
Welcome to Underworld

Having been bullied most his life by everyone close to him, Wes can’t believe it when he finds the entrance to UNDERWORLD, a place that could only be explained, as his best shot to the life he wants…now if only he could get this stupid status screen out of his face….wait what! This is WELCOME TO UNDERWORLD

Chronos_101 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 016

Rita, now asking how he came to be alone outside the walls, he had to think of something quick!

He started to tell her how he had been traveling with his family and a few others and how he had been sheltered most of his life, so there was alot he didn't know, but he was always good at sensing danger.

"One night, there was a beast that entered our camp," he said slowly..

Rita, leaning in, listen intensively.

Wes, keeping up with his story, told Rita that after the beast got into their camp, a few men stayed back to fight it, including his father, while the others ran from the scene to safety.

Wes got split up from the others, and by the time he found their camp again, everyone was gone.

Rita nodded as she thought about what to do with him.

"Well first things first," she said.

"We gotta enroll you in school."


The next morning, Wes woke up to a knock on his door.

Waking up, to the sight of his hotel room, he remembered all that happened and seeing how this was all real, he was unsure if he was happy or disappointed.

Getting out of bed, he walked over to the door and checked through the peephole.

Outside, was another women, who like the one he saw when he had arrived here, had no face.

Opening the door, he gave a small greeting.

"Uh hello," he managed to say.

She gave him a nod, before handing a large package to him

"What's this?" He asked, opening it curiously.

In the box, lay the armor, boots, and gauntlets that he had bought from the blacksmith.

"He must have sent it over while I slept," thought Wes as he placed the items in his room.

Turning back to thank the women, Wes saw that she had already left.

Peaking outside his door, the halls were empty, except for a few adults returning from the Hotels Tavern.

"Weird…" muttered Wes.

Heading back inside, Wes took his items and placed them on his bed.

{You Should Place Your Items In a the Storage For Safe Keeping}, the system chimed in.

Agreeing with the system, Wes placed his items inside his inventory.

Wes still thought it was cool as his items disappeared before his eyes.

[Storage: Items: 4]

[Open? Y/N]

Selecting "N" on his storage, he was glad his items didn't actually disappear permanently.

While taking a quick shower, he thought about what he was gonna do today, but his thoughts were interrupted by another knock on the door.

Quickly dressing himself and drying his hair, he ran over to the door, expecting another one of the faceless women.

This time, when answering, it was Rita.

"Ready to go?" She asked

"Go where?" Wes asked curiously

"School dummy," she said as she pulled him along.

The door closed as Rita pulled him along.

"Thank you for your stay," Wes heard from a small speaker near his door.

Walking with Rita, Wes could see she wasn't wearing her usual armor.

"Why aren't you wearing your armor?" Wes asked her.

"As of today, I am your home room teacher," she said.

Wes thought he heard some slight anger behind those words, but put it off as nothing.

Walking through the Hotels Tavern, they found the exit and walked outside.

Outside, waiting for them, was a small carriage.

"This will take you to the academy," she said as she pushed him in.

"Academy?" Wes said confused, "I thought this was school?"

"Academy, School, Same thing," she shrugged

"Now!" She stated, "I will meet you at the Academy's homeroom after I take care of some things."

Closing the door behind Wes, he was alone now in the carriage. Soon it began to move and Wes watched from the small window as Rita used her Teleport Crystal to go off somewhere.

"Why can't i teleport to the academy?" He thought.

Giving it a try, he took out his own Teleport Crystal, and asked it to take him to the academy.

When nothing happened, Wes became confused.

{Request To Teleport, Denied!}

{Confidential Area}

The system gave a small heads ups display, informing of the crystals failure.

"So that means I can't teleport inside?" Wes asked the system


{That Includes Teleporting Out, As Well}

Wes couldn't lie, he felt a bit nervous as he system told him that.

"I'll be stuck there," he thought

Giving up, Wes came to the conclusion that his best course of action would be to continue on to the Academy.

He could learn more about this world, and hopefully get stronger as well.

Unknowingly to Wes, there were far greater plays already in motion.