

"Hey, honey, that's enough. Let's do it tomorrow because I can't wait any longer for what we're going to do," Mildred's companion said in a sweet tone.

Mildred calmed herself before they entered her room. Claire heard her mother's giggles once again. She could only shake her head at what she heard. She had lost count of how many men her mother had brought home.

Claire couldn't help but hold back her tears in her situation. She had been enduring her mother's company for years.

She entered their shared room and saw that Mico was sleeping soundly.

A decision needed to be made. If only she had followed the advice of her older friends at the market.

Claire took Mico's old backpack, shook it off, and carefully selected her best clothes and a few pairs of pajamas.

She had been planning to leave their mother for a while now, but she couldn't do it because of Mico.

"You would understand, right, Mico?" she said, talking to her still-sleeping brother.

Claire was almost sleepless that night due to excessive thinking about what she needed to do.

She wanted to leave as soon as possible, but she didn't want to rush her decision. She didn't want to waste any opportunity.

"Are we thinking about something deep right now?" Claire was startled by Franco's sudden appearance at their spot in the market.

"Oh, I thought you wouldn't come here today," Mico said.

"Is that even possible? I wouldn't be able to see your sister, Claire," Franco replied, caught off guard by his own words.

"Why do you want to see me?" Claire asked.

"Come on, Franco, just admit it. Do you have a crush on my sister, Claire?" Mico teased.

"W-what? What crush are you talking about, Mico? You know, I'm just hungry," Franco stammered.

Claire couldn't help but laugh at Franco's reaction to her brother's question. She considered Franco as Mico's younger brother. But on the other hand, she admired his intelligence and resourcefulness. Since Franco helped her, she always sold out her goods. He also gave good advice. If she didn't know Franco's age, she would think he was the same age as her because he seemed mature in his thinking.

Franco prepared coffee for Claire. It was perfect for the chilly morning. He also made one for himself.

"Where's mine?" Mico jokingly asked his friend. "You, Franco, I'm starting to suspect something. You're taking care of my sister too much! Could it be..."

"There's nothing wrong with him making me coffee. You're just overthinking things, Mico," Claire defended.

"It's too sweet, sis. It might ruin our spot," Mico jokingly said. He stopped laughing when Franco stuffed a whole pandesal in his mouth, which made Claire laugh.

Soon, Claire's older friends arrived, joining in their laughter.

As expected, Mildred came again to ask for money. Claire entrusted what was in her sling bag. She made sure that no other money she earned from selling goods yesterday was in there.

The siblings remained silent until their mother left.

"What's your plan, Ate Claire?" Mico asked.

"Ate is planning to go to Manila," Mico answered.

"That's good."

"I'm just saving enough money for our fare, Franco," Claire said.

"I know someone in Manila who might be able to help you," Aling Pasing suggested.

"What if you just go with Dexter, Claire?" Aling Lomeng suggested.

"Aling Lomeng, Dexter doesn't have a bright future there!" Franco quickly replied. "And if Claire doesn't distance herself from here, Aling Mildred won't leave her alone." He added.

"Did you hear that, Lomeng? This child is thinking ahead, but you? Hmp!"

"Maybe, Toyang."

"Alright, mothers, Claire and I will leave for a while. We'll just sell these goods." Franco said as he noticed the elderly arguing again.

Mico agreed to stay at their spot, allowing Claire to accompany Franco in selling their goods as they had agreed.

They happily went from house to house to sell vegetables and snacks they brought. They reached the third barangay when they sold out all their goods. They didn't mind the scorching heat of the sun because it was almost noon.

Claire was amazed that Franco seemed to be known in the third barangay they reached.

"No wonder you and Mico buy a lot of my produce. You can sell them all because you're like a celebrity here. Many people know you, Franco!" Claire exclaimed.

Franco responded with a sweet smile.

Franco stopped pedaling his bike when he recognized the couple holding hands in front of a store across the street.

"Ate Claire, wait for a moment, I'll buy us some snacks," Franco said. He put on his hat and took out his phone.

"Alright, come back quickly, okay?"

Claire organized the paper money while waiting for Franco.

Five minutes passed before Franco returned. He had soft drinks and snacks with him.

"Why do you have so many?" Claire asked.

"I'm a big eater, I can finish them all!" Franco joked.

"It shows in your body!" Claire replied, laughing.

Claire thought they would go back to the market, but they took a different route. It led them to a riverside.

"Why are we here, Franco? Let's go home, I'm hungry," Claire said as she got off the sidecar of the bike.

"Let's rest for a while, Claire. Don't worry, I brought something for the both of us. I know you're not a fan of junk food."

Franco quickly got to work. He took out a blanket from his bag and spread it under the mango tree. It was shady and there were plenty of leaves. He also took out two lunch boxes filled with rice and adobo.

"What do you call me?"