

Kai was a cripple who couldn’t cultivate energy, but a tragic event which took his parent life and also create an opportunity for him to take another path to cultivate happened. The path he took was to cultivate the body and mind. His body will break all cultivation logic, and with his thought he will control all form of energy within heaven earth. With a thought he will become a devil, with a thought he will become a god with a thought he will become a mortal and with a thought he will become a universe. WITH MY BODY I WILL REIGN SUPREME. WITH MY THOUGHT I WILL BECOME THE KING OF ALL THE UNIVERSE PUREST ENERGY.

Ghostvillain · Fantasy
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159 Chs

Chapter 30: Jinhai Death.

This process differs from a normal cultivator because a normal cultivator will store energy inside their body and channel it through their meridians according to the techniques or skills they want to perform before directing it outward.


Kai and Jinhai attacked each other after building up their power to the limits.


As the two attacks collide, a momentary stalemate ensues, both attacks locked in a fierce struggle for dominance. The impact reverberated through the atmosphere, shaking Heaven and Earth. As the stalemate holds, the clash of energies emits a cacophony of sound. Thunder booms and rumbles, shaking the whole second layer while crackling bolts of lightning streak across the sky.

But in a sudden shift, Kai's saber strike gained the upper hand; with an explosive surge of power, it overpowered Jinhai spear attack, shattering the thunder energy surrounding it.

The saber momentum remained unabated, hurtling toward Jinhai with intensified brute force and speed.

Jinhai roared, and he immediately brought out a large shield in an attempt to defend against the saber attack. However, Kai's saber strike was powerful beyond his imagination; it shattered the shield into multiple pieces, delivering a bone-crushing blow that sent powerful shockwaves through Jinhai's body, shattering it into bloody pieces and wiping him out of existence.

The surrounding environment suffered further as the saber strike continued its destructive path; the ground cracked and crumbled beneath the force, leaving a deep trench in its wake.

A mysterious phenomenon appeared in the sky; this is a sign of Heaven Dao mourning the death of Jinhai. However, Kai found the scene beautiful and comical, and he desires to witness more such scenes in the near future.


In a far distance, hidden from the world, a clan was located in the depth of a world filled with powerful heavenly lightning. In the depth of this clan, there was a golden mountain stretching to the sky like the pillar holding the sky Heaven itself; this mountain was enormous and covered in golden lightning completely; however, inside this mountain, multiple caves were located.

A roar echoed from one of the caves inside this mountain, which shook the whole hidden world, making every single life in the hidden world feel suffocated.

"Who dare kill my Jinhai?" An old voice rang throughout the whole hidden world, and immediately everyone in this hidden world's face turned fierce, and a vast amount of killing intent emerged from every one of them.

In the highest cave inside the golden mountain, an old man was seated meditatively, weaving his hand mysteriously like he was peering into the secret of Heaven and Earth. He had golden hair and golden eyes which sparkled with electricity; he had a similar resemblance to Jinhai.

In just a few seconds, Kai's image appeared in front of the man, and immediately the scene of how Kai killed Jinhai replayed in front of the old man in full detail. After watching the scene, the man frowned, "A strange being has appeared in the world, but it doesn't matter since you dare kill my son; you shall pay back with your life." He mumbled before waving his hand in the air.

In another cave close to the old man cave, a figure was seated on a futon, this figure's appearance cannot be seen as he was entirely covered in golden lightning, and only his blue sparkling eye color can be seen. "So younger brother is dead, rest in peace, brother, I jin Wuming, will avenge your death soon," he muttered in an electrifying tone before closing his eyes.


Kai sighed; he felt relieved after killing Jinhai. However, he suddenly felt a bad premonition in his heart; he frowned and instantly spread out his sense to the surroundings to check out for hidden danger. However, he couldn't find a single soul.

"Huh, is it because I feel tired from the battle? that's why the mind is sensitive?" Kai questions himself in his mind.

He took a breath to calm his mind before he flew down to carry the lady who was still unconscious. Kai flew away to the edge of the second layer, and he could see the third layer ahead of him; he found a safe place and placed the lady in a cave before preparing to fly away.

However, before he could walk out of the cave, he fainted.

A week later, Kai regained consciousness; at first, his mind felt hazy, shrouded in a fog of confusion as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings; sensations began to register one by one as he recalled everything that happened before he passed out.

Suddenly the sound of a distant voice entered his awareness, jolting him completely awakened; he turned his head to the direction the voice came from and saw a lady roasting a huge boar a few meters away.

Kai noticed that it was the lady he had brought to the cave before losing consciousness, and he immediately figured out what had happened after he fainted. As it turned, the lady cared for him after he fainted.

Noticing that Kai was awakened, the lady turned around and invited Kai to come and eat. Kai stood and walked toward the lady with great difficulty as his body was too tired and weak.

"Thank you for looking out for me after I fainted," Kai said.

"No, I should be the one saying that because you did not abandon me but instead brought me to a safe place," she replied.

Kai did not say anything before sitting down and started devouring the meet without caring for his face, while he instantly ignored the lady present.

In just a minute, he had finished devouring the meet; however, he was satisfied, so he stared at the lady apologetically.

"You want more?" She asked while giggling.

Kai nodded with a fervent gaze, the lady waved her hand, and another beast meat appeared, which was already roasted and well seasoned.

Without delaying, Kai started devouring the meat again like a gluttony.