
Activity Resonance Field

Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

Shen Cong had rather bold assumptions but carefully verified them when it came to exploring Activity. 

Increasing the oscillation speed of Titan's frequency to a speed he could not control was a very dangerous experiment. Titan was huge, and it would not be affected too much, but that was not the same case for Shen Cong. Hence, it was a must for him to wear the Drastically Modified Battle Armor. The metal of the armor was full of Activity, and the queen ant's scale served as the key to maintain the operation of the Activity in it. 


Titan's frequency started increasing continuously again because of Shen Cong. The radiation frequency of a large amount of Activity was increased to the point where it started to vibrate intensely, and it surged to one of the Activity cores. 


Shen Cong's attention was fully on this. He did not miss even a single detail of the entire process. 

Gradually, his lips curled up, though this was done subconsciously on his part. The Activity core which had not changed before had started reacting at that moment. 

The brachyponera worker ant's maxilla—the Activity core—started curving. 

When a large amount of Activity vibrating at high speed crashed against it, the maxilla actually changed a little, as if it was about to melt. 

However, before Shen Cong could become too happy, the maxilla that was about to melt let out a bang… and exploded. 

It exploded into powder and spread everywhere. 

An impact wave that could only be sensed swiftly spread out. It swept through Titan's insides The wandering Activity around Shen Cong was originally scarce, but now, a tornado stirred up and charged toward the truck madly. In an instant, the amount of wandering Activity increased exponentially. There was more of it even when compared to during the apocalyptic storm. 

Shen Cong was struck in the face by the impact wave, but he was not injured badly. He just felt his lungs tremble a little. 

"Cough, cough."

He shook in his Drastically Modified Battle Armor, then looked over again and found that Titan's Activity radiation frequency had returned to normal once more. 

The brachyponera worker ant's maxilla had turned to dust on the floor, while the Activity tornado that stirred up by the explosion started dispersing slowly as well. The vast wandering Activity gradually spread out. 

At that moment, Shen Cong felt that Titan had gained a large amount of wandering Activity. It was about the amount required for Level 0.0001!

Shen Cong was originally dejected because the resonance experiment had ended in failure because of the explosion, but at that instant, he laughed. Failure was the mother of success. From this failure, he saw the hope of success. 

'The brachyponera worker ant's Activity core is too weak. I'll change it to something else!'

For the next experiment, Shen Cong switched to a brachyponera soldier ant's Activity core, because it was of a slightly higher grade. The soldier ant's Activity core was nearly a 0.01 level higher than that of the worker ant. Based on that, its resistance should be stronger. 

Shen Cong remained further away while he focused his mind even more, and Titan's frequency started vibrating at high speed again. 



The experiment still ended in an explosion. The impact wave stirred up a tornado, and the wandering Activity in the air around Shen Cong started boiling. Titan seized the opportunity to obtain Activity that was worth 0.0001 again. 


Shen Cong used the scythe-like chelicerae from the earth-digging insect this time. 



It exploded. The Activity tornado gave Titan 0.0001 worth of Activity once more. 

Shen Cong switched to another one. 

The unspayed poodle's fang!



It exploded as well. The Activity tornado gave Titan another 0.0001 worth of Activity. 

There was nothing else to say about this. Change!

This time, Shen Cong switched to the crescent moon-shaped tusk from the tumor pig, which was an Activity core at Level 0.187. He was a little reluctant to part with it, but to verify his theory and obtain the results he wanted, he had to risk it!

Even if Shen Cong kept it around, he could not increase his combat strength within a short amount of time. It was better if he made it explode and let Titan level up. 



Titan's frequency reached a new record, but the crescent moon-shaped tusk did not explode. Shen Cong could clearly see the surface of the Activity core starting to liquefy bit by bit and flow down like metallic liquid. The frequency of the Activity radiation started changing a little as well. 

Shen Cong noticed all that while his mind was highly focused. 

