
Waifu Catalog: Chasing Wonder

Would you discard your moral for chasing a wonder? A side-project, weekly update. Read the "Foreword (Important!)" page on the Auxiliary volume before reading further. Early access on www.patre on.com/celestial_demon

Celestial_Demon · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Time flows unimpeded, and the new dawn arrives. The bus of Fujimi Academy's survivors is creeping forward in the middle of heavy traffic.

Everyone is enjoying their modest breakfast, which is the food they have gotten from raiding the convenience store last night.

They also have a discussion. Or to be precise, everyone is listening to the exchange between Saya and Kohta.

"We progress at roughly one kilometer per hour. I wonder if we can even make it over the bridge before an evening at this rate," Saya muttered while nibbling her bread.

"I think it would've been better if we had gone toward the suburbs," Kohta responded while eating his rice crackers.

"There are other ways to escape besides cars," Saya replied while pointing the finger of her free hand at Kohta's face.

"Do you mean the seaside airport?" Kohta asked.

Saya nods at Kohta and looks out. "As you can see, it's too dangerous to be in the city. There's probably a group of people who are trying to flee to an island or to some isolated area where there are armed forces."

"Like Okinawa?" Kohta asked after swallowing. "The American military forces that are stationed there aren't there to fight."

"Aren't there the JSDF? What about them?" Hisashi suddenly asked.

Hisashi is looking back at Kohta and Saya from his seat right in front of them. Beside him is Rei, who is also looking back at Saya and Kohta.

Saya turns to Hisashi and says, "They must be stretched thin. There are too many places they must cover, and their numbers are limited. In addition, Tokonosu isn't one of the utmost important locations in Japan."

Hisashi looks troubled after listening to Saya's words. He isn't alone; some survivors in the bus also look troubled.

What Saya implied is clear; JSDF won't be there to save them. In the end, it comes back to them.

"Marikawa-sensei, would you mind switching places?" Kyoko, who joined suddenly, said to Shizuka.

After a good night's sleep, Shizuka looks better.

"Okay," Shizuka agreed without hesitation.

Shizuka understands that Kyoko is tired after staying behind the steering wheel the whole night.

Everyone can see the exhaustion on the bespectacled teacher's face too.

After eating some light food and drinking mineral water, Kyoko goes to sleep. She lies down on the two-seater and falls asleep quickly.

The students don't dare disturb Kyoko's rest.

Takashi suddenly breaks off from the group and approaches Shizuka.

Takashi's action catches the attention of others, but no one calls out. They return to their discussion.

"Komuro-kun? Do you need something?" Shizuka asked after seeing Takashi sit on the extra chair beside the driver's seat.

"Actually, I have been thinking about what you've told me in the past."

"What have I told you?" Shizuka looked at Takashi curiously.

"It's about how you told me about your friend who has a tank-like vehicle. I can only think of a military humvee when remembering that."

"Huh? Did I really ever tell you about Rika-chan's mini-tank?" Shizuka looked puzzled.

"How could you forget about it, Marikawa-sensei? *Try to think about when we were in the school infirmary and you told me about that. You also told me how your friend works in the military and has firearms in her apartment.*"

"Hmmm," Shizuka looked at Takashi absentmindedly.

A moment later, Shizuka regains her clarity and continues talking, "Now that you said that I have told you about that in the past, huh? Why did you talk about it?"

"I was wondering if we could visit that place and borrow your friend's humvee and guns. I want to use it to send Takagi to her house first. While a small group does this, the rest will be here and continue onward. If we send Takagi home first, we can do something to extract the rest that is stuck in this bus. I am sure that her parents won't mind sparing some manpower and resources to help us since we've sent their daughter home safely."

"Wow, you've thought things through, have you not?" Shizuka has an amazed expression as she looks at Takashi.

In return, Takashi smiles faintly. "I can see how they look at me when there are important decisions to be made. They have chosen me to lead even though I don't really like such a heavy responsibility put upon me… Oh well, I've digressed. Back to the topic, since they have chosen me to lead, I can only try my best to meet their expectations and keep us alive. At least, I have to do it until we get to the evac point."

"Komuro-kun! You're so cool!" Shizuka suddenly grabs Takashi's hands with hers. She looks at him with wide, glimmering eyes.

Takashi pretends to be awkward and laughs.

Shizuka's sudden reaction is surprising, but it isn't enough to surprise him since he has Stress Defense Lv2.

