

Here at Zenn Wood We are Very aware that Our school has the reputation of being one of the most dangerous schools the workers at Zenn Hood are trying there very best to fix that problem and make Zenn Hood and safe environment once again.We are still recovering From what people call the Lovesick Curse and We can confirm that the person who started the Lovesick curse is gone and will stay gone. Another person that is gone is The Man With The Off-White.The Lovesick cause was one thing but that man has Put our school and our teachers and our students in danger.I will make is my Duty that the lovesick Curse and The Man With The Off-White will never return.I apologize for all the parents that where worried for there students and for all the students that was put in danger.I will Understand if you would now no longer want your child at our school.Once again something like with will never happen again.Thank you for Reading and Remember.We are Zenn Hood Proud

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24 Chs

The First Bub

Outside Zenn Hood


Fizeal:Ayo bitch ass n**** witch one are you?

Quantavius:Oh I'm a bitch ass N****?

Fizeal:Yeah bitch!

Quantavius:Yeah that's adorable hearing that from Zenn Hood.

Azeem:What you trynna say N****?

Quantatius:I'm trynna say that Zenn Hood are some bitches. But Y'all already knew that

Qai:We some bitches? Fuck is you talking to a mirror?

Quantavius:You better calm your hype ass down child.I don't got time to worry about any explosions around these schools.

Kai:Ayo watch your mouth yo!

Quantavius:I don't know who you talking to.

Amarda:He talking to you!

Quantavius:What the hell is this.You gotta let your i'm assuming girlfriend fight you battles?

Kai:Get the fuck on bro

Azeem:So we are gonna bub?

Quantavius:*Sigh* what the hell is a bub? Y'all Philly N****s are so mentally Ill that y'all can't even say the word fight.Always trynna shorten terms and take the easy way out.A Dub meaning 20 dollars what type of shit is that?

Azeem:Bro ain't you from Philly?

Quantavius:False. [I moved to Philly] and your doing a lot of talking.What about these too.*Looks at Jameer and Kentrell*

Kentrell:Oh shit.

Quantavius:Now you short shit are about as unless as Sakura But you on the other hand, you even taller then me! *Gets in Jameer's face" Now what do you gotta say for the situation you're in?

Jameer:Your doing too much bro.

Quantavius:I'm doing too much? No no no.

(Quantavius slaps Jameer's glasses off)

Quantavius:Now that was me doing to much.

Azeem:Yeah you fucked up bro.

Quantavius:What? All I did was slap him. If he going cry about—-

(Jameer punches Quantavius so hard he went flying down the road)


Jameer:Hey Azeem.


Jameer:I think I done thinking about if i'm sliding or not

Azeem:Oh yeah what's the answer?

Jameer:Honestly i probably wasn't gonna go but now sense this N**** wanna piss me off imma slide.Just so I can fuck up the other two triplets.

Azeem:On who?

Jameer:On Durk n****!

Azeem:Yeahhh now that's what I want to hear! Finally stopped bitching.

Jameer:Ohh shut the fuck up!

Azeem:What bro?

Jameer:Bitching this…Bitching that…Blah Blah BLAH! I don't pull bitches this….I don't pull bitches that…Blah Blah BLAH!! Like who the fuck cares Azeem?

Azeem:Ayo where did this come from?

Kentrell:Oh shit this is Jameer Number 2

Azeem:The Fuck is a Jameer number 2 there's only one Jameer.

Kentrell:You see you wouldn't know about this but first there's Jameer Number 1.You know the guy that always got the glasses on right?


Kentrell:People would say this is the Bitch ass N**** Jameer.But then there's Jameer Number 2.[Jameer Number 2 is a more serious and dead honest version of Jameer.But this version will only come out when his glasses come out. Not just that there's more.There's also Jameer Number 3 and ah man we don't wanna talk about Jameer Number 3.]

Azeem:You said that like I gave a fuck.

