

Author: NTJNovels
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Here at Zenn Wood We are Very aware that Our school has the reputation of being one of the most dangerous schools the workers at Zenn Hood are trying there very best to fix that problem and make Zenn Hood and safe environment once again.We are still recovering From what people call the Lovesick Curse and We can confirm that the person who started the Lovesick curse is gone and will stay gone. Another person that is gone is The Man With The Off-White.The Lovesick cause was one thing but that man has Put our school and our teachers and our students in danger.I will make is my Duty that the lovesick Curse and The Man With The Off-White will never return.I apologize for all the parents that where worried for there students and for all the students that was put in danger.I will Understand if you would now no longer want your child at our school.Once again something like with will never happen again.Thank you for Reading and Remember.We are Zenn Hood Proud

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Chapter 1Introduction

NOTE: this novel contains a lot of bad languages, Graplic references to Violence, inappropriate references to private areas, inappropriate references to sex interest, common use of the N-word (all people that say the N-Word in this novel Are black and the N-word will also be censored)and possibly inappropriate references to race and religion. I ask if you take offense to any of the things I mentioned, I ask for you to NOT read this novel as this novel is inappropriate for some viewers. As the author everything that is referenced inappropriately in this novel is only for plot, character and comedy purposes.I do not personally believe or support any of the things that were negatively referenced in this novel because once again, it is for plot, comedy and character purposes I can also promise that this novel WILL NOT mention any pass events that involved racism,sexism or violence of any kind, unless it is used positively, and for plot purposes.Once again, if you take offense to any of the things I mentioned, I ask you to NOT READ THIS NOVEL.

Local Retail store near Zenn Hood.


???:Damn Y'all still closed?


???:That's pretty nutty man

Worker:(Is he serious or joking?)

???:Like God damn the fuck are y'all scared off??


???:Like Ok Closing the store for like a Month is one thing….BUT ITS CLOSING IN ON 3 MONTHS AND Y'ALL STILL AIN'T OPEN IT BACK UP??????

Worker:Um sir we are Open throughout the day Just not between 7 am to 3pm.


(Eyes start flickering red)

Worker:Ummm sir are you ok??

???:Listen you bitch ass N**** Open up the FUCKING door and let me get a Damn milkshake.

Worker:Sir you have to understand I didn't make this decision.

???:Then who did?

Worker:The owner of This store.

???:Yeah no shit WHO?????

Worker:I'm sorry but I don't know sir.

(Suddenly the wrestling team walks up to that angry person)

Wrestler:Aye You thought I was joking?

???:The fuck are you talking about?

Wrestler:I said that we're going to kidnap you and force you to Join the wrestling team.

???:I'm not in the mood for your gay sex sport!

Wrestler:But you joined last year.

???:And then you bring up the past listen.All of you fat monkeys are PISSING ME OFF!!!

Wrestler:Ayo bro we were joking chill out.


Wrestler:Ayo my fault bro…We gonna leave now.

(The person Grabs the wrestler Wrist so hard that his hand Crushes the bone for the wrist)

Wrestler:*Screaming In pain*

Worker:Oh shit!!!!

(The worker tries to run but the person grabs his head and rips it out of this body When this murder does this. For a moment he snaps back to reality.)

???: SHIT! Shit….no no no it's happening again!!!!

Wrestler 2: Bro….What the fuck is up with you?

(This Bipolar Murder yells at the top of his lungs)


Wrestler 3: Y'all heard the man! GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!

(The whole wrestling team skedaddles and the murder turns back to his Murderous state)


————————A FEW HOURS LATER——————-

(The person managed to escape the cops somehow and is in his room looking outside his window as his father walks his room.)

Father:Hey Miguel.

Miguel:Hey dad.

(This is Miguel,He is 6 foot,Darkskin spiky black hair and Is known for having a [Off-White Hoodie] despite barely wearing it anymore)

Father:I just got off the phone with your therapist. He said he was on vacation, but will be back tomorrow.

Miguel:Yay I guess.

Father:[You got angry again boy?]

