

Seven souls from different backgrounds get tangled with each other and start a new journey together, They go through all kinds of motions, Happiness, sorrows, breakups, friendship, love, death! Will something tear them apart? Will those seven souls be able to survive in that world and keep themselves going? It all starts with Arthur Quinn! Who brought those seven kids together and put them on an unbreakable journey, Their life was almost normal passing away with all kinds of rucks they go through every day, Everything was fine Not until fate decided to play with them, As Anna enters in their lives and gives meaning to those seven lives.

Rarrissime0 · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

I can already imagine myself lounging by the pool or enjoying a delicious meal at the on-site restaurant. The thought of staying in such a beautiful establishment fills me with joy and makes me eager to explore all that it has to offer. Joe's hospitality and enthusiasm only add to my excitement, as I am sure that my experience at his hotel will be nothing short of extraordinary.

So there I was, lost in admiration of the luxurious decor and stunning architecture of this man's hotel, when he caught me off guard with a playful question, "Surprised?" He couldn't help but chuckle at my amused expression as I fumbled for a response. The truth was, I was absolutely blown away by the grandeur and attention to detail that went into every corner of the establishment. I simply nodded my head as a yes! But then to be sure!! I couldn't help but blurt out yet another silly question as I stood in front of the luxurious hotel, wondering if it really belonged to the charming man standing before me. "Is this really yours??", I asked

His response was a simple smile that made my heart flutter. "Yes, it's mine," he said casually, as if owning such a grand establishment was no big deal,

—"let's get in", he said and I quietly followed his assistance

As he casually led the way into the hotel, I couldn't help but marvel at its luxurious interior. The lobby was adorned with elegant chandeliers and plush seating, while the scent of fresh flowers lingered in the air. It was clear that this was not just any ordinary hotel – it was his hotel,

As I stood in awe of the opulent decor and grandeur of the hotel, I couldn't help but notice the modesty of the service. Despite the luxurious surroundings, the staff exuded a sense of humility and genuine warmth that contrasted beautifully with the lavishness of their workplace. From the friendly smiles at check-in to the personalized recommendations from the concierge, every interaction felt personal and attentive. It was refreshing to see a dedication to excellent service that didn't rely solely on flashy displays or over-the-top gestures,

"Like it?", he asked me

I mean, seriously, when the guy asked me if I liked his hotel, how could I not say it was like a dream? The place was decked out in luxury from top to bottom –

"It's- it's mind blowing!!! I have never seen such beauty!! And I can't believe, I am standing beside this hotel's owner!",

I said with excitement and my shocking reaction,

"Okay then!! Here is your task, follow me", he said and all I did was copy his steps, and we both sat on one of the couches and he ordered some coffee for us, with that he took a file from his manager and opened it, and started to examine it,

"So you're no. 25", he said while still looking at those files, I had no clue what this guy was even talking about, i didn't get him actually! "No. 25?", I asked and he kept his file aside when he was done with it and shifted his attention to me,

"So, Ms. Anna, Job that i am offering you right now is a temporary job, and your job is to just simply sell out these templates to all the customers who passed by you, it was a 5 days workshop and this was the 2nd day, so, unluckily you have missed out more earning opportunities, and now you only have 3 days opportunity, my manager will talk out with you regarding wages, and if you have any queries, you can simply reach out to hotel manager...",

one second he's cracking jokes and making everyone feel at ease, the next he's all business, It was like watching two different people inhabit the same body. The transition was smooth, seamless even. His demeanor went from laid-back to focused in a snap of a finger. I couldn't help but be impressed by his ability to switch gears effortlessly. Well, it's good to have a brain like this!

I simply nodded at his words, and put every single word in my brain, after, he was done talking and his manager went away, he instantly flashed me a small smile and said,

"Welcome to Quinn hotel Anna", I was amazed by his personality, like, he switched his character so fast!! I smiled and said, "thank you so much Mr. Wilson," as he complimented my professional behavior. His chuckle left me feeling both validated and amused, knowing that I had made a positive impression. I take pride in my ability to carry myself in a professional manner while still maintaining a friendly and approachable demeanor.

As he stood, I followed his actions and he turned around to me and said, "I wish you a great journey here Anna and you should collect more information about this job from the hotel manager, since, it's already late, you should go and take a good sleep", I replied to his assuring words, "sure! and.....Thank you for helping me out!! I'll give my best here", he nodded with his smiling eyes and said, "goodnight, see you tomorrow!!", and with that we bid goodbye, I just simply stood there and watched his back leaving the hotel as he is probably on his way to go home and rest.

I left out a sigh and wondered 'what kind of journey is waiting for me?' Anyways, tomorrow a new morning brings new opportunities and adventures to explore. I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about what lies ahead. It's like standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to take that leap into the unknown. But hey, isn't that what makes life interesting? The unpredictability of it all, the thrill of not knowing what's around the corner!

I walked up to the manager and he told me every single detail about the work and handed me keys of my room,

I went inside the room and simply jumped on the bed,

As I lay in bed, thinking about tomorrow, I can't help but smile at the thought of all the possibilities that await me. And with that thought in mind, I drift off to sleep, looking forward to whatever comes my way.

Hope you like it!! have a great day!!

Rarrissime0creators' thoughts