A burned out Couple gets Dropped into Horror world hopping adventure by a ROB who was renting the apartment next door to theirs. they have no system, no powers, and no idea what to do next. good news is they also are sociopathic fun loving fools who are ready to have some fun. I don't own anything other than the two MCs and any OC characters that come up. the cover I grabbed from the internet and think it's AI. First try at writing on a platform for people to see. don't expect the best sorry. Discord - https://discord.gg/EbmzVrcf
Sunshine cast into the window of a high school classroom as a, twenty dollar, camcorder video played. It showed a rather pathetic attempt of a failed boy scout troop trying to get new members to join. In the classroom were eight people, four giving the seminar, and four viewing it. Logan, Akane, and Leah found themselves in this classroom the moment they entered this movie. Looking around, before zeroing in to the front of the classroom, they got there bearing quickly.
"So, who seems interested in being a boy, I mean, a scout!?" The troop leader said as he eyed the two girls in the classroom. He knew the scouts accepted women as well now, and wouldn't try to fail in his recruitment by making them think they couldn't join. The three boys with him were a little hopeful as well given the girls were hot, and exotic. The three looked at the leader and then to each other before looking back and raising their hands. "Great, let me get you your uniforms and we can get started right away!"
After a handoff of some uniforms in thin plastic, and a goodbye from the fourth viewer, the group all focused on the scout leader as he had a big smile. "This is wonderful, some fresh new faces, and Augie's big night all in the same day!" the scout leader said with a smile. The three smiled back as the leader talked with them about camping experience to get a feel for how fast badges would come for them. Logan and Leah were answering easily enough as one was raised by a soldier of a father, while the other grew up in tradition. Akane had the basics given her relationship with Logan, and memories of needing somewhere to crash when she didn't want to deal with her parents.
"Excellent, Okay then! Let's get everybody a task so we can have a great night in the woods. After that will get started on likely handing out badges like hotcakes for you two, Ha!" Logan smirked as Leah nodded with a hidden frown, something Akane caught with a sharp eye.
"Bad memories?" Akane thought, "I wondered about that glint in her eyes." With that the scout group all sang out a little song, with the three a step behind in an awkward, learning as you sing moment, before the three left to get changed and head out with their new fellow scouts, Ben and Carter.
Now fully changed the three hopped in the back of Ben's dad's shitty sedan to go head out to the campgrounds for tonight. The ride was somewhat awkward in the beginning as the two boys seemed to feel like talking was off the table.
"Aww, you two look petrified" Akane said as she smiled at the two. It brought back memories of nerds getting scareroused by her in high school. Everybody wanted to fuck the goth chick, but didn't know how to even approach her without getting there dick ripped off. That thought brought about a movie that would be fun to run through...
"What? no!" Carter said as he looked back at the three. "We just, me and Ben were, you know...talking about the future and stuff before the seminar."
"Yeah!" Ben nodded looking in the review at the small asian american. "It's just a bit awkward to talk with new scouts at all." Carter nodded along as he tried to look more mature to the girls in the car.
"Oh? Hmm," Akane said as she looked at the tryhard. "considering your badge count, and rather lackluster glee about scouting, I'd say you two were talking about quitting it." The two boys looked at one another at how easily this girl just read the situation. "You two are sophomores if I remember correctly, and that means junior year is coming up. Don't tell me...You're looking to finally blend in and be cool?"
"What!?" Carter shouted, "We're cool!" He tried to look like her words didn't bother him, but it was a failed attempt.
"Oh you absolutely could be if you didn't think you weren't" Akane said, earning a look from the two, and leaving the road unwatched. "Look, I'm the goth chick as you can see" she said waving a hand at her black makeup, "Wanna know why guys always want to fuck the goth chick?" Carter and Ben nodded as their lower brains took control. Akane smirked as she gave them the finger. "Cause I don't try to fit in, and instead blaze my own path. you want the girls to like you I assume?"
Again the two nodded and Akane waved a hand at the uniforms. "Then embrace the fact that your fucking skilled survivalist who can take care of themselves. Sure, everyone hears boy scouts and thinks of preteens going camping, but what they don't see is that you can be rugged men who can be relied upon."
"Agreed," Leah said as she chimed in while patting Logan's chest. "This should be your example. Never was a scout sure, but did all the same things you did growing up. You tell me how many bitches he could get if he wanted to?" The two boys looked at Logan's broad shouldered and muscled physique and slowly nodded.
