
Weirdly Walking Dead

Dude kept finding people who shouldn't be in this fandom with both familiar looks and names, though they are apart of this fandom now. SI as Rick Grimes younger brother but doesn't get his memories until Rick gets shot. Lived with Rick and his family for the last few years so he could help babysit Carl in his off time and save money to buy a house, when he turned 21 he worked security and a year later joined the sheriffs department as well while still staying at the house simply to save and help his brother since they worked different shifts.

Westley86 · Ti vi
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Weirdly 2

It had been 3 days and I had checked on my 'brother' several times over that time as would be expected. To be honest I do feel like Rick is my brother but considering I knew there was nothing I could do until he woke up and I knew he wouldn't wake up for around another 4 or more weeks from now I would just have to let things play out as they would as we can't take care of someone in a coma out there in the wild with any degree of success.

Other than that I had already picked up my new precious and parked it in front of Ricks house for now and packed it with everything that I had stored. I had put a small grill and some charcoal and spent the next few days literally stuffing the refrigerator and freezer with steaks, some milk, eggs and gods gift to the earth, bacon. I had also grabbed some potatoes as they could potentially be planted when or if time allowed it.

It was the 7th day after Ricks accident that shit started to go down hill pretty drastically. I guess the virus started to change people faster than it had before as until now people lived, if sickly, for a day or two, now people are changing within a few hours at best. That's what I got out of the reports I saw at the precinct anyways.

There were only a few deputies at the office right now, me , Shane, Leon, Lambert and the dispatcher Diane. I didn't know the others very well nor the sheriff but he was passing out the orders that were given to him from on high.

I made a mental note to not go anywhere near the hospital but I would try to save people in my little town even if it was an act of futility, who knows what small changes I could make even if I only save a few people?


Day 5 after the end

Everyone had already left. Shane grabbed Lori and Carl and left town yesterday, he tried to get me to come with them but honestly this place would be better than the Quarry so I did hint that they should wait it out but he was insistent so I just let them go since I was pretty sure they would be fine until I decided to meet up with them in the future.

I hadn't been home for more than 10 minutes in the last 72 hours or there about by now, the dead just kept coming out of the woodworks and I didn't want to draw any back home and I did my best to destroy as many as I could over that time all around the town aside from the area where the military unit was located as I wasn't honestly sure if they would shoot my ass like they executed random civilians in the series. I was pretty sure they were already overrun and gone considering what the town looked like but I wanted to be sure before I went there.

So it should go without saying when I was walking through what looked like a ghost town that was once my home to see two soldiers getting ready to execute two healthy looking young women that I was angry. I don't think I have ever been so angry before if I'm being honest. As an ex soldier in my past life I can say that I would never follow such orders if given and if they are just doing this to be bastards, that is even worse. Either way these trash mobs had to die.

Thankfully they weren't facing me at the moment and from what I could tell they were really alone, and I could see their Humvee a few dozen meters away on the side of the street.

I ducked behind the closest cover I could see and unslung my AR-15 and quickly looked down the sights of my ACOG. I took in a quick breath and slowly let it out as I aimed at one of the trashes forehead. He was the one pointing a pistol at the girls while the other had his M4 at the low ready just watching. I squeezed the trigger and the trash with the pistol simply dropped like his strings were cut.

It took the other guy a second or two to realize what had actually happened while I readjusted to the next guy and as he turned in my direction trying to raise his weapon, I unloaded 5 shots center mass not really caring that he had body armor on.

Once he dropped to the ground as someone is want to do after being shot multiple times even with armor on, I shot him in the head as I got closer just in case he survived and to also make sure he doesn't get up and literally bite me in the ass.

As I got closer it was easy to see why I could get the drop on them, they were pogues, (non combat oriented soldiers) their training was probably shit. It's easy to tell with how their gear is set up and what they are missing which is a shame because daddy would love some night vision right about now.

The girls were still on the ground with tears in their eyes and when I got a better look at them I simply froze for a moment. One looked exactly like the girl from The 100, Raven and the other girl looked exactly like the girl from the 5th Scream movie, Samantha Carpenter.

After a second I calm myself. "Are you guys ok?" I ask them in a solemn voice. These were honestly the first alive people I had killed in either life and while I would never regret killing trash, it did make me feel a little dirty, though I think saving two young women sorta makes up for it to me.

They both look up at me after I speak and I reach my hand slowly out to the older one as she was practically curled around the other one and was ready to take the first bullets. As my hand slowly reached to her, the girl from the 100 television series tentatively reached to grab mine and I slowly and gently pulled her to her feet.

I'm glad I still wore my Sheriffs uniform as it tends to either calm people down or freak them out and honestly after nearly being killed by people dressed as soldiers I wouldn't blame them if they freaked out on me. But I also just saved their lives.

"I'm sorry you had to see that but we really should get out of here ladies. Those shots would have drawn those things out of the woodwork."

They just looked at each other for a moment before the older one introduced herself followed by the other one. They were both stupidly beautiful there was no real denying that.

"H-hey.. thanks for saving our lives back there." The one who introduced herself first as Raven told me. "Thanks deputy, for helping us out of that." The other who introduced herself as Samantha said right after.

"We really appreciate it, honesty, but we need to get back to our sisters, we left them locked the basement of our foster parents house when we went out to look for help." Raven added a moment later.

We had been making our way to their Humvee after looting their weapons and ammo. "Okay do you want me to escort you back to their home and help clear the area a bit? I know supplies will get low soon but most people evacuated so a lot of the houses shouldn't have anyone home." They talked telepathically again for a moment and just agreed to my help.

"Thank you Alex. I don't know what our sisters would do without us and I don't want to think about it if I'm honest." The younger of the two said. I just gave them a sad but soft smile.

"Your welcome, if people don't help each other, is this world even worth it anymore? I like to think of my nephew is out there that people are helping him as well if I'm being honest.

I sat the two soldiers weapons in the back seat and looked at them for a second before going to work on them and checking them.

I made sure the magazines were loaded and that there was one in the chamber for both weapons and then handed them each one of them, a pistol and a rifle. "If you don't know how to use those then I will teach you if you are interested in learning." They agreed and we got in the Humvee after I checked it and made sure it had gas. They gave me directions to their house and I was surprised that they were staying only a few minutes from Ricks home.

They gave me directions to their house and I was surprised that they were staying only a few minutes from Ricks home