Still, he is happy that he's amazed her.

"Anyway, what do you think? Would you mind if we split up and get that humvee? And if your friend does have guns, we will borrow it as well."

Shizuka lets go of Takashi's hand and pinch her chin.

She seems to think for a while before speaking, "I guess Rika-chan won't mind. We do need them, don't we?"

"We do." Takashi nods.

"However, how are we going to get there? Shall we go on foot? Who will go? When will we go?"

Although Shizuka has asked a lot of questions, Takashi isn't overwhelmed. He replies calmly.

"We will go on foot. It's impossible to use this bus since we are stuck here. I prefer it if it's a small group yet filled with skilled people. I suppose there'll be me, you, Saeko, Saya since she's the VIP, and maybe Kohta since he seems to know his guns. Then again, I have to discuss the matter with others. About when; I think it's better if we wait for Hayashi-sensei to have her rest, so we'll go after she wakes up."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go start discussing with others," Shizuka shooed Takashi.

After that, Takashi goes to the rest of the survivors. He also sees them look at him in curiosity.

"You seem to be chummy with that nurse, Komuro," Miku said bluntly while crossing her arms under her breasts.

She seems to be calm, but she is inwardly frustrated.

She was annoyed when she saw how close Takashi was with Saeko yesterday.

Although she had offered her body to Takashi for protection, she thought that she would still be treated with some decency like a girlfriend.

She never thought that she was treated as a mere fleshlight.

Takashi eyes Miku for a moment and ignores her.

He can guess her problem, but she would have been mistaken if she thinks he'll cater to her vanity.

Then, he examines the expression of everyone else.

The guys have knowing looks while the girls are purely curious.

"I've just discussed something with Marikawa-sensei. In the past, she'd told me about her friend who works in the military. She has an amphibian humvee."

Kohta perks up when he hears that.

On the other hand, Saya and Saeko narrow their eyes thoughtfully.

These two girls can guess where this will go.

"I have an idea to split into two groups. The first group, the bigger one, will stay here. The second group, the smaller one, will head to the place of the friend of Marikawa-sensei to get that humvee and maybe some guns if we're lucky."

"Komuro-san! Do you know what kind of firearm Marikawa-sensei's friend has?" Kohta asked excitedly.

"Shut your lid! Let him finish first!" Saya snapped at Kohta, making the gun fanatic back off feeling chastised.

Taking pity on Kohta, Takashi replies, "Well, I don't know what kind of guns they are, but Marikawa-sensei has confirmed there are some. The humvee is there as well."

"So, who will go?" Saya inquired.

"For this small group, the plan is only for a few people that can protect themselves and others. This will be dangerous since we'll go there on foot. Marikawa-sensei must go since she knows the place. Takagi will go—"

"Why?" Saya lifted her eyebrow as she demanded.

"The plan is to cross the river using the humvee to get you home quickly. If we can get there before this bus, we can prepare something to welcome the rest. We won't impose too much, so I don't think your parents will mind."

"Humph!" Saya harrumphed while turning to the side.

She understands why she has to go too, but it doesn't mean that she has to like it.

She mutters under her breath, "For this one, I won't argue with you, idiot."

"Thanks, Takagi." Takashi gives the Tsundere girl a small smile, making her cheeks flush slightly.

Her reaction isn't missed.

There are some sly smiles, but they hold their desire to tease her because they know her temper.

Still, they enjoy her interesting reaction.

"Moving on, Hirano will go as well."

"Huh? Me?" Kohta pointed at himself, bemused.

"Yes. You." Takashi nods before giving Kohta a contemplative look. "I have observed that you're good with guns. By the way, do you have experience with them? The real things, I mean?"

Kohta nods his head vigorously.

"Yes! I have experience with real guns. In the past, I have gone to America to be trained by…" Kohta started telling everyone his experience being trained by some black ops that Takashi could care less about.

The rest of the survivors, however, are amazed.

They didn't expect this fatty to hold such a secret.

Granted, he was so unassuming. And the stigma as an Otaku kinda stuck on him.

In Japan, being an Otaku makes you look down on by society.

Otaku is judged as useless people.

It is discriminatory and very harsh, but that was how it was.

"Alright," Takashi claps his hand to gather the attention of everyone, "Moving on, next is me and the last one is Saeko."

Saeko nods her head readily.

She has no problem with Takashi's decision.

However, Rei, Hisashi, and Miku start talking.