"Look, hit the gym, take some protein shakes with you, and start carving your own path. Soon you can have bitches like me and Leah hanging off your cock whenever you want" Akane said with a devilish smirk. Leah blushed with a snort as Logan sighed with a chuckle from his wife's antics. Carter and Ben looked at Logan and then the two girls, getting the message clearly. The two had some rather life changing thoughts at the moment.
"Deer" Logan said firmly and Ben looked to see one standing in the middle of the road. With a crash the Deer was sent up and over the car as Ben tried to stabilize after the hit threw off the car's momentum. Ben and Carter cried out as it did, while the three in the back just braced from the car's sudden stop.
"What the fuck was that?" Carter said.
"As I said, a deer," Logan said as the two got out to see the damage. Akane hopped out as well and Leah and Logan joined as well. The group walked over to the damaged animal, a visible chuck of it missing. The dead had already been about it would seem to the three as the two boys just moaned and groaned about the dead deer.
"Jesus Christ, you hood-fucked Bambi" Carter said as Ben looked crestfallen at the accident. Rubbing his head Ben walked away with Logan following. Carter pulled out his phone and moved in to take a selfie, one that Akane joined in as Leah spotted the path the deer likely took before getting hit. It was deeper into the woods, but in the direction of the city.
"Leah, help us with this pic" Akane said and Leah looked over. Carter and Akane were posing as if they hunted the beat up animal and Leah laughed as she took Carters and Akane's phone and took the picture.
"Nice, hey that phone looks fucking legit, what model is that?" Carter asked as he looked at Akane's somewhat futuristic phone. The three had bought them from the arcade before taking on this marathon watch. It wasn't a name brand and actually came from an off brand sci fi movie.
"Don't bother, I got this from an uncle in Japan" Akane lied. "This is a prototype that you're not gonna see for tens of years." Carter looked annoyed but just sighed and walked away from the two. as he did Akane gave it a second before looking at Leah and pulling out her bowie knife.
"Second Rule," Leah said.
"Double tap," Akane answered as she drove the knife into the head of the deer. with a crunch of bone it sunk in, before she yanked it out with a squelch and small spray of blood. The deer twitched before laying dead for good and the two join the boys. Logan was jacking up the car and had Ben pull out a spare, while mumbling about his pissed off father. Akane snagged the lug nuts before Logan started to change the tire, the girls enjoyed the activity as Logan flexed to pop the firm hold of the current lug nuts.
The whole ordeal took a solid thirty minutes and they had just finished when an orange jeep pulled up.
"Oh shit, that's my sister, Hey Kendall! Kendall!" Carter shouted, waving the jeep down. Ben was quick to fix his hair in the mirror while the three just raised a brow as they watched the by play of the teens. Kendall hopped out of the car and walked over catching the eye of most everybody, as the actress playing her was a Hollywood hottie.
"Fucking would," Akane said.
"I'd help," Leah chimed in. Logan just hummed in confirmation at their want, but not joining in the lust, as he never really found himself led by his lower brain all that much. Ben was next to the three as Carter was walking over to the jeeps, third occupant, a brunet who knew what she had and used it without restraint. Leah looked at Ben and found him full tunnel vision as he watched Kendall walkover, bringing back memories of her first crush.
"Catch!" The driver of the Jeep, a young man with a handsome face, threw a ball at Ben as he walked over with Kendall. The kid was completely lost and didn't even react to the words. Akane did though and caught the ball before it hit Ben in the head. "Hey, nice catch" he said as Akane tossed the ball back to the guy. she just smiled at his words and he decided to move on, as the glint in Akane's eyes told of pain for him, and walk over to Kendall and Ben.
The three then watched a classic scene as The jock, Jeff, treated Ben like a loser kid, while Kendall looked at him like a little brother. Carter was off trying to schmooze with the other girl before Jeff walked over to shoo him away. That led to a private conversation that had Carter hyped as he ran over to Ben and the three new Scouts.
"Oh hell yeah! you are not going to believe this man!" Carter shouted as the Jeep revved up and started to drive away. Carter waved them goodbye as the jock smirked at the scout group. The girl in the back looked as well, doing a double take at Logan as the Jeep drove away. "Okay boys and girls! guess who's going to the secret seniors party!"