
War Of The Flower

After being abandoned and humiliated by the man she loved, Arya Varez decides to live a quiet life doing business and making money. However, years later the past she's tried so hard to move on from comes back to haunt her when she loses what's most dear to her. **** Arya suddenely pulled away from the kiss. "No, we can't." she said breathlessly as she staggered away from him. She couldn't believe she'd betrayd herself and kissed the man she told herself she'd never that had hurt her. "We can't have this kind of relationship." Surprised by her sudden rejection he asked. "Why not?" "Do you think it's unfair that you can't give our relatioship a chance." "In case you forgot, it was you that divorced me, not me." Arya reminded him. "I don't want to get hurt again."

AMerci · Lịch sử
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19 Chs

Chapter 9


Arya Varez, born from a respected noble family in Kajun, was chosen by the former Emperor at the young age of 14 to be the Crown Princess of the empire. Consorts were chosen at an early age to learn how to support the future emperor with the royal duties of the castle. Although, that was part of the reason why they were chosen, the true reason was to produce an heir.

With the continental wars going on what was of crucial importance to Kajun was having a male child. To assure that an emperor who is to trained to be a warrior in order carry on the empires victories. The Varez family was known to produce several male children. Arya herself had several brothers and was the only girl in her family. The emperor was hoping she would have a high chance of having a son.

Arya was honored to have been chosen. She took great pride in the responsiblities and wanted to work hard to be a worthy empress. What's more, she loved the crown Prince, Cedric. She'd had a crush on him for such a long time and was honored to have been chosen to be his empress. To her he was strong, majestic and not to mention handsome.

Cedric, however, had absolutley no interest in Arya. Cedric was known to be a cold, stoic and serious person, who only ever focused on his knight training and becoming a warrior like his father. All the the people around him from the knights he trained with, his tutors and servants all had trouble dealing with him. He wasn't kind to anyone nor did he open up to anyone.

When Arya first moved into the castle to begin her crown princess studies she tried to gain his attention. However, Cedric did not reciprocate her feelings. Whenever she wanted to talk to him or spend some time with him he would always say he had something else to do. Whether it was sword fighting practice, Crown prince duties, anyhting else was more important than spending time with his finace. He only ever talked to her when it was absolutely necessary and a formality. Such as dancing at a royal ball.

So as one could imagine life was quite difficult in the castle for Arya. Her fiance avoided her, the emperor was often busy with work and the Queen passed when Cedric was 15. In short she was lonely in the castle the only person who was there for her was her nanny/lady-in-waiting.

However, despite Cedrics clear rejection of her, Arya hadn't given up just yet. Over the years she still tried to get his attention by dressing extremely well all the time, studying and working hard in her crown princess duties. Unfortunately, all her efforts were in vain as not only did he continue to ignore her but rarely saw him he was finally approved as a knight when he turned 17. He began to go for training at any one of the several military bases across the empire. Soon enough he fought in the continental wars alongside his father.

It meant Cedric was rarely at the castle and Arya often never got to see him. It was embarassing for Arya because she was starting to get called the forgotten crown princess. It hurt but she ignored the rumors and held her head high. She just focused on her duties as crown princess.

Then, everything changed when Cedric suddenly retuned to the castle one day with a lover. At this time Arya was now 18 and Cedric, 20. He had returned from one of his training excursions when he came back with her.

When they arrived he never announced that she was his lover, in fact Cedric had hired her to work as a royal physician. However from the way he treated her suspicions were raised. He had her assigned a guestroom in the castle, he ate meals with her when he usually ate alone.

Everyone in the castle was shocked by the sudden turn of events. Cedric who was known to be emotionless and never opened up to anyone suddenly had a lover. It was so hard to believe.

The servants in the castle began to gossip.

"Have you seen the Crown Princes' lover?"

"Yes, she's so beautiful like a flower."

"I hear she's a commoner."

"Who knew that cold prince was capable of love?"

However, out of everyone in the castle Arya was the one who was in the most shock. She wondered how had this happened and who was this woman who suddenly made Cedric this way? Almost as if she had him under a spell.

Jasmine came from a village near the military base where Cedric was training. She was a well known herbalist in the village. She made all kinds of teas and medicines from mixing different herbs, flowers and other plants. The village praised her for being very skilled.

The knights at the base heard of her and decided to try out her medicines as they always got injured either from training or from actual missions. The knights claimed her potions were unlike anything they've ever used before and healed. Cedric having caught wind of this and then ordered for her to be brought to him

Not only did she heal she made Cedric whom often had trouble sleeping a potion to help him. Apparently after that he was impressed by the effectiveness of her potions he said she worked better than some of the royal physicans. This was the start of their relationship.

Ever since he came with her. He practically kept her at his side all the time. He was still cold to everyone else but treated this woman. It was like something out of a movie.

Arya tried to get Cedrics' attention however, he was quick to shut her down. "Cedric I haven't had time to see you since you came back."

"Crown Princess I'm busy at the moment I can't talk. "He coldly said.

" But you seem to have time for Jasmine." she jealously commented.

"What are you trying to say?!" He angrilgy asked her. Arya was shocked and stepped back in fear. "Don't say her name, don't try to talk to her and don't try to bother her!"

A look of pure shock and sadness was in her eyes. To think Cedric would go so far for this woman. He stormed off leaving her behind.

Then after that moment as if to rub it in Aryas' face Cedric made time for Jasmine, he was so attentive to her, whilst he simultaneously did his duties as Crown Prince. Everything he said made him too busy to spend time with Arya he had no problem spending time with Jasmine. Aryas' pride was hurt. this woman was making and challeging her place as crown princess.

Arya couldn't do anyhting about Cedrics' lover because he was technically allowed to have a lover. Whilst the empress was the official wife of the emperor if she had trouble producing a son which the empire valued above all else the emperor was allowed to take in concubines. Or even as a precaution he was allowed to take in lovers/concubines in case the empress had any issues.

Then the gossip around the catsle began to center around Arya.

"I heard Jasmine even sleeps in the princes room now."

"What, really?"

"I thought the prince just wasn't capable of loving anyone but maybe the crown princess just wasn't good enough to change him."

"She tried so hard to make him like her, she must be so embarrassed I know I would be if I were her."

Whenever, Arya moved around the castle they all gave her looks of pity as she passed others laughed at the situation. However, she couldn't do anything to stop it.

With time Jasmine began to make a name for herself as a royal physician in the castle. She helped Cedrics' father, the emperor with healing his injuries he had from war.

Whats more the servants slowly began to like Jasmine as not only was she so kind to them but she even secretly have them medicines to some of the servants to help them with any ailments they had. This won over a lot of them as they

"Lady Jasmine is so kind she helped my child who was suffering."

I wish Jasmine was the Crown Princess she's actually helping people.

Yeah, what has the

"Excuse me, but what exactly are you talking about?" Arya angrily asked.

The servants jumped in surprise that they had been found out. They didn't respond to Aryas question though.

"In case you forgot I am still the crown princess and such insulting remarks are unacceptable!" She defended herself.

"What are you going to do?"

"Excuse me?" Arya hysterically asked.

"The prince hates you, the emperor has no interest in you there's no one to protect you. There's nothing you can do to me."

As angry as Arya was there really was nothing she could do to the servants. Without the support of the Crown Prince or Emperor there wasn't much Arya could do

Not only had Jasmine won the hearts of the prince and the Emperor but also that of many in the castle. They all were turning against Arya. She had no on