"Takashi! I can go too! You know that I'm good with spears!"

"Not tooting my own horn, Takashi, but I can be useful as well."

"Can you bring me too?"

Takashi shakes his head. "Rei, Hisashi, other than the departing personnel, you two are the last ones who have self-defense experience under your belt. You two will be better holding the fort. Miku, you will be safe here since it will be dangerous going out with us. We're heading there on foot, so we'll fight against… Them."

Rei, Hisashi, and Miku can't argue back.

In the end, they agree to stay behind, though reluctant.

"Now that is finally over, so when will we go?" Saya asked.

"At noon. We'll wait for Hayashi-sensei to fully rest. Other than Marikawa-sensei, only Hayashi-sensei can hold the steering wheel. Since Marikawa-sensei will go out with us, well…" Takashi trailed off. He didn't need to finish his words; the rest understood what he implied.

Afterward, they discuss lighter topics while waiting for the time of departure.

At noon—

"Takashi, take care!"

"Everyone, be careful!"

The survivors who stay behind bid their farewells to the detached group.

Afterward, the detached group goes against the flow of pedestrians.

When they arrived at the blockade, the police officers guarding the place tried to block and told them to go back, but Takashi easily compelled them to let his group pass by with Siren's Song.

"I don't think they'll let us pass by just like that," Saya thought loudly.

"I suppose, Komuro-san can be persuasive," Kohta replied.

"In any case, we have passed the checkpoint." Everyone turned to Takashi when he spoke.

When everyone's attention is on him, he continues talking.

"Next will be an unsafe area with many of them. To confirm, we won't proactively fight against them. We only fight back before we get cornered. It'll be a game over if we're swarmed by them. Hirano will keep watch on Marikawa-sensei and Takagi while giving me and Saeko support. Remember, only shoot Them when They pass me and Saeko, Hirano. Don't waste your ammo. On the other hand, Saeko and I will be the vanguard. Any questions?"

When there aren't any questions, Takashi concludes the meeting and checks his bats for the last time.

Then, he leads his group to head out to Rika Minami's apartment.

Takashi and his group walk along the river bank.

They have to be careful not to attract the zombies' attention.

When they can't stay back from a fight, they neutralize the zombies quickly and quietly before moving ahead.

They slowly but steadily move.

However, everyone else isn't like Takashi who can't ignore his stress.

Shizuka, Saya, and Kohta are stressed out, but they manage to endure until the end.

Saeko has tried her best to help Takashi, but she realizes that Takashi has more stamina than her.

In addition, her mental fortitude quickly dwindles from a prolonged fight.

She can't stay calm all the time like Takashi.

When dusk is approaching, they finally arrive at their destination.

They stand outside of Rika Minami's apartment.

They can also see the humvee parked beside the building.

"We're finally here! This is the place, everyone!" Shizuka, despite her tired and sweaty face, beamed while talking to the others.

"Woah! That is the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle M1025! Humvee M1025 for short!" Kohta becomes crazy when he sees the humvee parked beside the apartment.

"Be quiet, fatty! Your voice can attract Them!" Saya hissed at Kohta, making the boy shrink back.

"Anyway, let's go inside," Takashi gathered their attention and looked at Shizuka to ask her opinion for the last time.

The blonde buxom nurse nods her head.

Afterward, everyone prepares to go inside.

Takashi turns around but stops and lifts his eyebrow when he sees zombies shamble out of the apartment.

"I suppose we have to deal with them first," he commented while preparing his bats.

The sky is dark and the street lights are on when all the zombies around Rika Minami's apartment have been neutralized.

Takashi and Saeko sweep their surroundings for the last time to make sure that there are no zombies left before they lead the rest into the building.

Shizuka immediately turns on the light after they enter.

"Ah, we're finally safe," Kohta commented in a relieved voice.

His pudgy body falls down on the floor.

All the tension he has been holding is released in an instant.

Shizuka and Saya let their bodies sink into the long sofa.

There is enough room for the two of them.

Putting Shizuka aside, Saya can care less about her image at this moment.

The haughty rich girl is so relieved that she isn't surrounded by the walking dead anymore.

Even Saeko, who has more discipline than them, relaxes her posture.

"So, now what?" Kohta asked Takashi.

The three girls turned to Takashi and waited for his reply.

"We rest and eat," Takashi answered straight away.

Then, he turns to Shizuka, "Is the pantry stocked up?"

