
Warrior Princess comes for the throne

Only one can rule the werewolf kingdom. Elina ran away from the only place that she could barely call home. It was not her willingness but was a desperate attempt to save her life. Where would this road lead her to ? A bright future or the abyss of darkness .

Regilmac · LGBT+
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26 Chs

Chapter 12

" So where are we going " Emma asked all of her tears long gone, not even a trace could be seen.

" Ever heard of Northern Mountains " Lukas looked behind at Ethan and Emma

The two of them were confused. It was the first time they heard about it. It was not surprising. The relation between the other species was not good. Even if the wolves won't fight with witches the moment they see they like they would do with vampires but it was not good either. There was always some friction from time to time.

" Alright then. You can call it a sort of prison. Most of the people there are charged with some crimes and exiled there by the The King and The Queen. " Crystal explained

" So they are all criminals. " Ethan asked because if they are why are they going there.

" Not all. Some are falsely charged because they went against the rulers or if they just because any of some reason don't like them. They will find a chance to punish these people. My caretaker Marcus is also among them. I promised to rescue him when I have enough power to do it. " Elina said

Emma who was sitting beside her felt really bad for her. She did not believe that the person Elina wanted to save has done anything wrong. She linked her arms with Elina and leaned her head on Elina's shoulder and spoke softly " Don't worry Eli we will find him. "

" I know Em " Elina smiled she raised her other hand and patted the back of Emma's hand.

" How can they do this? Just because they don't like someone they would exile them. This is wrong. Is there noone who would raise a voice against it. " Ethan said. He was seething with anger right now.

" Whoever would do that would be sent there too. Nobody went against King James and Harvey is similar to him. " Elina spoke she did not hide her dislike towards her father and her half brother.

It was the first time they heard Elina talk about them. Everyone went quiet while she just looked out of her window. She knows better than anyone how horrible the Palace have become. Omegas are beaten while the one in the power couldn't be bothered. Sometimes she really wished that she was not a part of the royal family. She just felt dirty when she saw their antics.

Emma quietly rubbed Elina's hand, she can feel her anger and disgust. She looked at her brother he too looked pissed. She also saw that Crystal had a stoic face while Lukas also looked angry.

" Then we will change it. You will make it better. " Emma said with a bright smile on her face. She saw that Elina turned around to look at her so she continued " Make it your motivation. Don't be angry instead fight to change it. And I know you will be a better ruler than they could ever be. We can even try to help all those we can. "

Elina was first surprised then smile " You think I can do that. "

" Of course you can " This time it was Crystal a smile was back on her face.

Elina looked around to see everyone smiling at her. She suddenly felt relieved like a burden was lifted of her shoulder. With her friends around it would not be as difficult as she thought.

There was sizzling sound when they crossed the borders. After driving for days they have finally arrived at Werewolf kingdom.

" And we are back. If we drove from here it will take more than half a month to arrive the northern mountains. " Lukas said while maneuvers the car at the mountain roads.

" I wish it would arrive soon I am sick of staying in the car. " Emma said from beside him she looked behind to see her brother sprawled on the back seat, snoring away while Elina and Crystal were discussing about the places they could make their hideout.

" I think I should change my appearance " Elina suddenly spoke

" Why " Emma asked

" Because of her striking white hair it stands out and they can easily find out. " Crystal said, she paused for a second and then said " I, too should at least change my hair. They would be expecting me with you. "

Elina did not reply but slowly raised her hands and waved them at her herself and Crystal. Her snow white hair turned black and her blue green eyes turned golden, Crystal's flaming red hair turned strawberry blonde and her eyes turned golden from her original black. There faces too had a few changes almost making others not know who they are. Many wolves had golden eyes so they would not look different and could not be easily spotted in crowd.

Lukas looked at them shocked if he did not see this with his own eyes, he would not be able to recognize her.

" Hopefully noone would recognize us. " Crystal said

" Even I have hard time believing it's you much less others. " Emma said and Lukas nodded

A cold wind blew past the the uneven road. The car on the road could be barely seen among the trees.

