stays alive. He is the most powerful powered on the planet and lives in New York."

'Seems I need to know how I rank in this world.'

"Continue human."

"Uh, we are pretty advanced thanks to the powered with super intelligence who advanced us over the last three years. We have planes that can let people fly from one end of the world to the other in a couple hours. Pretty strong plasma guns and tail gums and stuff."

"So the people here didn't always have powers?"

"No people started awakening powers a few years ago after a virus swept the world killing billions. Those who caught the virus but lived gained powers."

Jacob shuddered slightly when he remembered the past. How people were firing in the streets, coughing up their lungs. Bleeding from there ears and so many other symptoms. Including himself. Out of the billions who caught the virus only about 10 million survived and gained powers. Including the villain who killed his family. But he gained nothing.

Some had more power than others but no one knows why their power level differs. He also has no idea why he didn't awaken anything while others have similar problems he just wishes he wasn't one of the powerless who survived the virus but gained no powers. And were generally hunted by the villains and warlords for sport.

No one even knows where this virus came from and why people have awoken powers. But scientists think that it came from space because of the anomaly that occurred 4 years ago involving a black hole occurring in the solar system that quickly sit as soon as it opened.

Atrix digested this information and planed to see if there are libraries close by to further his study. He was a ruler and progenitor of his species he didn't get there by just being the most powerful and immortal but for his intelligence as well.

"I see. You have been helpful human." Atrix said as he turned away from Jacob.

Jacob was kind of happy to see him go. Unaware that there was a shadow behind him that rose from the ground and moved toward his back.

Jacob felt a sharp pain in his back and then collapsed to the the floor devoid of life.

The shadow blade slithered back to the ground and disappeared.

"Sorry human but I don't need others knowing I'm here besides you're human and I'm not feeling very merciful to your kind right now."

Atrix then shifted back to his human form to blend in better with the people of the world. But he noticed that while he is wearing his leather pants he has no shirt or shoes. He looks toward Jacobs quickly cooling corpse and takes off his shoes and shirt.

When he pushes his feet in the dirty brown boots they enlarge to fit his feet while his belt lights up a little. The same happens for the blood stained greenish color shirt with holes in it.

Both pieces of clothing quickly fit him and then begin repairing and cleaning themselves thanks to the enchantments in his belt.

No brooding teenage werewolves named Jacob in this novel.

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