
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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297 Chs

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 52: to liquidate

  The dark clouds seemed to fall from the sky, and the unleashed fury and thunder illuminated the endless darkness.

   The Primarch's voice echoed in the violent thunderstorm.

   That loud voice overwhelmed everything.

  Like a majestic, holy **** proclaiming the sins of the world.

  The body of the planetary governor is shaking, and the bodies of all the nobles are shaking.

   "My lord, is there any misunderstanding in this?" The planetary governor asked tremblingly.

   "There is no misunderstanding, Grouse family, you have been declared excommunicated and rebellious." Guilliman stared at the planetary governor in front of him, his tone cold.

  The honor guards surrounded him, and there was no sound under the cold metal helmet.

   They did not respond to the excommunication rebellion that was enough to shake the empire.

  The planetary governor slumped on the ground, and the smug, flamboyant smile just now disappeared without a trace.

  The Grouse family is a huge family spanning several galaxies, with unparalleled wealth.

   Can support family members to enjoy expensive life extension surgery and have their own private fleet.

  But the planetary governor is very clear that these are insignificant in front of a Primarch.

  One sentence from the other party deprived the Grouse family of everything.

  The planetary governor looked at the other nobles with a look of asking for help.

   But no one dared to stand up. These nobles had sworn to stand with the Grouse family.

   But now, no one stood up.

  Everyone avoids him.

   "Sicarius, execute the adults of the Gross family, send their children to punishment camps, and tell those children that only war and blood can wash away the sins of their parents."

  Guilliman glanced at the other nobles, and the majesty in his eyes made them take a few steps back subconsciously, "You allow the Grouse family to violate my order, greedy for the power in your hands and unwilling to speak out, and you will also be subject to scrutiny."

  The nobles burst into tears in fright.

   Some nobles wanted to rush to the Primarch and ask for his forgiveness.

  The Glory Guard stopped them, and the Terminator armor formed a metal line of defense that they could not cross.

   "My lord, my ancestors have shed blood for the emperor, and my ancestors have made contributions to the empire. My lord, you can't do this."

  A nobleman was crying loudly, his fat body shaking.

  Crying and trying to squeeze through the iron wall formed by the space fighters, he stretched out his hand forward.

   "Then your ancestors will feel ashamed of you. You have betrayed their ideals and bloodlines. Take them down, each one will be examined, and as long as there are any problems, they will be dealt with immediately."

  Qin Bei glanced at the crying nobles, without the slightest wavering.

  The Space Marines pushed all the nobles aside and arrested people according to the list.

  Guilliman, surrounded by the honor guard, walked towards the red carpet prepared for him.

  The only regret is that all the people who ordered to lay the red carpet have been arrested.

   This was supposed to be a grand welcome ceremony.

   But it became the scene where the Grouse family and many nobles were arrested.

  The nobles were taken away by the team of judges in Guilliman's fleet to examine their sins.

   Many nobles fainted on the spot.

  The Judgment Chamber is notoriously terrifying, and if it falls into their hands, there will be absolutely no good fruit to eat.

  In order to effectively fight against the enemies of the empire, the judges often use all kinds of terrible tortures without any scruples,

  Guilliman showed no mercy, no matter how these guys howled and screamed, he didn't cast any more eyes.

   This plunged the nobles into complete despair.

   Even if there is no problem in the review, they will lose their noble status and become lowly civilians.

"You are a complete tyrant." A mad nobleman shouted, he pulled out a pistol, and shot in Guilliman's direction, "You persecute the emperor's loyalty, you try to usurp your father's throne, tyrant."

  Laser beams flashing in the rain.

  The Glory Guard easily blocked such an insignificant attack that even their shields could not break.

  What this great nobleman did completely angered the space warriors.

  A soldier slammed the opponent's face with the **** of his gun, causing him to scream.

  The strength of the space fighter is so powerful, even if he controls his strength, he can easily smash the opponent's face into pieces.

   Flesh and flesh mixed with broken teeth flew out, and the once high-ranking noble fell to the ground like a dead dog.

   He's not dead yet.

   With his last breath.

   But this is not his luck, death is a thousand times better than falling into the hands of the court.

   "This is their loyalty. Power corrupts them, making them break their vows and forget their awe." Guilliman glanced at it, and then walked towards the hive. "Announce me to the world, and I will listen to them."

  Servo-skulls, cherubs, and many other flying objects flew everywhere, and they roared the news of the arrival of the Great Primarch to the entire hive.

  The news of the nobles' arrest spread quickly, shocking everyone.

   Those who think they are powerful are terrified as if the end of the world is ushered in.

  The situation is completely different from what they imagined.

  They thought it was just like the previous political games, asking prices, fighting, compromising, and closing deals, running a set of rules that belonged exclusively to them.

   Gangsters, nobles, and bureaucrats are intricately intertwined, forming a very special relationship.

  Everyone patiently moves on the chessboard, evaluates what they have, and uses their own advantages to obtain more benefits.

  No one could have imagined that the original would use an unimaginable brutality to smash the relationship network of the major families for thousands of years with a single punch.

   It's like another chess player thinking about all the opponent's moves, guessing the opponent's routines, and his own way to deal with it.

   As soon as the opponent sat down, he picked up the chessboard and smashed it on the chess player's face with a bang.

  Unprecedented fear spread as Guilliman stepped into the hive.

  Of course the fear is limited to the powerful, and everyone at the bottom is cheering.

  The greed of the Grouse family has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is resentful.

  With the help of the Mechanical Association, they carefully estimated the value of each person.

  The policy formulated is enough to ensure that every worker's savings are drained, that they are alive, and that they can't get out, so that they can be better controlled.

  Work, life, marriage, etc., every aspect is clearly arranged.

  The Grouse family will earn everything from it, all people can do is work for the Grouse family for a lifetime, and give birth to the next batch of imperial citizens for the Grouse family to work for them.

   And that's about to change.

   "Please, don't accuse me. I still have a wife, I still have a daughter."

  The law enforcement officer who shot Zealot in the leg is begging that he will be judged for his arrogance and arrogance.

   "You should go to hell, just like the **** Grouse family. Your wife and daughter will spurn you forever, and you will never be able to return to the embrace of the emperor, only worthy of being eaten by those twisted monsters."

  The blind old lady spat on him.

  Others followed the old lady and spat at the law enforcement officer.

   "No, have mercy on me." The law enforcement officer begged, but it was of no use.

  He used to be so vicious to people, unscrupulously giving others pain.

   And now that the same terrible thing has happened to him, no one will sympathize with him.

  The soldiers took the law enforcement officers away, Hawk followed the crowd and cheered, when he wanted to find his friend Madara, and told him that he would continue to receive a pension and live a decent life.

  He didn't know that his friend had left.

  Blade's corpse was lying in a corner, covered with the old blanket, his head with pale and messy hair drooped aside, his body became cold due to the loss of temperature, and his crutches were placed by his feet.

  Painful and relieved expressions on his face.

  The inflammation and burning from the gunshot wound, the humiliation of being chased away by the law enforcement officers, and the grief of not being able to see the Primarch were all tormenting this poor veteran.

  If not, he will eventually see the downfall of the Grouse family and many nobles, I am afraid that he will die full of resentment.

  Hawk hugged his friend's body and began to cry.

  At this time, he saw, on the wall next to the corpse, written with a piece of charcoal.

  Mankind must prevail, and the Empire must prevail.

   There is also a signature below, Captain of the 33rd Regiment of the Imperial Yakos Planetary Army - Madara.

   Let's see if I can stay up late tonight, I have something to do today.