" Stop the car " Elina said, her hairs were still black and tied in a pony tail, her eyes golden. She was in a black leather jacket, a Grey top and black leather pants and black sneakers.

Beside her was Emma who had a white dress which went to her knees. Her black hair flowing down her waist and she was wearing a pair of white sandals.

Crystal had half of her hairs clutched she was in a mustard yellow crop top and white jeans, and white boots.

Lukas had his hairs in a tiny pony which was reaching his shoulders. He was in a black shirt the sleeves of which were folded upto his elbows, a dark blue jeans and black shoes.

Ethan had a brown button down shirt and black pants and brown shoes.

They all were standing beside the car, all they could see were trees which had completely hidden them.

" Why did we stop here? " Ethan asked

Elina started walking on a narrow path " Before I came here I got a complete understanding of this place. This path leads to the mountain but that place is surrounded by some magical energy which ensures whoever goes in couldn't come out. They are also not able to mindlink anyone outside the barrier. We have to find a way to break it so that we could bring Marcus out. "

By now they were already at the end of the path, in front of them was a thick fog that covered their view.

Emma put her hand on the fog and closed her eyes for few minutes.

" It's not difficult if we three try together, we can break it. " Emma said looking at Ethan and Elina

" That is good then. Let's go in. " Crystal said

" It's better to be cautious, we have no idea what we can see inside. Em, Ethan stay close to us. " Lukas said seriously his eyes judging the situation ahead. He felt his wolf ready.

They slowly ventured in. All they saw was a huge expanse of forest and a mountain in some distance. At first they did not see or hear anything everything was quiet and they slowly moved forward. Elina was leading behind her was Ethan then Crystal after her Emma and at last Lukas. When suddenly Elina heard a voice and gestured them to hide behind a tree. They heard a couple of footsteps coming here.

" I am sure I felt someone coming in. Why is noone here? " First voice spoke

" Since there is noone then you must have felt wrong. Let's go back. " Second voice replied

Soon they went talking back when they realize they could not find anyone here.

All of of them starting moving again. Elina could smell people few miles away so she slowly made her way to that side. When they arrived there she realized that there were huts around this place but not even a single person could be seen. They stood behind the trees and kept watch.

" Why is there noone around here? " Ethan asked

" Just keep watching " Crystal said

They stood still when they heard a hurried footsteps. A man his thirties soon came in their view. He had pepper gray hair and golden eyes. He was lean looking and looked like a good fighter. He looked flustered and was rushing in their direction but he stopped few meters away from them. Lukas was ready to fight when he realized that Elina has went still. While Crystal looked on the verge of tears. Lukas suddenly realized who this person is.

" Your Highness " Marcus said in a shaking voice

" Hello Marcus " Elina walked out from behind the tree. She smiled. Finally she saw him

" Your Highness you are here. It is good to see you again. " Marcus smiled. He was finally relieved. Elina did not reply to him just nod her head in acknowledgment.

" You already know Crystal " She pointed at her who waved at him. Elina continued " This is Lukas, Ethan and Emma " She introduced her friends to him " And you all already heard about him. "

" Hello everyone " Marcus greeted the rest. All of them smiled and waved at him.

" Come with us. We have a way to go out without any hindrance. " Elina said

When she said this Marcus looked hesitant

" Your Highness there are many...." but before he could finish they saw a black haired woman coming towards them. Her worried face relaxed when she saw Marcus but when she looked at them her face showed surprise.

But Marcus just took her hand brought her close and said " Your Highness this is my mate Tamara, Tamara this is Princess Elina "

Tamara was shocked and she hurriedly bowed to Elina but was stopped by her " Don't bow. I don't like so many formalities. I am glad to meet you. "

Tamara smiled hearing that. She was going to speak when they felt some coming towards them in a fast speed.

In a blink of a eye a vampire stood before them. He had golden blonde hair,a pair of lightest blue eyes. He had piercing in both of his ears a locket which carried a fang. The locket rested on his metallic shirt over which he wore a brown jacket, which he paired with a washed blue ripped jeans.

He looked at them and raised an eyebrow, a side of his lips tilting upwards. They all stood in silence when he finally spoke

" Hello Mate. "