
Warlock survival

The story follows 27 year old Liam who dies in a accident while on a bus, and possesses the body of xen bronxe, the illegitimate son of Duke piro bronxe of the fathom empire. join Liam as he becomes the strongest man in the history of fathom.and conquers the unreachable peaks.

Miodoir69 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

New Approach

Xen had achieved his ultimate goal of acquiring mana manipulation, but this was useless as he didn't know any spells. Mana Manipulation could be handled in two ways, One was the path of blade mastery which involved surging and circulating mana inside the body which boosted the user's physical attributes, it required a lot of practice and hard work but was still easy when compared to the other path, which was sorcery it was much more difficult, complex and dangerous path compared to blade mastery, As mana is a form of energy it could change its form. Sorcerers used this concept as their base to manipulate mana into other type's of energies. they did this with the help of spells and drawing magic circles.

A sorcerer had to learn one of these two methods to practice sorcery, most of them usually practiced magic circles as it was much safer then spells, one mistake in a spell could reverse their flow of mana resulting in instant death they were also very lengthy and hard to remember. but practicing only magic circles made them vulnerable in fights where they couldn't draw the magic circles.

Sorcerer were the PowerHouse of a country in a warzone, this is why they were respected greatly, Sorcerers were really useful in war as one big spell from a high sorcerer was enough to wipe out a 100 man troops unit in an instant. A countries power was determined by the number of troops and the number of their sorcerer's. One high sorcerer was considered similar to 10,000 troops in a war. Fathom was the largest and stongest Human empire in civilisation and also in power, as it Housed 7 high sorcerers, 13 intermediate sorcerers and 3500 infant sorcerer's. the vulnerability of sorcerer's was only when they were fighting head on without anyone to block the attacks while they casted the spell.

Seeing this as a great problem the current sorcerer king "Anakin drake" ruler of The Great Magic Tower and the wisest of all the 7 high sorcerers came up with a system called 'Sorcerer's physiology' This system made sorcerer's fighting style a bit more advanced, as it ranked all of the spells according to their power and effectiveness and devided them, the most powerful and advanced spells were lengthy to chant thats why they were only to be practiced in magic circle method, and the short ones were further simplified to be chanted easily and be usable in a head on battle where they didn't had much time, this greatly helped the young sorcerers.

Anakin also came up with the idea of Grimoire which was a little book containing drawn images of magic circles, when a page was torn and came into contact with mana the magic circle instantly activated obliterating the page and the spell being casted. making it a secret trump card of a mage but a grimoire could only contain upto 10 spells, any more would result in an explosion. This had made Anakin's name so famous that he was also well known in the kingdom of elves and other races.

Xen wanted to get his hands on a spell as Quickly as possible but it seemed he had ran out of his luck, as there was no book in the library on magic except, The Basics Of Mana Manipulation. Xen had stored all of the books in the library in his memory review and could see them anywhere, He was currently sitting in his room thinking about how to get his hands on a spell and test out his new powers, and remembered that when he went in the Servant Quarters he heard one of the maids say, that the duke had a peak intermediate level sorcerer as his atandees. If he could somehow see his grimoire or saw him drawing a magic circle , he could also get his hands on a spell, as he was thinking an idea came to his mind.

The duke always celebrated his Birthday with his whole family, which was in two months that would be the perfect opportunity for him to get his hands on a spell. For now he wanted to further increase his physical attributes and wanted to learn how to fight. He considered asking Jared about teaching him, but was hesitant as jared was still mysterious he always looked wornout and tired as if he was doing it on purpose, Xen still couldn't let himself totally trust jared, As he was thinking he came up with an idea. He would test jared to see if he was really hiding something or not, with a smile on his face he got up and sat down on his bed instead of lying down and said. 'So lets see how you do jared.'