
Weirdly Walking Dead

Dude kept finding people who shouldn't be in this fandom with both familiar looks and names, though they are apart of this fandom now. SI as Rick Grimes younger brother but doesn't get his memories until Rick gets shot. Lived with Rick and his family for the last few years so he could help babysit Carl in his off time and save money to buy a house, when he turned 21 he worked security and a year later joined the sheriffs department as well while still staying at the house simply to save and help his brother since they worked different shifts.

Westley86 · TV
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6 Chs

Weirdly 1

For whatever reason webnovel won't let me delete chapters so your stuck with the piece of the other story sharing this spot. And yes I already know how to remove chapters, it's just not working.


It had been a weird few days as I had been having a weird sense of Deja-vu and foreboding for a while now and the moment I had heard my brother, Rick Grimes had been shot everything had come rushing back to me in a tidal wave of memories , which was interesting to say the least but what was less interesting and more terrifying was the fact that in my past life, this world was based around a few television series called The Walking Dead... can't say that name isn't ominous right?

Well if you looked closely you could see the signs of shit going down in Europe already and small pockets in the states as well but nobody is talking about it.

It is currently August 21st and I have about a week to prepare for hell on Earth which is difficult unless you are a billionaire but I would do the best that I could.

I was thankful that I at least had a 9mm Glock from work to start with so I didn't really need another pistol though I would probably grab one anyways as a backup.

I was also grateful that I had lived with my brother for the last few years and was able to save a good chunk of change as a down payment for a house but I would be using that on other things now sadly.

The first thing I did was go to a bigger town and went out and bought an AR-15 Colt with a bunch of magazines, but I could only get one case of 500 rounds as that's most of what they had in stock but that would have to do to start, I also got another Glock17 9mm as a backup pistol with a few extra magazines and a few hundred rounds to fill the magazines, it's basically a copy of my own issued gun so magazines are interchangeable at least.

Getting these things wasn't overly difficult with my law enforcement background and the fact I was actually in uniform, things went quick and smoothly as my orders weren't exactly extreme or over the top anyways. Some fun finds though we're some 50rd and a 100rd drum magazine for my AR-15.

Once done gun shopping my next thing to purchase was going to be some type of RV or one of those trailers that could be pulled by a truck and lived in.

My most expensive purchase was going to be my home, for as long as it lasted anyways. I put a down payment of a 2010Allegro Bus. The bastard cost around 300k MSRP with all the goodies including solar power but I managed to talk them down to 285k with an almost 100k down payment.

It was technically out of my price range considering my job but all I had to show were bank statements showing I could actually afford it to move things along. Not that I planned on paying it off anyways but they didn't need to know that.

That was the bulk of my savings really, having about 50k left to play with and buy supplies and my RV should be ready for pickup in 2-3 days as only a few things needed to be changed to meet my wishes.

After that I simply bought things that wouldn't expire quickly such as canned goods, a few cases of water, bags of rice, beans, Ramen and some canned baked beans for the road and let's not forget everyone's favorite canned meats and vegetables. Yummy. I may have also splurged on a good amount of salt, sugar and a shit ton of my favorite teas. All of this should fit in my shiny new RV when it arrives so I'm not really worried about carrying stuff right off the bat.


It had been 3 days and I had checked on my 'brother' several times over that time as would be expected. To be honest I do feel like Rick is my brother but considering I knew there was nothing I could do until he woke up and I knew he wouldn't wake up for around another 4 or more weeks from now I would just have to let things play out as they would as we can't take care of someone in a coma out there in the wild with any degree of success.

Other than that I had already picked up my new precious and parked it in front of Ricks house for now and packed it with everything that I had stored. I had put a small grill and some charcoal and spent the next few days literally stuffing the refrigerator and freezer with steaks, some milk, eggs and gods gift to the earth, bacon. I had also grabbed some potatoes as they could potentially be planted when or if time allowed it.


It was the 7th day after Ricks accident that shit started to go down hill pretty drastically. I guess the virus started to change people faster than it had before as until now people lived, if sickly, for a day or two, now people are changing within a few hours at best. That's what I got out of the reports I saw at the precinct anyways.

There were only a few deputies at the office right now, me , Shane, Leon, Lambert and the dispatcher Diane. I didn't know the others very well nor the sheriff but he was passing out the orders that were given to him from on high.

I made a mental note to not go anywhere near the hospital but I would try to save people in my little town even if it was an act of futility, who knows what small changes I could make even if I only save a few people?