

"Have you eaten, Ate Claire?" Instead of answering the girl's question, she ignored it. She sat down on the spread-out blanket.

The girl also sat down, intrigued by the young man's actions. She suddenly remembered what Mico told her last night, "I think Franco likes you, Ate Claire." Claire didn't want to believe what her brother said, but based on Franco's behavior now, it seemed like Mico's words were true.

Claire took out the packed meal assigned to her while stealing glances at the young man, who seemed hesitant about whether to look at her or not. Claire opened the container she was holding. Just the smell of the adobo chicken made her even hungrier, so she took a bite right away.

"Let's pray first, Claire."

The girl stopped chewing when Franco uttered a short prayer. She chuckled to herself, but then she looked at him because he seemed serious.

Claire temporarily set aside what she learned from her brother. They happily chatted while eating. They also had many photos taken from Franco's phone. After a while, they splashed around in the shallow river until they got tired.

"I haven't been this happy in a long time, Franco. Thank you." Claire hugged him tightly, feeling immense joy. Even if it was just for a moment, her problems vanished from her mind.

Franco returned the embrace. "I love you, Claire." He whispered, but it didn't escape the girl's ears, so she slowly pulled away.

"W-what do you mean, Franco?"

"Ate Claire, I love you. No, I don't want to call you 'ate.' Claire, I love you." Every word Franco said was filled with sincerity.

"Can you hear yourself, Franco? I'm your older sister, there's a big age gap between us."

"What I'm telling you is true, Claire. I know you may not believe it, but I feel it here. And I know that what I feel for you is real." Franco pointed to his chest.

"That's just puppy love, Franco."

"Do you think I would waste every moment with you if what I feel for you isn't real?"

"It's not possible, you're still young, and I'm older than you, Franco. It will fade away over time."

"Love doesn't choose age, Claire."

"But I only see you as my younger brother."

"I'm willing to wait until you no longer see me as just your younger brother. Claire, I love you. I'm not saying this now because I want you to love me back, but I'm saying this to let you know that what I feel for you is not just sibling love, but a dream of being with you for the rest of my life."

"Franco, I'm truly grateful for your help to our siblings. I will never forget that and consider it a big favor, but I can't promise that I can reciprocate the love you have for me."

"I'm not asking for anything in return for what I feel for you, Claire. I know I'm much younger than you and there's little hope that you'll love me back. But if God wills to give me a chance to prove my feelings for you at the right time, I won't waste that opportunity."

"That is if your feelings for me remain even when I'm no longer here. You're still young, and you'll meet many people in the future."

A moment of silence passed as they watched the gentle flow of the river.

"Claire, if after ten years and we're both still free, can you try to love me when that time comes?"

Claire pondered for a moment. Then she met the young man's gaze.

"A lot can happen and change in ten years, Franco. But, as you said, if after ten years and we're both still free, maybe I can also reciprocate the love you have for me, who knows..."

"Sorry if we got too dramatic just now. All I wanted was to be with you even for a short while before you go to Manila. At least we'll have some memories."

"Oh, it's okay. You're so sweet. That's why Mico keeps teasing you because he noticed your actions. You're something else!"

"You're the one who's insensitive!"

"Oh, come on. Let's go. It's getting late, and Mico might wonder why we're taking so long. Let's go back to the market."

"Even if you know my feelings for you, I hope you won't avoid me, Claire."

"I won't avoid you, I promise. But please, still call me 'ate,' especially in front of other people. They might think you don't respect your elders."

"Yes, my dear ate."

"Franco, really!" Claire scolded, but she had a wide smile on her face.

Laughing, Franco pedaled away. Finally, he was able to express his feelings to Claire. He thought she would be angry if she found out the truth, but it seemed like he was mistaken.

Claire immediately embraced her brother when she saw their belongings scattered around.

"What happened here, Mico? Who did this?"

"Who else but our wonderful mother, Claire! She thought I was hiding money from her, so she went berserk! She didn't believe that I haven't earned a hundred yet."

"Your mother is really something, Claire!"

"Yes, Aling Toyang. I don't know what to do anymore."

"If I were you, I'd leave her, she's just a nuisance and a headache, ugh! Worthless mother!"

That's why, Aling Toyang, I've prepared my things so I can leave anytime without her noticing."

"It's okay if you stay at their house temporarily if you want, Mico. At least I'll have someone with me and my grandfather." Franco offered.

"Is it okay with your parents, Franco?" Claire asked.

It's okay with them, they've already met Mico when they vacationed here in the Philippines, it's just my grandfather who's with me at home, and I know he's okay with it too."

"Thank you, Franco. If that's the case, I'll send money for Mico's expenses when he stays with you."

"No problem, Ate Claire. Don't worry too much about this brother of yours, he's already grown up." Franco joked.

That day, Aling Pasing called someone in Manila. Claire agreed because the owner of the grocery store where Aling Pasing's acquaintance works was looking for additional staff.

That evening, Mico quickly packed his things to join his sister's departure. He had many plans in mind in case he found their mother.

"Be strong, Mico. We'll be free from this kind of life soon."

"Yes, Ate, don't worry, I'll remember everything you taught me. Maybe our mother won't care if I leave too, Ate."

"We don't know, but just endure a little longer, Mico. In a few months, you'll be in senior high. Pray that I find a good employer in Manila."

"Yes, Ate. I promise, I'll try."

"Don't just try, do it," Claire advised.

"But what if he goes too far, Ate?" Mico asked.

"You should be the one to avoid him," Claire replied.

Mico let out a sigh in response.

"Franco, thank you for all your help and for letting my sibling stay with you," Claire expressed her gratitude.

"You're welcome, just take care there, Ate Claire," Franco said, holding Claire's hands and giving her a warm smile.

Claire reciprocated the gesture with a tight hug.

"Ehem!" Mico pretended to clear his throat when he noticed that it wasn't just a simple hug. "Ate, the bus you're supposed to ride might leave, you might get left behind," he said.

Countless waves were exchanged between them as Claire made her way up the bus.

"Claire! Wait!" called the rushing young man as he approached where she was.

"Dexter!?" Claire exclaimed in surprise.