
Reality and Fantasy


I turned off the alarm that managed to scare my cats and I. I finished my pancakes and tea as I continued to question the keys. Have I seen them before? They looked so familiar, almost as if I'd had a pair of my own. As I placed my dishes in the sink I ran them under warm water. Midnight startled me as he rubbed up on my leg.

"Oh. Hey Night," I said.

"Meow!" Midnight said back, continuing to rub up on me as his tail sways from side to side.

I rushed out the door rummaging through my bag to make sure I have everything I need. "Phone, keys, wallet," I mumbled softly. Placing my bag down as I got in my car I remembered I was the one getting breakfast this morning. I took out my phone and opened up my messages to see what Kate and John wanted. I started my car and adjusted the AC settings. *BUZZ-BUZZ, BUZZ-BUZZ* I set my phone in the holder and checked the chat.

I drove to Sun-Bun Cafe which happened to be closer to the school than home. As I arrived I parked as close to the doors as I could and got my phone and wallet.

"Hi, I'd like to order two chocolate chip muffins, two blueberry and two strawberry pies, small," I said to the cashier.

He nodded, "Anything else for you today?"

"No, just that," I said handing him my card. He took it and nodded.

"That'll be 17.39. Is this for here or to go?" he asked, swiping my card through his machine.

"To go," I said.

"Okay, your food should be out in less than 10 minutes," he said as he handed me my card.

I took a table near the counter and opened the group chat. 'I should be there in a bit, I'll be making two more stops.' I texted them. 'Oh, okay. Well, you've got like an hour and a half before school starts so-' Kate texted back. John sent a message that just said "seen." 'Practical John' me and Kate texted at the same time. A guy walked over to the table I sat at.

"Um, are you Sky?" he asked shyly.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Two chocolate chip muffins two blueberry and two strawberry pies?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yep." He handed me a bag.

"Have a great day, ma'am." He said as I got up and headed towards the door.

I drove over to Crisp's Delight to get a couple breakfast burritos and sandwiches. After 20 minutes I finally got to the school where I met up with Kate and John.

"Skyyyyyyy!!" Kate said almost in a screeching way as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Hey Sky," John said quietly as he grabbed the food bags and my bag.

"Hey guys, sorry it took so long. There was some traffic and Crisp's Delight was backed up." I apologized.

"No worries," John said. "Let's sort out this food, it smells amazing!"

"Yeah. I'm soo hungry!" Kate said, gently pushing me towards the bench.