(If you see a sentence that has [__] in between that means the sentence might be some important information about a character or some important information for a future chapter)


Father:Who Got Got this time.

Miguel:My wrestling team almost got got. [But they managed to get outta there. And I don't think any of them died.]

Father:What they do?

Miguel:It wasn't there fault. It was mine.

Father:It wasn't you fault son.It was [His]

Miguel:I thought I was cured Dad. I thought I would never see him again but when I was getting angry…I saw him…[That 7 ft 11 black figure]

Father:I'm Sorry to hear that

Miguel:It's Fine.

Father:Did you get away from the cops?

Miguel:I probably Killed them too.

Father:Damn son…

Miguel:But then when I turned back I was no where near Philly.

Father:Well God damn boy

Miguel:Yeah.Hey dad?


Miguel:Do People tell stories about me?

Father:Actually yeah.

Miguel:And What do they call me?

Father:They call you…..[The man with the Off-White]

Miguel:Wow….[So those three were Right]

Father:Who are those Three.

Miguel:Not important.

Father:You know school is—

Miguel:Not going.


Miguel:I'll probably end up killing the everyone in the school.

Father:That's only if they piss you off.

Miguel:Dad? You truly think imma go through a entire school year without being mad? Especially that school?

Father:Boy you need a education.

Miguel:I'm already smart.

Father:You need to get smarter!


Father:Listen son i know your scared that you will kill your friends but...These friends are different.

Miguel:Do you not understand how disrespectful that sound to the [other friends that I killed?]

Father:Right…..My Bad but they will still be worried about you.

Miguel:Worried? *Smirks* I bet half of the didn't even know i was Gone.

Father:Oh course all of them would notice.

Miguel:*Laughs* they wouldn't even acknowledge me. Like seriously the majority of the time I text something in the groupchat that we have they usually just ignore me. And you still think they will care for me???

Father:Do you care for them?

Miguel:If I didn't I would be at school right now.and that's why I shouldn't go.Like I said before if I want to keep my friends alive, I should stay away from them.


Miguel:Why do you want me the go to school anyways? You not usually so pressed about It.

Father:Fine I'll tell you the real reason. I just have a crazy feeling that something bad is going to happen to your school.

Miguel:Aye man most of the students feel the exact same way the second they walked through those doors

Father: But this one is different. And I feel that the school is going to need you.

Miguel: dad, do you think one person is going to save the entire school?

Father: if the person is you then yes.

Miguel:Now if you said that to every student in the school, they will all laugh at you.honestly if you really think about it.I'm probably the one that burns the school down but we don't want that to happen, right?

Father: Miguel should I remind you of your powers again

Miguel: yeah, go ahead.

Father: you are in the [NTJ Tank dynasty] you are the strongest out of all the dynasties you can progressively gets stronger, smarter, faster or more durable just by putting in the effort.You can lift up a pencil and you will get stronger.You could walk and you would get faster.

Miguel:[My cousin is also from that dynasty so they good.]

Father:But Your More powerful.

Her Miguel:I know.

Father:…..So go to school.


Father:You did it before! [You saved the school before]

Miguel:And someone else will do it this time.


Miguel:The boys


Miguel:There from a dynasty too am I wrong?

Father:No your Right. But they don't have the Same powers as you.

Miguel:So what?

Father:Ok fine tell me want they could do.

(Does a pattern of cutting to the group leaving school and then cutting back Miguel and his father.)

(Introducing the Young Dynasty also Known as. The main characters)


Miguel:First there's Azeem


Azeem:This N**** Still bidding on the eagles when they 10 and Fucking 1.


Miguel:Azeem if I can remember he is from the [ZAC Rage Dynasty] he'a like 6 ft 2 with His hair twisted.Also he Always Wearing the same Fucking hoodie and shoes.So there is no way you can recognize him.

Father:And how is he useful?

Miguel:He have the power of bidding.

Father:So his power is hurting people's feelings.

Miguel:Yep and his fighting style is basically Philly dances.

