

Iatric_Selene_0503 · Thanh xuân
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Passing On

After completing her examinations of SEE. She was enjoying the break. She was planning to study science in the Higher classes so decides to join the bridge course (the entrance preparation classes). She started to learn again but along with that she started to do the job as a tuition teacher. Days were passing on, she used to enjoy with the new friends she made during the bridge course. Then, in the evening time she went to school for tuition class. She also learnt some basics of dance at home in her free time. 

After three months on the month of July, her dad came to her and then took her to buy a cell phone for her. That was the first cell phone she was going to use as her own. So, her happiness had no boundary. She went together with dad and bought a new phone for herself. She was extremely happy! The same night, the news of the publishment of her SEE spread out. She became very nervous. She was pretty sure that she had done well but still in some corner of her heart she was nervous or can be said worried about her result. After taking some deep breathe she took out her phone and then searched for her result. She was astonished on seeing her result. She got the distinction. It was better than she had expected!

She as well as her family was overjoyed. They called all their relative they needed to inform about the result. The whole house was filled with happiness all over again. The following day she went to buy the sweets and distributed them among the family members, her school teachers and her relatives. She was not only distributing the sweets but also sharing the happiness she got! She was praised by all the teachers, and relatives which increased the happiness of her! She went to her favorite place to share the happiness of her own. 

In the bridge course she had joined she had her sister along with her who loved and cared for her so much and was of same age. They were very close to each other. They shared most of her problems in their life to each other and had always been together in each and every ups and downs of their life. Whenever she spoke to others, her life was as if the dream life of everyone. Most of her friends were so jealous that she was so good in studies and moreover popular among all the students either junior or senior or of the same batch. She was everyone's favorite. She even used to write some poems and was good in other ECA activities as well. She was very happy to enjoy the life. She just loved sharing everything with her sister. They cherished each and every moments they spent together! Bishakha, was the eldest among the sisters of her similar ages in her family; either paternal or maternal home! Yet she was everyones love and she loved every one!

Days were passing on, and then one day, she got an invitation for the school farewell. She was very excited to meet all her school friends, teachers. She had even messaged some of her friends and decided the dress code for the farewell!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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