
Welcome to Underworld

Having been bullied most his life by everyone close to him, Wes can’t believe it when he finds the entrance to UNDERWORLD, a place that could only be explained, as his best shot to the life he wants…now if only he could get this stupid status screen out of his face….wait what! This is WELCOME TO UNDERWORLD

Chronos_101 · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Chapter 015

Upon entering his room, Wes flopped onto the large bed that took up most of the room.

Having looked outside, Wes could see it was finally becoming dark out.

"Hey system, why is it just now getting dark?"

{The Day and Night Cycle Here is Much Different From Your Own}

{Humans Here, Have Adapted to Longer Days And Longer Nights}

Wes was impressed.

"Is there any downside," Wes wondered

{Due To Your Body Being Use to Your Time, You Will Tire More Easily Then The People Of Underworld, Who Have Been Exposed To This For Eons}

"Eons.." Wes said, trying to grasp how long this place has existed.

{However, By Increasing Your Stats, And Leveling Up, You Can Overcome This Difference Easily}

[New Quest]

Reach Level 5

Reward: basic health flask x2

Laying on his bed, Wes gave the New Quest a quick read before he decided to get up and find something to eat.

Exiting his room, and walking down the long hall, Wes had seen others exit their rooms and walk ahead of him to meet up with their friends.

Wes, being the natural loner, followed behind quietly.

If they were leaving somewhere, maybe it's to an exit or something

Turning the corner, the group ahead disappears from view and Wes speeds up a bit to catch up.

a boys head comes into view just as Wes was about to turn, and Wes had to stop himself before he smacked into him.

"Hey! Watch where your goin man," he yelled

"Sorry," Wes told him

Looking down the hall, Wes couldn't see the people he was following

"Do you know how to get out of here?" He asked the boy

"Go down that way," the boy pointed

Thanking the boy, Wes continued down the hall and eventually came what looked like a large tavern.

Looking around, Wes could see lots of people. Some were sitting at tables with others, some had super flashy armor that Wes thought cost a fortune(even if the stats were bad), and lots of food and drink could be seen being eaten and delivered by female waiters.

"They work here too?" Wes wondered.

Walking up to the counter, he asked one of the waiters if he could see a menu.

Turning her heads, as if she didn't understand the question, she then pointed to a sign above the bar that Wes didn't see when he walked in

[Meat: 2 copper]

[Ale: 1 copper]

That was it, the only two thing on the menu.

"This is what I get for wanting a cheap hotel," thought Wes, chuckling to himself.

Ordering his food, and finding an empty table, Wes sat down and took in his surroundings.

To his right was a large table with a group of loud men covered in armor.

Raising their mugs high and toasting every few minutes, Wes wondered if these men were guards, and if this was even permitted.

To his left we're a few other tables filled with people.

Chatting away, they kept mostly to their own tables, aside from the occasional someone introducing another to his/her group.

Wes sat there for a moment before another person pulled up a chair across from him.

"Soo HERE you are," said Rita as she sat down.

"Ive been looking for you."

"Me? Why?" He thought

"It has come to the attention that you quite new around here," she started, "given that I'm the only person you know, I thought I should find you and help you out."

In reality, General Ian, her father, had given her a direct order to watch over this boy and see if there's anything suspicious about him.

"Thank you so much!" Wes said as he thanked her profusely.

Flustered, Rita told him that she had looked into his file and saw he had gotten his license, yet no other info was found about him.

"You're 17," she started, "With no guardians, it looks like."

Rita then goes on to explain that even though he could do Quests on his own, he was limited to

1-Star Quests as the law states until he was 18, after that, he could begin 2-Star Quests.

Anything above 2-Star was accepted at age 21. Wes's education was another issue.

From what Rita could tell, he could read and write, do math and all the other basics, so he wasn't like a rabid animal, but looking at his level, she wondered why it was so low.

He had come from outside, and with many beasts outside these walls, a Level 3 shouldn't have been able to survive.

"You wouldn't even be considered in bronze rank," she scoffed.

Wes not wanting to telling her how he had fell from the sky, instead came up with a story.