Jameer:Listen man. Everyday all I hear from you is "Jameer is Tall with no bitches", "Bro Shut the fuck Jameer", "Stop bitching Jameer". You have never if not barely said anything good about me. But Right now I'm more concerned About This Bitch ass N****. So it's ether you Help me.Or you Shut the fuck up.

Azeem:N**** you...Bro Shut the….(Shit i don't ever know what to say. It been a while since someone stood up to me like that. And not just that. Why did that make me feel like I'm not that N****?)

Jameer:You Gonna say—-

(Before Jameer Could Finish His sentence Quantavius Recovers from that Punch and Knees Jameer in the Guts)

Quantavius:You became Tough Shit when you take off them Glasses. You must be Form the JSV Zite dynasty.

Kai:Ayo Hop off my Mans!

(Kai changes at Quantavius.)

Quantavius:Deal With him!

???:Which one of us?


???:Ok sir!

(A Big fat Darkskin charges at kai)

Kai:Oh Shit!

(The Big guy Attempts to Punches Kai,But Fizeal Pushes Kai out the way and Blocks the Punch)

Fizeal:Now what is a Big ass n**** like you Doing trynna Bub someone so small.

???:You must be from the JXG Buff Dynasty. I would be scared but we all know that your Dynasty is a Ripoff of The NTJ Tank Dynasty.

Fizeal:*Gets Irritated* Shut the fuck up!

(Fizeal Lifts Up the Big Guy and Throws him through a bush)

Fizeal:Yo Kai you good?

Kai:Yeah.There is a lot of N****s Hear.

Qai:Never Been a problem for us brother!

Kai:Yeah you right.

Qai:Alright so I take the N****s on the left you can the N****s on the right

Kai:Ard bet.

Quantavius:*Applauds* Not Bad Fizeal. you managed to throw one of our Biggest Men through a bush.

Fizeal:Pay Attention to the N**** you bubbing.

(Jameer Recovers From that knee)

Quantavius:Who said I wasn't Paying attention?

(Jameer attempts to sneak Quantavius but he dodges them attempts to Punch the ribs but Jameer Blocks then Pushes Back the Fist with one hand then uses the other hand to slap the Dogshit outta of Quantavius)

Quantavius:Damn! [How the fuck are your Slaps harder them your punches?]

Jameer:Built Different!

(Quantavius and Jameer continue to Fight as the rest of the people from Park Academia Attempts to jump the Dynasty Decedents)

Azeem:*Throwing Hands* Damn how many N****s Are there?

(Suddenly A man Comes from the sky and Back Fists Azeem to the Ground)

Azeem:What the fuck?

Vontavius:Me personally I would never get put on the ground like that.

Quantavius:Vontavius?? What the fuck are you doing here? *Blockes Punch from Jameer*

Vontavius:I can't let you have and your side of Park Academia have all the fun! Besides this that same guy that was pointing down whenever someone was talking about King von's death. *Kick Azeem's face*

Quantavius:Wait is your side of the school is here?


(Azeem Does a Dropkick from the Ground and hits Vontavius in the face)

Vontavius:God Damn N****! Strong ass forces!

Azeem:You see i ain't bout to let you Sneak me then Kick me in the face like That. I don't know if you mistaken me for kentrell but I'm not that type of guy.Matter of fact where is Kentrell.

Kentrell:Oh yeah I'm about to record all this shit and is gonna looks so tuff. I'm really like the best Cameraman for real.

(A bunch of people are trying to jump Fizeal but he powers out of every single one of them)

Fizeal:Damn all these N****s all on my dick and…..*Looks at Kentrell* WHAT THE FUCK IS YOU DOING KENTRELL??????

Kentrell:I'm recording.


Kentrell:I'm Good bro.

Fizeal:You want me to stop calling you a gay bitch?

Kentrell:Your still gonna call me a Gay Bitch ether way.

Fizeal:You right…..Gay Bitch.

