
Werewolf in the Magus World

Fallen into the Magus World, Arthur hoped to live a normal life as a human being. Little did he know, for he was reborn as a werewolf

Fire_Daoist · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"Body Scan", Greem muttered.

[Name - Greem Thornfield | Age - 15 Years Old | Beginner Rank Acolyte


Strength - 3.5 | Agility - 3.1 | Vitality - 3.4 | Magical Power - 6.3

Perks: Knight Physique [Reflexes enhanced, stronger recovery rate, enhanced physical growth rate], Werewolf [Physical growth rate significantly increased, heightened smelling sense]

Bloodline: Werewolf [56% Purity]

Skills: Thornfield Swordsmanship [Advanced]

Rank 0 Spell: Soul Howl

Affinity: Grade 3 Wind Talent]

In this world, every normal human being possessed some basic body attributes at birth. After years of research and classification, which had been done by generations upon generations of Magi, they had finally categorized these into four different attributes: Strength, Vitality, Agility, and Magical Power. As one could guess, Magi were differentiated based on these four basic attributes.

Strength was primarily used to quantify a person's musculature and body strength. This attribute was very important for close combat acolytes and knights. Agility was used to quantify body synchronization, flexibility, reflexes, and balance. Vitality represented a person's health and endurance. Any increase in physique would improve a person's health, fortitude and focus. Therefore, it is very important for both knights and acolytes.

As for Magical Power, it represented the magical strength you possessed. Be it the intensity of spells or you mana pool, both were determined by magical power. As a magical species, werewolves possessed a better growth rate than most acolytes, as evidenced by Greem's talent grade. Thanks to the elixir he had ingested when he was younger, Greem possessed a very high bloodline purity compared to his peers and grade 3 wind talent and thus qualified as one of the most talented individuals in the Citadel. After all, more than half the acolytes possessed the minimal talent to walk the path of Magi, which is grade 1 talent.

As for the highest grade 5 talents, they were as rare as phoenix's feathers. It had been more than a century since one was born, and he died before ascending to the ultimate Magus Realm.

The biochip was a nice tool which came from the modern era and reincarnated with him. It was the only thing that kept him sane in the antisocial and cold environment within the Citadel. Although he had no friend to talk to, the obsession for power enabled him to adapt to the Citadel. The biochip was far from being almighty, but it allowed him to memorize data instantly, although understanding the scanned grimoires and scrolls took much longer.

Its analysis feature did provide some interesting intel. As long as he observed a target for more than a couple of seconds, he could evaluate its physical and magical attributes. Whenever he went out of the [Citadel] to complete a mission, it would be a great factor of whether to fight or flee opponents.

*Toc* *Toc* *Toc*

Before he could finish preparing, someone knocked at his door. Looking at the hour glass on his small wooden desk, he realized that he was late for his patrolling mission. Putting the white cape symbolizing his membership to the Citadel on his back, he opened the door in a hurry.

Two eighteen-year-old teenagers awaited him with annoyed faces.

[Emma Steelguard - Beginner Rank Acolyte]

[John Ironwill - Beginner Rank Acolyte]

In the Citadel, it was impossible to survive alone. After all, each and every acolyte had to complete a quota of tasks within the mission floor. Those who had connections with the [Apprentice Leader Clauss] could take the easy ones, such as librarian duty and working at the magical farming floor.

However, for those with little influence and few connections like Greem, only the more dangerous ones were left. Among them, patrolling missions could be considered quite easy to complete. After all, there was theorically no fighting involved, and only consisted on reporting any abnormal activity in the vacinity of the Citadel.

Since it was a weekly task, it also provided a steady income that was more than enough to fund housing and magical studies. When killing a monster, there was a chance at getting a [Magical Beast Core], which could be sold for several magic crystals. When this happened, Greem would be able to afford the rare and precious [Body Strengthening Toxins] required to further speed his physical growth rate and improve his fighting prowess. These toxins were one of the main reason why he had managed to become a knight so early, and get recognized by most of the apprentices in the tower.

"You are late", Emma said.

Her blond hair and innocence were very attractive, but she had been in the tower for a longer time than Greem. She had a lot of experience, and behind her nice appearance, lied a witch capable of destroying your body with the infamous [Acidic Shot] offensive spell. She was the main damage dealer of the team.

John just nodded upon hearing her. Frail and weak in comparison to Greem, who trained his body daily and possessed werewolf bloodline, he was actually the most famous acolyte in the group. Capable of casting the [Nature Care] healing spell, he was very important in war of attritions as he could heal injuries at incredible speed.

"I apologize for that. Let me get my cross sword, and we are good to go", Greem said clearly

Although Emma was the one who had founded the group, they were all aware that Greem had changed a lot in the past two years. Besides his swordsmanship progress, Greem had also broken through the knight realm. If they knew that he had also learnt the [Soul Howl] spell, they would try to torture him in order to find out the secrets behind his supernatural growth rate.

However, Greem was far too cunning for that.

He would never reveal his trump cards to others, even if they happened to be teammates.

After living for two years in the Citadel, Greem knew that friendship did not truly exist in this place. Backstabbing, unexplained deaths were all too frequent.