Previously, no matter what he did, he could not make the Activity cores resonate with each other. Right now though, it seemed that when Titan's frequency started oscillating at high speed, the amplitude of its Activity radiation frequency was amplified. The sign of Titan and the Activity core reaching a resonance in terms of their frequency was clear before Shen Cong's eyes. 

'They can truly resonate!'

Shen Cong felt as if a layer of clouds had been sent scattering away from his mind, and clarity returned once more. The time and materials he invested finally showed results. 

Another piece of information regarding Activity was presented before his eyes. 

'The frequency is still not high enough! Let's give it another push!' 

Shen Cong might have been filled with joy, but he still went on to calm his heart and made Titan's Activity frequency speed up again. 

When the crescent moon-shaped husk received the high frequency, its surface melted away. The thick wave of Activity formed an Activity field that took the shape of a tornado on the surface of the liquid. 

This Activity field slowly spread out, and soon, it surrounded Titan. 

Immediately after, just like how magnetic fields attracted metal, the Activity field formed by the crescent moon-shaped tusk absorbed a large amount of wandering Activity and made it gather around Titan. 

Shen Cong did not even need to guide Titan. It automatically started absorbing the large amount of wandering Activity. 

This situation immediately made Shen Cong think about a certain physics term called "magnetic resonance". It was something he had read when he was looking through information about resonance. 

Once a magnetic substance fulfilled the requirements for resonance, it could absorb the energy within a magnetic field. 

The Activity field had gathered a large amount of wandering Activity, so there was no doubt about it. It was similar to the effect of magnetic resonance. 

But before Shen Cong could think about whether the phenomenon in front of him was known as an Activity resonance field, something happened to the tumor pig's crescent moon-shaped husks. Just like the Activity cores before it, it did not manage to last until the very end. 

After the resonance effect went on for one and a half minutes, it let out a loud bang and exploded. 

The great impact wave stirred up a huge Activity tornado that only stopped after a long time had passed. 

During this period of time, Titan absorbed 0.0003 points worth of Activity in one go. The amount he absorbed previously allowed it to reach Level 0.558 after the few experiments conducted within that afternoon itself. It had gained nearly 0.001 points of Activity, which was the amount Titan usually gained throughout a whole day. 

Shen Cong also benefited from this. The Activity Titan gave him helped him reach Level 0.753. 

A door slowly opened before him. 

When the smoke and dust cleared, Shen Cong did not continue with the experiments by using the stronger water buffalo horns. 

With how long the crescent moon-shaped husks persisted, the water buffalo horns should have an even greater effect. They should be able to last even longer when their frequencies resonated. Perhaps the horns could even completely fight against the negative effects from resonance and not explode. 

For the time being, however, Shen Cong did not need to use the water buffalo horns for anything major. He might feel great reluctance in sacrificing them, but he would not hesitate to use them. 

He had chosen to stop with the experiments for now because he wanted to spare some time to reorganize the information from the last few experiments he conducted. The insufficiencies, the places he could modify to become better, and the causes that led him to obtain these effects all needed to be noted down. He could also think carefully about how he could use and keep the water buffalo horns if he managed to make the Activity resonance field stabilize. 

Clearly, the Activity resonance field's ability in attracting a large amount of wandering Activity was very valuable. 

It could increase the speed of Titan's evolution. 

But maintaining it posed as a major problem. Shen Cong had to retain great focus just to maintain the increasing speed of the frequency. 

The slightest mistake would lead to failure. 

Shen Cong only had two water-buffalo horns and the queen ant's scale that were of a higher grade than the crescent moon shaped tusks. If he failed and any of them exploded, it would be a great loss to him. 

After lunch, Shen Cong thought for three hours. 

Then, he started forming a brand new plan for experimentation. It was an Activity resonance experiment that could fulfill his wish of Titan automatically retaining the Activity field. 

He called it: Multi-core resonance field stabilization model.