Kentrell:Why you always bulling me?

Fizeal:Cause your a Gay Bitch. Now you see that n**** right there's

(Fizeal points at a person that is running up at him.)

Fizeal:Fuck him up.


Fizeal:Fuck him up or I fuck you up.

Kentrell:No bro!

Fizeal:Oh my god!

(Fizeal starts pushing Kentrell to the person.)

Kentrell:Chill bro!

Fizeal:Naw Nigga you gonna—-

(Kentrell is completely gone)

Fizeal:Where the Fuck did you go?!?!

(Fizeal see Kentrell running for his life)

Fizeal:This Bitch ass…..

(Fizeal Grabs the same person that he was point at earlier and throws that person at kentrell)

Kentell:*Squeals in pain* what the fuck bro?

(Fizeal runs to kentrell and grabs him by the head)

Fizeal:You know what Kentrell you may be a bitch ass n**** but your ass still gonna be useful.

Kentrell:LET GO OF ME!

(Fizeal takes Kentrell to a group of Park Academia people)


Fizeal:PAUSE N**** anyways let see if I still got it.

(Fizeal Holds Kentrell head like a football)

Fizeal:this should be the right angle.You ready kentrell?

Kentrell:No N****!

Fizeal:Too bad.

(Fizeal Throw Kentrell at one of the People and his head bounced like a pin pong hitting everyone in that Group.

Fizeal:Yeah That what y'all football finna deal with!

(Cuts to Kai, Qai, and Amarda)

Kai:Yo Qai How many N****s you Knocked out?

Qai:Like 8.

Kai: 10 dickhead.

Qai:You always Trynna one up me

Kai:Naw you just Nutty.

Amarda:Y'all both nutty I knocked out like 15 people.

Qai:Uhhh? How?

Kai:Why are you still here?

Amarda:I just trynna support my Boyfriend.

Kai:And I don't want my Girlfriend to get hurt. So leave please.

Amarda:Now that's really nutty.

(A bunch of people starts surrounding the three)

Kai:Oh shit.

Qai:Naw we got this.

Amarda:Exactly Kai. What you bitching for?

Qai:Naw your girl saying your bitching is crazy

Kai:All I said was oh shit bro.

(Suddenly, Kentrell Ping Pong Head hits all the people that was about to jump the three)

Kai:What the Fuck?

(Kentrell goes Flying through Azeem.)

Azeem:Oh my god.This N**** Kentrell.At least he is taking out some of park Academia.

Vontavius:AYE! Eyes on me!

Azeem:N**** ain't no one worried—-

(Vontavius Jabs Azeem in the face)

Vontavius:Maybe you should be worried.

Azeem:Lucky Shot dickhead!

(Azeem Attempts a Roundhouse Kick Vontavius But he ducks Under and Ball tapes Azeem)

Azeem:Ahh What the fuck N****

Vontavius:Don't say nun about that. There's no rules and a street—-

(Azeem Ball tapes Vontavius)

Vontavius:Ow N****! It don't count when you do it.

Azeem:Shut your Bitch ass up.

(As Vontavius Is still feeling the effects of the ball tape. Azeem hit's Vontavius with jabs, crosses, Hook, And then just started Swinging like a hood N**** Until…)

Vontavius:*Catches Azeems hand and sighs* All hood N****s Fight the same.

Azeem:What? Ain't you and your triplets hood?

Vontavius:Incorrect. [The suburbs. Me and my twin brothers where trained in a karate dojo, a wrestling mat, and the octagon,We have mastered kung fu, Mixed martial arts, Boxing and way more. But despite the fact that We are triplets.Me or Quantavius could never surpass BonQuavius—]


Vontavius:Ok man.

