
War Of The Flower

After being abandoned and humiliated by the man she loved, Arya Varez decides to live a quiet life doing business and making money. However, years later the past she's tried so hard to move on from comes back to haunt her when she loses what's most dear to her. **** Arya suddenely pulled away from the kiss. "No, we can't." she said breathlessly as she staggered away from him. She couldn't believe she'd betrayd herself and kissed the man she told herself she'd never that had hurt her. "We can't have this kind of relationship." Surprised by her sudden rejection he asked. "Why not?" "Do you think it's unfair that you can't give our relatioship a chance." "In case you forgot, it was you that divorced me, not me." Arya reminded him. "I don't want to get hurt again."

AMerci · Lịch sử
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19 Chs

Chapter 6

Emperor Cedric had managed to prepare himself in time to leave with his son Aston the following day. Early the next morning Aston had a wide smile on his face when he saw his father coming up to the carriage. "You're late dad. I was worried you weren't coming anymore." he said to him.

"I can....call you Dad now right?" he then asked innocently.

"Yes, you can." Cedric laughed as he reached the carriages. "When it comes to spending time with you and your mother I wouldn't suddenly change." He reassured Aston. At the sight of his son, Cedric had a light feeling come over him already.

Cedric and Aston weren't dressed in royal attire, they wore more casual unidentifiable clothing. Neither did they carriages they were going to use have the royal insignias on them. They had to move secretly whenever they went to visit Arya. It was done in order to protect both themselves and Arya.

They didn't want the empire to know where they were going. Only Cedrics most trusted servants were allowed to know about these visits.

The others in the castle just asumed the emperor and the Crown Prince were just spending time with each other. Not even his own royal council knew the crown prince frequently visits to his mother.

Duke Samuel and Sir Aaron were among the selected servants and were helping with the loading of the emperor and princes luggages.

After talking to Aston, Cedric then turned his attention to Duke Samuel who wasn't going with him. He was once again going to stay behind and look after the palace.

"Make sure everyhting continues to run smoothly. I'll be back in a couple of days." he told Duke Samuel.

Duke Samuel who was grumpy with the amount of work he had to do simply responded. "Yes, your majesty."

Duke Samuel then turned to Sir Aaron who was travelling with his majesty. "Try not to have too much fun without me and make sure to give the duchess my greetings."

"I will," Aaron laughed knowing how Samuel felt being left behind all the time. When the emperor was with Arya it was when he was most calm and kind. Like he was another person. Which is why they often recommended the Emperor to go visit the duchess not that they really had to encourage him since he usually went out of his way to visit her with Aston. They both secretly hoped Cedric and Arya would end up together. Cedric would be so much nicer and understanding 24/7.

As the servants wrapped up the loading. Cedric and Aston were soon on their way. If they left early in the morning like this they would arrive at Aryas' estate by the afternoon in time for lunch.

"I'm really glad we're leaving, I was tired of having to run away from that strange woman who always wants to play with me. She says I must be lonely since I dont have a mummy but I wish I could tell her I do have a mummy."

Cedric looked at his sons adorable wide eyes taken aback by his comments. He knew Aston was referring to Lady Selena. What surprised him is how he caught on Selenas' plans and was distancing himself. Selena who was the woman that was trying to gain his favor to be the next empress candidate.

"Don't worry I'll deal with her so you don't have to worry about her bothering you. But make sure no one finds out about mummy okay?"

"Yes, daddy, I won't tell anyone, I'm good at keeping secrets." as he pulled out something from his trouser pocket.

"Alright, then" He noticed the object Aston was playing with in his hand and aksed, "What's that you got there?"

"Oh this my gift for mummy." He said stretched out the object and held it up for his father to see. "It's a necklace."

Cedric looked at the 'necklace' which was made of some string a purple jewel stone. Though Cedric already knew he asked, "Did you make it yourself?"

"Yes I did. I asked my ettiquette teacher what kid of gifts girls like and she told me they usually like flowers clothing and jewerllery. I didn't know whether I could believe her or not because you ususally get mummy all those things but she never likes them... "

'Why does it feel like he's taunting me?' Cedric thought to himself.

" But then I saw this jewel in the castle and thought the color éd the same as mummy's eyes. I hope she likes it."

" I'm sure she will." Cedric responded surpportively.

For the rest of the ride Cedric and Aston were telling each other stories.


"You came so unexpectedly your majesty we weren't able to you a bedroom." she stressed to make a point of how she was annoyed by his sudden appearance.

"Oh, what a shame, I guess I will have share a room with you then. " Cedric teased her.

Arya blushed in embarassment at his suggestion. "How can you even suggest that? I'll have some servants quickly prepare a guest room of course!" She quickly blurted out.

Cedric had a sly smile on his lips.

Then to get out of the awkward situation she said "Aston let me show you to your room before we have lunch." Arya ordered her servants to prepare a room for Cedric and to be at his service as she took Aston to his room.

She had servants prepare Astons bath so he wash after travelling and some clothes. After lunch the day progressed with Aston telling Arya about everything he'd done during the month.

Later that night as Susie began to help prepare her master for bed . Susie was braiding down her mistreses hair the she liked in front of the dressing board. A

Arya could see from took not of Susie who seemed to be in shock and was deep in thought about the days events. "You look like have a thousand questions." Arya said

"I apologize if I seem distracted my lady. " Susie apologized sincerely.

"No, go ahead ask what you want to ask." Arya encouraged her.

Susi wasn't sure her mistress meant it or not but the look on her face seemed sincere and open. After some consideration Susie finally spoke.

"I apologize for the this question which you may find rude but.... if the crown prince is your son does that mean are you the former Empress of empire Arya Varez?"

"Yes, I am." Arya slowly answered.

Susie's eyes widened in surprise.

I'm sure you can see why I was reluctant to share everything about myself with you."

Susie slowly nodded in understanding. Empress Varez was infamous across the empire for having been dethroned after just a week's of being in power. No one knew what happened to get after she left the castle. There were all kinds of speculations and rumors about what happened to her. Meanwhile, she was here secretly running a town.

"Is that why you started this town?"