
An enemy

"Run Cerebius Run". Alexander beckoned to his young cub as he ran alongside his mate.

Behind them were savage hounds who didn't seem to slow down at any opportunity.

The pack had finally decided to go on a full scale revolt on him. Previously, his authority had been in question for these past few months.

More and more of their kind had plunged into the hands of the notorious warewolf hunters.

He had been advised to go on a full scale war with the humans to remind them that their kind wasn't one which they could mess around with. But Alexander had blantly refused insisting that launching a war might cause irreparable damage to both races.

The pack hadn't been too satisfied with his response so they had no choice than to launch an exile action on Alexander.

Just as Alexander and his family were desperately trying their best to escape from the clutches of the hounds, a team of men advanced towards the inner part of the forest.

"Forget it Joe" a short white bearded man said holding his dart gun with it's heading facing the ground

"You must've probably been imagining things" the man added.

For hours they had been searching endlessly for a wolf's den because one of their members claimed to have seen a whole pack of wolves .

"don't worry" another man said.

"just a bit further"

On the other hand, the pack of wolves had already caught up with Alexander and his family.

Alexander had no choice than to resort to his last option.

He stood there facing the advancing wolves . Suddenly, his eyes gave out a red like glow. soon the area was filled with the cracking of bones as the family began to transform into their wolf form.

Usually when a warewolf transforms only then does it reaches the peak of it's power and is able to display it's full might.

The fight between the wolves began.

Alexander and his family had been a part of the alpha family so their wolf form was generally much larger and stronger than the average warewolf.

All except little Cerebius who possessed the form of a wolf cub and would be considered weaker than the normal wolves.


The sound of barkings and roaring had drawn the attention of a group of men as they emerged from the bushes.

Now there were a dozen and a half men and a woman each of them carrying a gun.

As soon as the wolves set their eyes on these men they began to retreat to their den.

"Wow joe! "a man exclaimed.

"you were right about the den"

"we've hit the jackpot this time"

another said.

They began to assault the group of wolves who had immediately turned to flee as soon as the men appeared.


A dart like object left one the guns which was pointed to the wolves.

As soon as Alexander was shot, he fell to the ground and the rest of his family halted.

Then they focused their attention to the direction of the men.

"Looks like we're in for a show". a man joked.

Soon felicia, alexander's mate lept on the man who shot her mate.

But before she could land on the man another dart shot towards her as she too collapsed on the ground.

"Stop fooling around and get that cub"

Another man said as he pointed his hand to Cerebius.

The Little cub did not stay still either as he lept towards the man who shot down his parents.

Multiple darts were shot towards him but he easily dodged them because of his small size.

He managed to scratch the man who shot his parents on his arms shoulders and thighs.

The man wallowed In pain as he dropped to the ground, blood began to spill from the claw marks which Cerebius had inflicted.

After Cerebius finished his attacked he began to retreat and ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

Soon his body began transforming back to his human form. Cries of pain filled the entire forest as his bones began making cracking noises. Soon his bones took a new shape

He fell to his knees as he had undergone excruciating pain and had expended a lot of energy in his transformation.

Soon he began to hear some footsteps approach him.

Wit the state he was in now it wouldn't take long to kill him.

But instead of the stinging of the dart which he had expecred he felt a cloth like material wrap around his naked body.

The mystrious figure then helped Cerebius up as he led him to a car up ahead.

"Come Cerebius, You have a big journey ahead of you"

The figure behind him said as they entered a car and drove into the night.