
Warlock survival

The story follows 27 year old Liam who dies in a accident while on a bus, and possesses the body of xen bronxe, the illegitimate son of Duke piro bronxe of the fathom empire. join Liam as he becomes the strongest man in the history of fathom.and conquers the unreachable peaks.

Miodoir69 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Xen wanted to know if jared was someone he could trust or not. Although jared had helped him sometimes, He was still unsure about him, that's why he made up a scheme to see what jared would do.

Even though jared looked to be worn out all the time, he was supposed to be a 5th grade blade master or above, as all of the personal knights of the Duke's family were supposed to be 5th grade or higher, which was very good considering an average knight couldn't ever reach the realm of blade mastery. and all of the Duke's family members had one, this much alone showed how much power the Bronxe Duchy had. if this scheme worked and jared was really hiding something then Xen have to reconsider his plans. but if he was trustworthy he would become a great tool for him.

In the afternoon he asked Jared to walk with him, he then purposefully went on the fourth floor and was noticed instantly as he moved together with a knight. One of the maids left and told her master Ryu Bronxe The eldest son of Lady Rose`h about this, Xen had already reached the library he was currently reading a book, as he was reading he heard a loud "THUD" sound when he looked towards the direction of the sound he saw Ryu coming up to him full of rage, He grabbed Xen by the collar and pushed him towards the bookshelves, Xen collided with the bookshelves and fell down, Ryu then jumped up on him and started throwing a barrage of puches on Xen's face.

He started yelling and said. 'How dare a cowardly runt like you come to my territory and try to challenge my authority' Although xen hadn't done anything except coming to the library but in the eye's of Ryu, Xen had challenged him by coming up here, Xen was bleeding all over the floor. it was only then that Seth Lady Rose`h's knight came to Ryu and stopped him, He then left with Ryu. Xen was still on the floor bleeding all over. After all of the official's who were watching the show left, was when jared came up to him and helped xen to get up. Xen shook him off and made a disgusted expression when he saw him. he then got up on his own and Limped his way back to his room.

MIDNIGHT: Location the garden:-

Jared was with someone, The person appeared to be in full black clothes, he had his face covered and had a sturdy body not so muscular but lean, jared had a serious look on his face unlike any of the time he was seen when he was outside Xen's room, He said. 'young master Xen is very sharp he already caught up to me, and wanted to test me to see if I was capable of trust.

He purposefully went to the 4th floor to see if I would protect him from the official's, but as ordered I didn't intervened, as lady Rose`h handled the situation.If it had went on for a few more minutes then I would've stopped him myself. 'He handed a roll of paper to the masked man and said, 'This is this week's report, tell the lord he have to be fast before they try to harm him even more.' after the masked man listened to him he nodded and left quickly. Jared saw him leaving, After the masked man left, he turned around to go back inside, but to his surprise Xen was standing right behind him.

He was startled, and saw in disbelief as Xen was smiling at him, he was confused and asked. 'How...' jared suddenly came to a realisation that in the fight in which Ryu had beaten Xen up. There was not even once when Xen had tried to retaliate or fight back, it wasn't like ryu was trained or something he was also a normal kid if xen wanted he could've stop him. but Xen purposefully let Ryu hit him, Jared thought he had read through Xen's strategy but in reality he was dancing in his palms. Jared was terrified of how this young kid had played with him, Mesmerized and deeply impressed by this Jared bowed infront of xen and said. 'young master I know you have many questions, but this isn't the right place.' Xen simply noded and left.

Inside Xen's Room:

'Young master xen as you know you are the son of Esteemed Duke Piro Bronxe and Lady Jade, but what you don't know is your mother was a noble too, she is the only daughter of the king of NAAZ.'

Naaz is a small human country, it is very small compared to fathom and Bronxe Duchy, but still has a lot of influence in the human continent, as it is the only route connecting the human territory with elves territory, making it the main trade route between the two races. '15 years ago it went through a civil war in which the minister of Naaz betrayed your grandfather and killed every single one from the royal family's bloodline, except your mother who escaped to the Bronxe Duchy and later had you with your father, as she also died after giving birth to you, You are the only one left from the royal family's bloodline, and are the rightful successor to the throne, it took some time for us to find you, but as soon as we arrived you had already turned 5 years old'

He continued. 'The duke knew of your existence and brought you to the Duchy before we could take you, as the one who were still loyal to the Royal family slowly chimed down minister cane's forces, we thought it would be better for you to stay here for a while, atleast until you were old enough to understand, well you still aren't. Our original plan was to take you away when you turn 16 and went for the main house, but it seems because of my incompetence we have failed.

Taking all this information at once was a hassle, but xen still somewhat understood what he was trying to say, he asked about the condition of the country and came to know two factions were formed, One noble faction still loyal to the previous rulers and other one was supporting Minister cane. They needed to stay put for now.

After some talking and sorting things out xen felt comfortable enough to trust him and asked jared if he could teach him how to fight. jared agreed and asked him to come to a hidden basement room which no one used for him to train, and grind his stats.