Father:What the fu—-


Azeem:Like Shut the fuck up all dickriding the 49ers




Miguel:There's also Fizeal you know the one who looks like a lightskin Asian? Yeah he like 6 ft 1 buff as shit but probably don't got abs tho.He's from the [JXG Buff dynasty]. That makes him the Strongest

Person is the group not included me of course. And surprisingly he is also the second fastest person in the group.One again not including me.

Father:Who's the first fastest?

Miguel:That is...


Fizeal:Y'all are the definition of eagles fans Black and gay



Azeem:Oh my god Kentrell What the fuck is up with you?


Father:Kentrell is the fastest?


Father:Your not gonna tell me—

Miguel:He's gay.


Miguel:A black, Roundbacked 5 ft 1 gay monkey.

Father:So I'm assuming he is from the MPS Gay dynasty.



Kentrell:What I do?


Fizeal:No bullshit!

Jameer:Bro what's wrong with what Kentrell said.

Azeem:Shut the Fuck up you get no bitches.


Miguel:Then there's Jameer he like 6 ft 3 brown skin and is in the [JSV Zite dynasty]

Father: Let's me guess he got glasses.

Miguel:Yep. So with the glasses he's pretty innocent but [If you break the glasses he will kill you]


Jameer:Bro what bro I get bitches.

Azeem:Who? WHO?? The only bitch you pulled is Kentrell.


Fizeal:Oh shit me personally.

Jameer:Bro why you always saying that I don't put bitches like keep it a bean that is your one liner.

Azeem:Ok But you don't got no comeback tho like how did my mans Kai get TWO bitches before you could get one.

Kai:Did y'all say something?


Miguel:And then there Kai.From the KST Spirt Dynasty he like 5 ft 11 brownskin and yeah he pretty chill)

Father:….and what's his like fighting style?

Miguel: I don't know throwing bombs.


Azeem:Bro Kai ain't it crazy that you pull more bitches then Jameer?

Kai:*Laughs* Chill bro.

Azeem:Bro Jameer you got a tech hoodie, A beard, Tall and still no bitches.Kentrell I don't need the explain why you don't get bitches. And Miguel wherever the fuck he is.He literally got all the drip in the world but still no bitches.

Jameer:(He still going…He always bidding like god damn he talks the female you forgot how to act) You know what?


Jameer:This school year.10th grade imma get a bitch.

Azeem:(Does the Azeem face)

Jameer:I'm serious bro.

Azeem:You pulling bitches? Never

Jameer:Bro watch bro imma get a girl man watch.

Kentrell:it's ok bro I believe in you

Fizeal:Kentrell shut you bitch ass up.

Kentrell:You dickeating.

Fizeal:I'm dickeating when you only thing your eating is dick?

Azeem:*Laughs* No bullshit.Ard let me stop dickeating.But y'all lowkey get no bitches bro.


Azeem:*Laughs* Ard imma stop.


Father:And that was All five of them right.

Miguel:Yes. [ Well some of them do have brothers and sisters that go to the same school]

Father:What about your cousin?

Miguel:I don't know [I don't talk to her]


Miguel:We just have different goals that don't involve each other.

Father:Y'all at least say hi to each other?

Miguel:Nope it's not that deep dad.

Father:But as kids y'all loved each other.

Miguel:Don't remind me.

Father:Back to the topic despite those Five being in a dynasty, I still have that feeling that they will need you back.

Miguel:Sureeee they will. And since your talking about later does that mean that I'm not going to school?

Father:*Sigh* Fine you will not be going to school today.

Miguel:Good. School was about to end anyways.

Father:it was?

Miguel:Yes. You wouldn't know cause school stuff is mom's job.

Father:Yeah you right. But Until you this your able to return to school do You believe that Kentrell, Kai, Fizeal, Azeem, And Jameer are able the protect Zenn Hood?

(Silence glooms the area.)

Miguel:*Laughs* Oh Fuck no.


WELCOME TO ZENN HOOD CHAPTER 2:An average day. Out Now




Author's Instagram:Blackboi888._(Yes I am just 16)

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