Shizuka puts the tip of her finger on her chin and she has a pensive face. "I think it's stocked up," she said with a nod.

"Can any of you cook? I don't have to do that at home because that is what chefs are for," Saya asked an important question while flexing her status as a rich girl.

"I can," Saeko said. "Would you like to have dinner soon? I can start preparing for it now."

"Let's have dinner later. For now, wanna take a dip in hot water, girls?"

Shizuka claps her hands and turns to Saya and Saeko with a gaze filled with anticipation and excitement.

Saya and Saeko exchange silent glances before turning to Shizuka and giving the blonde buxom nurse nod in agreement.

More than a day and a night have passed since they last took a bath.

As Japanese, it's too much for them.

They need a soak to relax and clean themselves.

"What about me?" Kohta asked while pointing at himself.

"I'm gonna kill you if you dare to peek!" Saya immediately replied with a snarl.

Kohta waves his hands and shakes his head frantically.

He looks terrified of Saya's threat.

Then, Saya turns to Takashi.

Her gaze challenges him to say something stupid.

Although Takashi wants to see these hot, sexy, and pretty girls naked, he isn't in the mood for arguing with Saya, so he shakes his head and says, "I'm gonna search for the guns. Do you know where it's kept, Marikawa-sensei?"

Being looked at by Takashi, Shizuka makes a pensive look with a finger tapping her chin.

She finally answers, "Try checking out the iron safe in the master bedroom. Only that place might store Rika-chan's firearms."

"I'll check it out. Thank you." Takashi nods at Shizuka before turning to Kohta.

Seeing Takashi's calm gaze, Kohta gets up and nods his head.

Kohta understands what his leader wants.

"I'll help Komuro-san," Kohta declared.

After that, boys and girls split up.

Takashi and Kohta head to the master bedroom on the second floor.

On the other hand, the girls immediately head for the changing room.

Sigh! "I'm all sweaty," Saya grumbled while taking off her thigh-high black socks.

She's currently in the changing room with Shizuka and Saeko.

The guys have gone up to the master bedroom to search for the guns.

"A bath! A bath!" Shizuka hummed a strange tune while taking off her skirt, showing her sexy purple panties with frills and laces.

"Ugh, I'm drenched in blood too," Saya kept grumbling as she took off her top, showing her cute, frilly pink bras and her delicious cleavage.

"Don't look!" Saya snapped at Shizuka when the blonde bombshell took a glance at her body.

Shizuka has just taken off her white shirt, showing the purple bras that do a wonderful job in supporting her J-cup breasts.

"You don't need to be shy!" Shizuka replied with a mischievous smile.

"This isn't about being shy!" Saya retorted.

While Saya and Shizuka are bantering, Saeko takes off her plain underwear.

Soon, they get naked.

"Hurry up and come in!" Shizuka said as she entered the bathroom in a hurry.

The bathtub is already filled with hot water. Shizuka has filled it with heated water first before taking off her clothes in the changing room.

After entering the last, Saeko closes the door and joins Shizuka and Saya inside the bathroom.

Unlike in the original story, Rei isn't there with them. She's stuck in the bus with the rest of the survivors.

Because of Takashi who's been possessed by an Other-Worlder, many things have changed.

The survival of Kyoko Hayashi and Hisashi Igo who died in the original story…

The death of Koichi Shido and Tsunoda who are a menace in the original story…

The survival of Takuzo's group instead of their death…

And other changes that have happened due to his meddling.

Of course, only Takashi knows about all of these. The rest is in the dark.

In any case, time continues to flow unimpeded.

"Fwah~♡!" Shizuka sighed after dipping into the bathtub.

She ties up her hair in a bun while covering it with a towel. Her long side bangs are freely down.

She's leaning her back against the bathtub and resting her elbows on the edge while supporting her chin with her knuckle.

Her expression is of pure bliss, though it looks indecent and sensual when she puts it on.

Then, she spreads out her legs.

Her body shivers in delight when her sensitive bit gets drenched by hot water.

Her voluminous breasts are floating on the steaming hot water.

At the area beside the bathtub, Saeko and Saya sit side by side on each other's stools.

Facing faucets, they are cleaning their bodies.

Their charming bodies are wet and covered in foam in places.

It gives a very erotic look.

Tch! "This is a shampoo… right?" Saya muttered while pulling a white bottle closer to her face.

Because she's taken off her glasses, she has a problem seeing everything clearly.