(With a instant. Vontavius Break Azeem's Finger and locks in a front headlock and Continuity punches him in the guts and then throws him to a Group of Park academia People and they jumped him)

Vontavius:Man You different from your dynasty. [Your dynasty has a very unique fighting style] but you…It's like your Trying to avoid your Dynasty's style.That weird man….very weird you Weird ass N****

(Azeem starts to get pissed and straight up Knocks out everyone that jumped him)

Vontavius:Oh..I guess I was partially wrong. [This must me the "Rage" part of your Dynasty.] Oh well you still a bitch ass N—-

(Azeem Rushes to Vontavius and while screaming in rage he constantly punches Vontavius so hard that his nose bleeds out and had a black eye)



(Azeem Kicks Vontavius and that starts aggressively punches him.But with Vontavius being the more tactical of the two he grabs his Wrist and does a Wrist lock takedown taking him to the Ground.But Azeem powers out then slams Vontavius and starts raining down punches.But Vontavius locks him a Guillotine)

Vontavius:[So maybe you are like you dynasty because you noticed that you position was being tested.

Azeem:Shut up!

(Azeem Lifts up Vontavius and slams him head first and again starts Raining punches but this time Vontavius was ready so he blocks and grabs both hands and hits him with a headbutt that stuns Azeem.)

Vontavius:(Damn he got faster. He's hits faster too.Still no a problem tho)

Quantavius:Yo Vontavius you good! *Dodges punch form jameer* looks like you got a black eye.

Vontavius:Yeah yeah nothing new. I'm fine.

Quantavius:Ok man *Focuses Back on Jameer* You know I been a while sense you was actually able to hit me Jameer *Goes for a jab*

Jameer:*Dodges and throws punches* Yeah I know. (I still trying to figure out his openings, but his fighting style is so good i can barely find openings.Even when i do he closes that openings. Wait I got a idea)

Quantavius:*Dodges and throws punches(This guy is not so bad, I mean I can still hit him but they might as well be love taps.)

Jameer:Stop! It pretty obvious that we are evenly matched.

Quantavius:Fine….You know your actually not so weak. I actually shouldn't have underestimated—-

Jameer:(That's my opening!)

(Jameer manages to hit Quantavius so hard that he breaks his nose)

Quantavius:DAMNIT (I let my guard down expecting for us to stop fighting and he took advantage of that situation)

Jameer:Yeahhh You dumb bitch!

(Jameer hits Quantavius with everything he got)


Jameer:Now Now for my dynasty's signature move…JAMAICAN SLA—-


(Everyone in Park Academia stops fighting the Dynasty as BonQuavius Walks into the battle)

Azeem:What the fuck?

BonQuavius:Where is Miguel?

Kai:I don't know N**** why you care?

BobQuavius:Because out of all of y'all dynasties Miguel is the only one worth my time.


BonQuavius:Von and Quantavius. Times up. We saw what they can do.

Fizeal:That Deep ass Voice.

Vontavius:looks like our time is up Azeem.

Azeem:THAT'S IT N****?

Vontavius:We Just wanted to see what you dynasties can do?

Fizeal:Oh hell naw ya ain't just gonna leave and-

(In a instant, BonQuavius charges at Fizeal and slaps his cheat so hard that it hit his lungs and all the air came out of his body.Fizeal falls on the Ground trying his best to get some air.)

BonQuavius:Like i said. The only person that I am concerned about is Miguel and he is not here. So we are leaving.

Quantavius:This guy is pretty strong just without his glasses.


(BonQuavius completely ignores Quantavius's statement as Kai runs up on him )

Kai:Naw you ain't bout to just hit my mans and just leave.

(Kai goes for a punch but with barely any movement, BonQuavius Dodges and breaks all of Kai's fingers with just one hand)


Amarda:Oh my god Kai you ok?!?!?

(Suddenly Kentrell bounces to BonQuavius but he back hands him causing Kentrell's momentum to stop)

Qai:Oh naw this guy the real deal.

Azeem:Naw he ain't all that.

