

Kai was a cripple who couldn’t cultivate energy, but a tragic event which took his parent life and also create an opportunity for him to take another path to cultivate happened. The path he took was to cultivate the body and mind. His body will break all cultivation logic, and with his thought he will control all form of energy within heaven earth. With a thought he will become a devil, with a thought he will become a god with a thought he will become a mortal and with a thought he will become a universe. WITH MY BODY I WILL REIGN SUPREME. WITH MY THOUGHT I WILL BECOME THE KING OF ALL THE UNIVERSE PUREST ENERGY.

Ghostvillain · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
159 Chs

Chapter 31: How So?

After eating three more of the huge beast meet, Kai was finally satisfied, and his body felt much better. "Thank you," he said before taking out two vials of good wine from his ring.

He handed over one to the lady while he started drinking the second one, "the name is Kai," he added.

"Suyin," she replied while opening the vial cork and started drinking, "Good wine," she commented after a gulp.

Kai nodded and smiled back at her; then he turned his gaze to the cave entrance before he started thinking of his next move.

Suyin noticed that Kai was lost in thought, so she cleared her throat, returning Kai's attention. Kai looked back at her with a questioning gaze.

"Where is Jinhai? And how did you escape from his pursuit?" She asked.

Kai got confused with the question "escaped?" He muttered

Suyin nodded at Kai; however, she actually got Kai wrong there. Seeing the misunderstanding, Kai smiled and shook his head gently.

"I killed Jinhai," he responded.

"you what....." Suyin blurted and stood up. Kai was confused, "you okay."

"Did you just say you killed Jinhai?" she asked again with a terrified expression. Kai nodded at her with a frown.

Suyin's body started to tremble violently, and she pointed her trembling finger at Kai, "Yo...you....you... did you know what trouble you've caused for yourself?" She stammered.

Kai was calm, but he was more confused than ever, "Why" he asked lightly.

Suyin could see the confusion on Kai's face, so she realized that Kai had no idea of the weight of the problem he just got himself into. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply to calm her mind before sitting before Kai.

"Do you know Jinhai's background?" She asked.

"How I'm I supposed to know when you are the one that dragged me into this mess in the first place" Kai replied with a helpless tone and shrugged his shoulders.

Suyin immediately felt guilty hearing that from Kai; she knew what Kai said was the truth, and she felt bad for dragging him into this mess.

"But he told me he was from a Jin Clan. Well, I had no idea of the existence of such a clan; even if I do, I will still kill him since he also wants to take my life". Kai added in an ignorant tone.

Suyin sigh. "Jinhai had a terrifying background, and the Jin Clan is an ancient clan located in the heart of this world, the central continent, where every prodigy wants to go. As For the Jin clan, they are known as the descendants of the thunder God; they are one of the ancients clan hidden away within this world; they only emerge when this world is facing catastrophe because their job is to protect this world," Suyin explained.

"protect this world from what?" Kai asked.

"This is not something you can know for now, nor do you have to worry about it for now; however, you should be worried about how to withstand the wrath of the Jin Clan."

"Why should I be worried about them? Aren't you the one who dragged me into this? Therefore, you must help me solve this problem," Kai responded.

Suyin became helpless, "Kai, I don't have the power to do; I'm only an inner disciple with a mid-stage immortal king realm in the flowing river sect located in the western continent; I have no strong background; I'm just an ordinary disciple, doing her best to survive this cruel world." Suyin explained to Kai with tears in her eyes.

Kai felt guilty for making her cry; at the same time, he couldn't help but feel sad for her while comparing her situation to his, he also had no one, and the only home he had was destroyed by demonic beasts making him the sole survivor in the village, he had no cultivation talent, giving him no other choice than to take another path, however, to achieve the most minor thing he had to put it twice the work, not like heaven prodigies that are surrounded by luck and can achieve anything with just a snap of their fingers.

Kai sighed deeply, "It's fine. You don't have to worry about me from now on... I can handle myself," he stated in a comforting tone.

Suyin looked at Kai; she knew things were not as easy as Kai made it sound; she knew life would be hard on Kai from now on because the Jin clan would be coming to take Kai's life.

"You said you are from the flowing river sect, but how come you are still an inner disciple with your cultivation realm? Also, if you are in the mid-stage immortal realm, how are you that helpless to face Jinhai, who was in the early-stage realm? Are you that weak ?"

Suyin's face turned red from embarrassment immediately after she heard kai questions; she immediately put on an annoyed look, "Humph, what do you mean by I'm I that weak? I'm the tenth strongest person in the whole inner sect, even some high stage immortal realm had to rank below me because they can't match my power" she said annoyingly while putting on a fake arrogant tone.

"Ohhh," Kai laughed. "How funny; I remember you begging me for help earlier, but now it seems you've grown some wings," Kai mocked.

"Humph, what do you know, although I'm strong, but I'm not in that stage of fighting with an immortal king because they are on another level entirely," Suyin calmed down and explained; however, she was still angry at Kai for laughing at her.

Kai raised his eyebrow, "How so?" He asked.

"in every sect or clan, their outer region consists of mortal realm people while the inner sect consists of ordinary immortal stage experts ranging from low to high. However, the core region is different because only immortal kings and supreme experts can become a core disciples," Suyin explained slowly.

"And why is that," Kai asked again.