Saeko suddenly stops scrubbing her body and glances at Saya.

She seems amused by the younger girl's antics.

Saya senses Saeko's glance and puffs her cheeks. "What?" She asked curtly.

"It's nothing," Saeko replied with an elegant smile.

Saya feels challenged when she sees Saeko's smile.

Then, she turns to the other side and starts rubbing her hair with shampoo.

Mischievous glints flash in Saeko's eyes when Saya isn't looking at her.

Then, Saeko turns the knob of the shower and spins it to cold water, after which she pours Saya with cold water, making the pink-haired girl shriek in surprise.

Saeko releases an elegant giggle when she sees her cute reaction.

She closes her eyes and comments, "That sound was more pleasant than what I had expected."

On the other hand, Saya is irritated.

She glares at Saeko when the older girl stops pouring cold water on her.

Then, she fills a pail with cold water and brings it to Saeko.

Saeko continues speaking while scrubbing her long, slender limbs, "With an attractive voice like that, any man would…"

Saya pours the cold water on Saeko's rear suddenly.

"Ahn~♡!" Saeko released a seductive gasp while hugging her folded legs. "Mmmmmhhh~♡!"

Saya freezes after hearing Saeko's seductive voice. Her hand that holds the pail also freezes in the air behind Saeko.

Saeko turns to Saya and gives the younger girl a half-lidded look and a satirical smirk.

Saya gets triggered, balls her free hand, and mutters, "Argh, she still sounds mature…"

Behind them, Shizuka watches their behavior with a small smile and a relieved look.

But, she turns to the bathroom ceiling suddenly.

Her eyes are full of concern…

Just what's in her mind?

In the master bedroom on the second floor, which is right above the bathroom, Takashi and Kohta are trying to break the iron safe which they believe to be the place the guns are kept.

They are also silently eavesdropping on the girls.

They can hear the voice clearly from their position despite the sound of the news displayed on the television can be heard faintly in the background.

"It sounds like they're having fun," Kohta said while trying to make the hinges of the safe loose. "Wanna go peek at them as a real man should?"

Takashi blinks his eyes and turns to Kohta. "A real man doesn't peek. Besides, they will get angry if we peek at them."

Finally, one compartment is open.

"We're kinda screwed if this turns out to be empty," Kohta muttered while checking the content of the safe tier by tier.

"Ah, there's something in there," He reported while taking out a box of something.

When he checks the content, he finds bullets.

Takashi looks at the bullets curiously.

This is the first time he sees real bullets either in this life or the one before.

"We found the ammo, so there have to be guns. Let's try the other compartment."

"Okay," Kohta agreed and got up.

Then, they break open the other compartment but fall on top of each other when succeeded.

Takashi grunts as he gets up from Kohta who has stopped his fall down the floor.

Then, he glances into the safe and sees the guns inside.

"Oi, Hirano! Looks!"

Kohta immediately gets up after hearing Takashi's words.

When he sees the firearm in the box, he grins like a psychopathic slasher while doing a gut pose.

"It's here!"

Kohta exclaimed in excitement.

Then, he takes one from the box and sets it ready, though it has no bullets.

"Springfield M1A1 Super Match!"

He stated the name of the gun while posing.

Then, he starts nerding out with a manic grin and glinting glasses.

"It's semi-auto, which is fine because the M14 series' full-auto is just a waste of bullets anyway. The magazine holds twenty rounds. This is fucking illegal in Japan!"

He turns to the box and checks other guns there.

"This is Knight's SR-25 Enhanced match rifle!"

As Kohta is nerding out, Takashi crosses his arms and smiles at Kohta.

He feels amused by Kohta's excitement.

"Wait, you can't get this in Japan, so it must be a modified AR-10!"

Kohta nerded out as he held a sniper.

Then, he turns to the box again.

"The one in the box is a crossbow! It's a descendant of one that Robin Hood used! A Barnett Wildcat C5! It's made in Britain! You can even kill a bear with this thing!"

While Kohta keeps nerding out, Takashi makes a mental note to store the crossbow for his own use.

Then, he turns to the box and takes a shotgun.

The moment Kohta's gaze is on it, he immediately speaks up, "Woah! That's an Ithaca M-37 Riot Shotgun! It's an awesome gun made by the Americans! It played a huge role in the Vietnam War!"

"Is that so? Can you tell me how to use this or the crossbow?" Takashi cut off Kohta before the gun fanatic could go on.

