
Wandering Adventures of Kagetora

The great warrior of Bishamonten. The incarnation of Bishamonten. The Wandering Adventures of Nagao Kagetora as he wanders aimlessly to wherever the kaleidoscope of worlds sends him.

DenSai · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Nagao Kagetora tugged at his shorts below his clothes as the wolf continued to bite. In an instant the wolf laid limp with its head crushed. Blood splattered all across his hand as he sighed before wandering around a bit more. Since how long had it been since he had gone on a journey to expand his repertoire?

Was magecraft better than the sword or spear? It depended. Therefore the answer he came to before would be the same. When deciding whether to bring the sword or spear the answer was easy. Both. Both was good.

Now deciding between magecraft and weapons. Both was good.

He lacked any magecraft in his repertoire, while one of his spears could generate flames, a sword could shake the earth and the others all did huge damage or had effects. And his most beloved seven branched spear which could charge energy and deliver a fatal blow and use lightning. Hence magecraft was a search.

That was when he came across this little trinket. A bracelet that held a small gem which randomly tossed him into different worlds after mana was channeled into it.

Kagetora smiled before raising his spear up "Wandering Adventures of Kagetora!" A self-esteem boost as he continued wandering around with no direction in mind apart from whatever his whims were.

Deciding there was nothing left here he channeled a small bit of mana into the gem as the world around him became a swirl of colours. In life he was forced into the role which other people thought of him. Hence, discovering human aspects was new, and wandering was fun, something he didn't do often.

He found himself on an open street, "Phantasmal beast species?" He muttered as he stared at the wide variety of people walking among the street. He dismissed his weapons as they vanished. He could understand and speak the language fine and read due to the effects of the gem. Something about apples near the stall and-

Unknowingly Kagetora had somehow found himself in front of three thugs. "Oi looks like you have some nice clothes." His tongue ran over his lips. Kagetora shivered in disgust before they stared at him and prepared their weapons.

"I'd advise against that."

[That's what a human would say right? I learnt that at the temple.]

They stepped forward as Kagetora's face morphed into a creepy smile as his eyes no longer held any human nature in them. The eyes that would terrify any human stared at the thugs, who had realised too late, that they were dealing with something out of their league.

Emilia ran after the thief who had just passed Kagetora who seemed surprised. The man was around 6ft and had long white hair with black accents on the sides and middle. His face was beautiful and smooth, despite that. She felt like something was off, a mask.

Kagetora stared at the elf who stared back at him.

"Excuse me, have you happened to have seen anyone run across this area? I've been robbed and I'm looking for the thief."

Kagetora's eyes brightened "Very well, from the divine heavens I shall help you." Emilia froze as her brain froze at the statement.

Kagetora tilted his head as he thought for a bit.

[That is what a human would do right? Help others?]

Emilia nodded "That would be helpful, thank you."

Kagetora smiled before asking "I'm assuming you are looking for a small brat around the height of my waist? Blonde hair, red eyes?"

Emilia nodded "Yes that's her!"

Kagetora smiled "Yes I saw her head that way. I have a hunch I know where she is."

"Nagao Kagetora, Avatar of Bishamonten! A traveling warrior."

He took off his hood as his hair flowed freely in the wind. "And you?"

Emilia shook his hand "Emilia."

Kagetora smiled before he motioned her to follow. "Come on! Quickly. Time awaits for no one."

"Fate is in the heavens."

"Armor is on the chest."

"And accomplishment is in the feet."

"The words I live by."

Emilia followed as Kagetora leisurely walked at a pace that would require normal people to speed up.

A soft thud was atop of Kagetora's head as he grabbed the creature. "A cat!"


His face brightened until Puck wriggled out of his grip. "My name's Puck, thank you for helping my daughter."

Kagetora watched as Emilia started tiring out. "If I may carry you?" Emilia let out a small "Huh?" Kagetora grabbed and placed her under his arm as he rushed towards the slums.

Emilia's eyes narrowed as she struggled to keep her senses straight from the speed.

"Why are we going so fast?"

Kagetora laughed "Faster we get there, the faster we finish!"

He repeatedly searched for any place where things would be sold until he stopped and placed Emilia down.

"You thief is probably here as I can not spot any other shop here that would pawn of stolen goods."

Kagetora opened the door immediately when he smelt the familiar stench of blood. There laid a huge man who seemed to be bleeding out with his stomach cut open. "Oh my it seems we have uninvited guests. Emilia rushed over as the lady charged at her. Kagetora arrived before they could register as the a katana appeared before a surge of electricity arced across the blade before smouldering flesh could be smelt.

The lady hissed in pain as she observed a huge slash across her chest. The flesh was seared and cauterised by the electricity.

"Bisha-greatly suprised!"

Kagetora watched as the flesh mended. A dagger flew towards him straight and true, yet the dagger curved to avoid him.

[Armor is on the Chest] [A]

She clicked her tongue as a few more daggers flew towards him, the aim never missing like a true assassin. Yet everyone in the room was dumfounded when the projectiles avoided and shifted off course to avoid Kagetora.

The katana sat firmly in his hand as he stared around the surroundings. Another sword took place in his other hand. One that could shake the earth and the other that could use electricity. Both treasured weapons perfect for short distance combat.

"The will of the heavens will strike you down!"

"But why are you so sluggishly slow?"

[Nagao Kagetora]

[Strength] [B]

[Endurance] [C+]

[Agility] [A]

[Mana] [C+]

[Luck] [B]


[Magic Resistance] [B]

[Riding] [A]

[Divinity] [C]