
Completely Enclosed Field

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Activity resonance field was, in truth, just Shen Cong using the resonance caused by high frequency to turn the substances forming the Activity core into liquid, thereby releasing Activity and creating a "field" that could attract the wandering Activity outside.

Field in mathematics was the mapping of a vector traveling to another vector. Physicists believed that momentum existed within a field, and it was the distribution of matter in a space. 

In truth, radiation was a type of field. Temperature was also a field. In short, fields were everywhere. 

"Activity field" was different from Activity radiation because radiation released energy to its surroundings. Hence, when an evolved beast died, its Activity would also slowly flow away. This meant that an Activity core would completely lose its Activity after a year or two and become completely useless. 

But an Activity resonance field was an enclosed field. 

It was similar to a magnetic field. The field lines emerged out of the north pole and entered the south pole. 

Hence, after Shen Cong organized and made inferences based on the data he obtained from the experiment, he guessed that an Activity resonance field produced from a single Activity Core would not be able to be retained for a long period of time, because it could not be completely enclosed. But if he used two cores or even more of them to trigger the Activity resonance field, he might be able to set up a truly enclosed Activity field, which he could stabilize and maintain. 

For this reason, Shen Cong designed an experiment model. 

He had a large pile of brachyponera ant Activity cores that he could not use, but which were perfect for the experiment, since he would not feel any pain if he lost them. After all, even if he failed, he could stir up an Activity tornado and use it as food for Titan. 

Shen Cong first thought about using three Activity cores to form an Activity resonance field, because a triangle was the most stable of all structures. 


He increased the speed of Titan's frequency. 

The three Activity cores started vibrating and buzzing. They were all from worker ants, so their frequencies were the same. Shen Cong had deliberately chosen them based on their level and made sure that they were very close to each other. 

One minute later…

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three explosions signalled the failure of the experimental model. 

Shen Cong did not give up. He repeated the steps even more cautiously than the last time. Low level Activity cores could not withstand resonated frequencies. 

Shen Cong only brought them out to figure out the basic conditions to close the resonance field and stabilize it. He did not intend to use the low-level Activity cores to form a resonance field. 

When he failed again, he switched to the Activity cores from the brachyponera soldier ants. He placed them in the fixed form of a triangle. 

The results were the same. The sound of three explosions appeared and stirred up an Activity tornado, which turned into Titan's nutrients. 

Shen Cong compared the results from the two experiments and spent half an hour to make an inference before he came to a conclusion. 'A triangle model is ineffective. The three experiments didn't show even the slightest sign of closing up the resonance field.'

Since a triangle did not work, Shen Cong started to use a dual-core model. 

Magnetic fields had south and north poles. Perhaps an Activity resonance field also had two poles. 

He brought out two brachyponera Activity cores and started Alloying them. 

The dual-core model was formed. 

He increased the speed of Titan's frequency and promoted the formation of the resonated frequency. 

The two Activity cores started vibrating and buzzing. One minute later, an explosion occurred. With his great observational skills, Shen Cong noticed that the impact waves that should have spread everywhere had actually become entangled with each other at the moment the explosion occurred. It lasted for only one second before they stopped entangling with each other and the Activity tornado was formed. 

'I made it!'

Shen Cong fanned away the powder in front of him. He could not describe the delight in his heart. While the samples of the experiment had exploded, the entanglement that happened for an instant allowed him to see the possibility of the model working. 

But Shen Cong allowed the excitement to rule him only for a moment before he squashed it down. He had just obtained a sign that he was not even sure pointed him in the correct direction or not. It was too early for him to be excited. He still had to continue with the experiments. 

Before the last stage of the experiment, he could not be sure whether he had truly succeeded. 


The failure of the model using the two brachyponera worker ants let Shen Cong see hope. 

When he used the dual-core model using the brachyponera soldier ants' Activity cores, he saw two waves of Activity entangling with each other at the final moment. 

Then, the large-toothed rats' incisors were used for experimenting with the dual-core model again. The entanglement that happened at the moment they exploded was even more distinct than in the last experiment. 

After that, Shen Cong used the two fangs from the unspayed poodle to form the dual-core model. This time, the entanglement effect happened before the explosion. This meant that the entanglement occurred when the surface of the fangs liquefied. 

Shen Cong then used his last two fangs from the fanged wolves for the dual-core model experiment. 

This time, the Activity resonance field that formed after they liquefied lasted for a total of one minute before they exploded to bits. 

