
Werewolf in the Magus World

Fallen into the Magus World, Arthur hoped to live a normal life as a human being. Little did he know, for he was reborn as a werewolf

Fire_Daoist · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

The Werewolf


The Dalian Empire was one of the seven realms of the Dalian Continent, as well as the most powerful one. Supported by the most powerful magical academy, the [Citadel], and possessing plenty of strong noble households producing strong knights, the Greenhill Empire was unmatched in both martial arts and arcane arts.

In the [Valley of Death], there lied an immense tower. The top was impossible to see with naked eyes, for low clouds and a gloomy fog hid it. Those who travelled near the area knew that it was the Dalian Magical Academy known as the [Citadel], known for producing the mysterious arcane art wielders known as [Acolytes].

Travellers knew better than attempting to cross the [Valley of Death], its ominous name saying a lot about the dangers of the region. Besides the harsh radiations nocive to those unable to wield mana, there were plenty of magical beasts and magical plants which could easily claim the lives of unprepared men and women.

Dire Wolves, Goblins, Beastmen, Sky Eagles, Demonic Bears, Flaming Boars, Jade Eye Monkeys...These magical beings could easily tremple on weak armies of minor nobles, not to mention untrained mercenaries. However, these dangerous creatures were not the predators in the region. The [Acolytes], students of the Great Citadel Master [Karl Rutherford], were the hunters, preying on those magical beasts to fund their research in the Citadel Laboratories for their magical experiments.

The sky darkened with the coming night, dozens of candles was lit inside the meditation rooms provided to acolytes. Failing to bring any warmth, the candle was not even able to repel the [Dead Spirits] roaming inside the tower. Although they were harmless and unintelligent, these dead spirits were a torture for the acolytes deprived of sleep. They would talk, and roam, and talk more until the acolytes became mad.

Only those who could cast an offense magical spell could get rid of them. However, casting a spell was only possible after years of theorical studies and months of practice.

Greem Thornfield, who had just turned fifteen, was breathing in and out in rythm. Each one of his breath used mana, and channelled the energy in the air into his veins, muscles and bones. Within the tower, only those from noble backgrounds would be able to tell that Greem was actually practicing one of the famous and rare [Knight Breathing Technique]. Monopolised by noble households, knight breathing techniques were the reason why knights possessed bodies surpassing the realm of mankind. By refining their blood, bones and muscles with mana, they were able to rival with acolytes in terms of fighting prowess, and decimate average soldiers.

Many thrived to become knights, but only preparatory knights with breathing techniques would have a shot at becoming one. Usually, it would take at least two decades to become one, but Greem was already one. Although he had arrived in this world two years ago, the discomfort of his soul still gave him frequent headaches. His mind was distracted, the scenes of what happened back on Earth continually flashing through his eyes. As his mind wavered, he finished his training earlier than he had expected.

"I guess this is it for today", he muttered, slightly disappointed that he could not practice more.

This world was no longer the Earth that he was familiar with, and the body he was now inhabiting was not his original body either. It once belonged to an acolyte, whose name was Greem. In brief, he was just a wandering soul, who managed to take over this body right at the moment when the original Greem died.

The original Greem was part of the [Thornfield] Household, whose head was the infamous [Red-eyed Count], John Thornfield. Although it was known as a [Knight] Household, it possessed a terrifying secret. Those who bore the name of [Thornfield] were not humans, but werewolves. Cursed from a mental disease that caused them to feel extreme hunger at every full moon, they benefitted from extraordinary physiques and senses, as well as the high affinity with mana. Upon reaching the [Intermediate Acolyte Realm], werewolves were capable of turning into wolves.

Greem had been exiled to the [Citadel]. Ten years ago, his parents stole a very rare elixir to strengthen his bloodline which was too faint. In the Thornfield Households, babies with faint werewolf bloodline would be drown into the fountain of death. The elixir was actually a treasure that enhanced the odds of elder werewolves breaking into the incredible [Advanced Acolyte Realm]. However, it had been 'wasted' on Greem. As a result, he was raised amidst scorn and hatefulness. As for his parents, they had been put in the Thornfield Castle's dungeons for the rest of their lives.

Still, Greem possessed a strong will and after being sent to the Citadel at the young age of 10, he trained with everything he had. Unfortunately, he failed to control his anger on a full moon, and started to hunt in the Valley of Death, alone and unequipped. Encountering a pack of strong [Dire Wolves], he eventually fell in combat. Left for dead, it was only by luck that a modern soul managed to take over his body and somehow find the strength to return to the Citadel. After several months of recovery, Greem eventually managed to adapt to this new lifestyle of extreme training and meditation in the Citadel.

Two years later, Greem had not only broken through and became a [Knight], he also happened to have successfully learnt his first spell: [Soul Howl]. It was a powerful offensive spell which could obliterate his target with potent soundwaves. Because it travelled at the speed of the sound, it was almost impossible to dodge either. Its only drawback being its low range.