BonQuavius:And with those optimistic words I can just tell that your from the ZAC Rage Dynasty. One of the most Cocky people alive.But then again one of the most scared.

Azeem:What you mean?

BonQuavius:You have a fear of losing your reputation and losing all those whores you call bitches. Here's why. Without all them bitches what are you Azeem?

Azeem: *getting mad* you just mad that—

BonQuavius:You get more bitches then me? Was that what you was going to say?

Azeem:(How did he know?)

BonQuavius:I just met you and you already so predictable. I can tell that you got all the bitches in the world sir and you are pretty popular. But what happens when you get your ass whooped huh? What happens when someone out bids you?

Azeem:*Getting more mad* Bro Shut the fuck up.

BonQuavius:Oh I'm just asking. Where do the bitches go when you get fucked up. Allow me the answer that question. They vanish. What happens to your reputation when you think you can beat someone up because of there looks and then you get roundhouse kicked so bad that you have to be sipping only liquid for the rest of your life? What happens is that your reputation dies and that why you only bid on people you think you can beat in a fight

Azeem:N**** you name is literally Bon-

(Before he starts bidding, BonQuavius punches Azeem so hard that he did a backflip.)

Jameer:Ayo bro-

BonQuavius:You stay right there. You know that I am correct.

(Jameer Doesn't move)

BonQuavius: Your scared. Your scared of being alone. Your scared of having no one on your side. You scared of losing your king status and that why you try you bid and step on the weak to prove you dominance.But when someone on you level comes walking around, you try to be there friends so you won't be there enemy or if you have enough friends you wouldn't give a damn about other people on your level

(Azeem startes to take out [some sunglasses])

Azeem:(Don't do it.. [you don't need them anymore])

BonQuavius: Oh don't start [Shaking your hips] now Philly boy.

(Suddenly a car is coming towards BonQuavius and the car is blasting some loud ass music)

BonQuavius:Ayo is that juice Wr—

(The car hit BonQuavius and the driver comes out off the car.)

Vontavius:Oh shit bro you good?

Quantavius:Should we call 911?

Eren:Yeah dickhead the fuck you thought this was? Fuck PA n****! *Checks on Azeem* you good gang?

(Azeem gets up but himself and walks to Jameer)




Jameer:Keep it a bean….

Azeem:Wow….wow…..Fucking wow.

(Azeem angrily walks off)

Eren:Damn no thank you?

(Suddenly, Eren's car starts moving.)

Eren:Ayo what the fuck? *Realized that he left his keys in the car* oh shit…

(Eren see the triplets in his car)

Vontavius:Yeah look at you all hype. Now I'm driving in your car Dickhead.

Quantavius:This a nice car too.

BonQuavius:Just drive.

(The triplets drive off in Eren's car)


(Cuts to Azeem's sister Azerhia with her boyfriend Trey.They safely made it to Azeem's house.)

Trey:Ard this your house?

(This is Trey,He is midnight Black with dreads)


(This is Azerhia, she is Like Azeem but shorter and a female.As confirmed In chapter 2 Azerhia is in the ZAC Rage Dynasty)

Trey:Well Ard—

(Suddenly some Kinky as N**** takes a picture of Azerhia and Trey)

Trey:Ayo What the fuck bro?

Azerhia:What the Hell?

Kinky person:*Does Weird Laugh* I gOt ThE pIcTuRe Of YoU tOo. Y'aLl LoOk SoOoOoOoOo CuTe ToGeThEr

Trey:Ayo What The Fuck is up with you?

(The Kinky person Laughs again then does the Minecraft run)

Trey:Oh naw we gotta find that N****!

(The Kinky Person runs all the way to the woods.)

Kinky Person:Alright I took the picture a I made sure I looked a noticeable all possible.

Lilnax:Good….Now on to the second part of the plan.



Coming this week if not next week


ENTER REALITY:Chapter 20 coming this week.



Author's Instagram:Blackboi888._(Yes I am just 16)

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