Shen Cong lost count of just how many explosions occurred during the day. The powder formed a thick layer on the floor. 

When it was evening, Shen Cong gathered all the data from the experiments and made inferences more than ten times. Sucking in a deep breath, he decided to perform the last experiment. 

He no longer had many high-grade materials that could be used for the dual-core model experiment. The only ones he had left were the demonic bull king's horns. 

If they exploded as well, he did not know when he could continue with this experiment again. 

But the demonic bull king's Activity was much higher than that of the tumor pig. When Shen Cong performed the single core experiment, the tumor pig's crescent moon-shaped tusk had nearly stabilized, which meant that the demonic bull king's horns should be able to withstand the impact from the Activity resonance field. 

'If I'm not willing to take the risk and pay the price, I won't be able to achieve my goal!'

After dinner, Shen Cong rested for a little while so that his mind would return to the peak condition. 

By then, Titan had already absorbed the wandering Activity brought by the Activity tornadoes and reached Level 0.560. Shen Cong's physical constitution had also improved a little to Level 0.754. 


Shen Cong typed in the record of the experiment on his keyboard before carrying it out. [Sixth experiment for the dual-core Activity resonance field model.

[Materials: A pair of horns from the demonic bull king, which also serve as its Activity cores (Level 0.215)]

Once he finished recording it, the experiment began. 

The pair of water buffalo horns soon produced the resonance effect under the impact from Titan's high-speed frequency. Their surface started turning into liquid, but it did not spill. The resonated Activity caused the liquid on the surface of the water buffalo horns to present a rainbow-colored light that flowered around. It was incredibly pretty. 

But Shen Cong was not in the mood to pay attention to whether it was pretty or not. He just paid full attention to guiding the resonated frequency bit by bit. 

As Shen Cong worked, the two water buffalo horns resonated with Titan and each other. They connected together to form a twisted Activity resonance field. As the frequencies resonated with each other, the field from the Activity resonance field began to gain a regular pattern. When a water buffalo horn released Activity, the other would accept it. 

When one water buffalo horn received Activity, it released Activity too, and when the other water buffalo horn released Activity, it also received Activity. 

This cycle repeated, and the Activity remained in a very stable condition, creating a truly stable Activity resonance field. Once the Activity resonance field was shut, Shen Cong chose to stop Titan from releasing the high-speed frequency charges. 

This was a key move. 

It was the moment which would reveal whether the Activity resonance field would continue existing. 

After Shen Cong stopped, he immediately wrapped his arms around his head and bent down, protecting his vital spots. He was afraid that the power from the explosion would be too great and hurt him even if he was wearing the Drastically Modified Battle Armor. 

For a DIY expert who could not be considered a specialist and was at most a citizen scientist, Shen Cong's actions were really unorthodox. This was especially true when it came to his experiments. They were not systematic or had any sense of regularity. He was just relying on his divergent thoughts to experiment on whatever came to his mind at that moment. When he had an inspiration, he just went with it. 

But he did manage to score a lucky hit, because he actually succeeded in figuring the tip of the iceberg that was Activity with his citizen scientist methods. 

He had actually managed to delve deeper into the topic that was Activity with his experiments. This was not using it at a basic level, but exploring it deeper. 

Through citizen scientist methods, he managed to conduct professional scientific research. 

It had to be said that Shen Cong's ability to work and his courage were much higher than those of a normal person. Perhaps only those who were stubborn and were a little bit off in the head could walk down this path. 

The next moment passed by as slowly as a century. 

Shen Cong looked forward to the experiment succeeding, but at the same time, he accepted the fact that an explosion might occur because the experiment failed. The conflicting emotions put him through excruciating pain. 

However, the explosion he was worried about did not happen. The enclosed Activity resonance field formed by the water buffalo horns still worked perfectly. He could sense that the enclosed Activity resonance field was releasing countless "fields" that traveled from one water buffalo horn to the other. These fields created a sphere that had a diameter of around 1 m. 

This spherical field was gathering the wandering Activity around it with a great suction force. 

Then, a tornado that surrounded the Activity resonance field was born. A wave of wandering Activity that was as vast as the sea gathered together, and Shen Cong felt as if he were in the middle of a raging sea. 

Titan was also joyful. 

It absorbed the wandering Activity as if it were swallowing large gulps of water. 

One minute ago, it was at Level 0.560.

One minute later, it was still at Level 0.560, but it had absorbed 0.0002 points worth of Activity. 

Five minutes later, it was still at Level 0.560, but it had absorbed 0.0005 points worth of Activity.