
Wandering Adventures of Kagetora

The great warrior of Bishamonten. The incarnation of Bishamonten. The Wandering Adventures of Nagao Kagetora as he wanders aimlessly to wherever the kaleidoscope of worlds sends him.

DenSai · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Elsa Graniert had been insulted time after time in her life. But never was her skill and speed insulted.



Her speed took another boost as she vanished from the spot. Kagetora kept the same smile as his eyes followed before snatching her out of the air.

"Yes, you are sluggish."

"Did you really think this paltry speed could best the Avatar of Bishamonten?"

Elsa's lungs collapsed as air was forcibly pushed out. She spazzed as the last thing she saw before she blanked out was that insane smile as a large spear materialised before piercing her head into the wall.

Emilia was frightened, they all were. That insane smile as the head was pierced into the wall with the body dangling down. Reinhard came running only to spot the bloodied body of the Bowel Hunter suddenly tear of the spear before running away.

"Bisha-greatly surprised again!"

"An apostle?"

Emilia and everyone sighed as the smile was still the same old smile they saw before. It was a pleased smile. Emilia sighed before walking up to Kagetora.

"Is there anything you wish?" asked Emilia. "You helped me so much today, and if you were not there I could have lost my life. For that I want to repay you."

Kagetora thought for a bit "I've been wandering for a while and I need a place to rest and some alcohol would be nice!"

Kagetora thought of bottles of alcohol with a full meal. A pleased smile spread as he continued to dream.

"Well, allow me to provide you shelter," suddenly said Emilia. "You've been very helpful to me Aaron and I have yet to repay you. So I insist that you come to my place to rest."

Kagetora nodded before pulling out the spear as it dissolved into motes of light.


It was a pleasant ride as Kagetora took in the sights. A humongous tree caught his attention as Emilia told him it was Flugel's Tree. An interesting name.

Staying as a guest in the mansion was pleasant and peaceful. A few days passed by in serenity as he got into the routine.

However Kagetora found a pleasant sight as the two maids entered the room only to find awake. "Morning."

"Kagetora-sama, you already woke up."

"Kagetora-sama, you woke up early."

They spoke in unison as Kagetora tilted his head. It was a new surprising thing, twins. Both looked the same except for the colour scheme and the sides of the hair bangs.

The maids bowed before Kagetora asked them "So do you require me for anything?"

"We came to wake you up but it was unneeded."

Kagetora nodded "Very well! Let us have our breakfast!"

Rem did not know what to think of the new guest, Ram and Rem both agreed on one thing. That face was nothing but a mask, unnatural. They both observed one scary thing. He only smiled. Smiling was the only expression on the man. While he looked dignified and exuded confidence, that smile was not fooling them.

Every human would have varying expressions, he had only one, a smile.

"I should probably get training again. Do you know where I can find these mabeasts?" Rem and Ram turned to him in an instant while Emilia who had just walked in came to an awkward situation.

"Kagetora-sama. Why would you require to find mabeasts?"

Kagetora gave a shy smile "I haven't practised in so long, If I don't train I'll get rusty again."

Rem nodded, though a bit tense, "I see, well you can find mabeasts near the edges of the forest where the barrier is not up."

Kagetora was gone in an instant as that insane smile appeared before she finished.

Rem sighed as Emilia left to eat breakfast. A cold gleam in her eye as she made her resolution to protect this mansion.

Those eyes did not belong to a human it was something trying to act human.

She grabbed her morningstar before heading towards the forest that held the most amount of mabeasts. What she saw was nothing short of a fantasy scene. A God of War.

Multiple huge beasts raged and jumped at him. Eight treasured weapons appeared and pierced the ground as he blinked towards each weapon and they found their targets. In an instant eight weapons were used and eight mabeasts had died. Blood splattered in a small shower of rain as he simply stood there with a blissful smile.

"Oh you came here as well Rem?"

In an instant the morningstar flew at him. His instant evasion kicked in as his head tilted before asking "What is the meaning of this?" His confused smile became a wicked smile as he stared at her.

"I'll warn you as you've been nothing but nice to me."

"What is your reasoning in trying to commit a suicidal act of facing me?"

Rem hissed "You can't be human. My senses and smell tell me you having nothing to do with the witch cult. Yet observing you, every single cell in my body is telling me that you are the same kind as them."

Rem was taken aback when the smile vanished before being replaced with a pleased smile "I'm so glad someone understands. No, I'm not with the witch cult or whatever that is. I am human make no mistake though you could argue I never lived like a human."

"Hence I was only able to mimic them due to the temple teaching me."

"You on the other hand. You aren't human are you?"

Kagetora raised his spear as it pointed towards Rem as the same insane smile she saw before bloomed onto his face.

"Please answer truthfully and remember. I can always kill you... Now."

"What are you?"

Rem's response would determine whether she lived or died.