"Sir, yes sir!" Kohta saluted.

Then, he teaches Takashi how to use the shotgun and the crossbow.

He also teaches him how to use the sniper after Takashi asks.

Takashi didn't even need to use Siren's Song for this matter.

"Thanks, Hirano. *Now, listen to me and relax. Relax and listen only to me—*"

Kohta falls into a trance and Takashi makes him forget about the crossbow and the sniper.

Takashi also stores the ammo for them in the Pocket Space. Only the shotgun, the rifle, and the ammo for both are left.

"*Now, why don't you get into another room and sleep. Ignore any strange sounds tonight. Just get there and sleep. You can prepare the guns tomorrow.*"

"Sir~, yes sir~!" Kohta responded with a glazed look.

After that, he walks out and heads to the other room.

Takashi sighs after Kohta is out.

He isn't sure if Shizuka will creep to her while being drunk like in the original story.

However, it's better to be prepared.

'If she creeps up on me, I'll make her putty under me.'

Then, Takashi turns to the TV. The news is still going.

He continues to watch the news while sitting on the edge of the bed and wondering if Shizuka will come or not…

After bathing, the girls come out of the bathroom and dry themselves in the changing room.

Since their uniforms and underwear are still drying after being washed in the washing machine, Saeko and Saya have to look for something to cover their naked bodies.

Saya gets a big white t-shirt while Saeko gets an apron. Shizuka chooses to be completely naked, however.

"Marikawa-sensei, are you sure you don't want to cover your body?" Saeko asked while glancing at the nurse.

She feels that it's improper.

There are boys in the house.

What if the boys see Shizuka's naked body?

"N." Shizuka nods her head carelessly as she walks off to a refrigerator. "I'll wait for my clothes to be dry."

Saeko drops the matter after seeing that Shizuka won't change her mind.

On the other hand, Saya looks at Shizuka's curvaceous body with an irritated look.

How can she have that unbelievable body?!

So unfair!

Such thoughts float in Saya's mind.

"Wanna drink?" Shizuka suddenly asked while waving a can of beer in her hand.

Saeko and Saya blink their eyes in disbelief.

Did a teacher offer a minor to drink alcohol?

"We're still minor," Saya said bluntly.

Saeko nods in agreement.

"Who cares? Do you think it will be a problem if you drink alcohol now? Besides, it will help you relax."

Saya is silent after listening to Shizuka's words, contemplating if she has to drink to forget the crazy world outside.

"I'll pass. I will prepare dinner." Saeko shakes her head and heads to the kitchen, leaving Saya with Shizuka.

In the end, Shizuka manages to persuade Saya and makes the pink-haired girl drink with her.

They have their modest drinking party on the sofa.

Several cans of beer stand on the table.

Saya loses consciousness first since she's a lightweight.

On the other hand, Shizuka is slightly drunk.

With unfocused eyes and a blushing face, Shizuka leaves her spot and heads up to the master bedroom on the second floor.

She enters the master bedroom and creeps up to Takashi who's silently watching the news on the TV.

Then, she hugs him from behind and presses her generous bosoms on his back.

When a pair of slender arms wrap around his neck and something soft is squeezed against his back, Takashi realizes that it was Shizuka.

Saya and Saeko don't have breasts as big as this pair.

"Huh?" Takashi pretends to be surprised. But inwardly, he's pleased because Shizuka is still crawling at him. "Marikawa-sensei? Are you drunk?"

"Ko~mu~ro~kun~♡! Let's have fun~♡!"

Shizuka responded while rubbing her soft cheek on Takashi's and her hands on Takashi's chest.

She licks her bottom lip when she notices how amazing Takashi's body is.

She is pleasantly surprised; she has never expected it.

"Komuro-kun, you naughty boy! How could you hide something so amazing from sensei?"

Takashi blinks his eyes and glances at Shizuka from the corner of his eyes. "Marikawa-sensei, if after ten seconds you don't stop, don't blame me if I do something lewd to you. I'm a teenage boy, you know."

Shizuka's response is immediate…

"Don't wait for ten seconds! Do lewd things to me now!"

After saying that, Shizuka holds Takashi's cheek and then presses her lips to Takashi's lips.

Even though Shizuka's breath smells of beer, her lips still taste delicious. What's more, her sinfully sexy body is naked.

Right after they kiss, Takashi turns around, pushes the blonde-haired beauty down the bed, and starts dominating her.