

Iatric_Selene_0503 · Teen
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The Overwhelming Start!!

With the passing days, the day of their farewell was coming very near. They all had started all their preparations for the farewell. The same way, even Bishakha was busy with her preparations. She was not used to for heavy make ups so she just made sure she had her eye liner and lip balm ready for the day. She requested her father for the shopping for the day of farewell. Her father also agreed and took her for shopping. She tried a lot of dress but she was not satisfied with any of the dresses she tried on. After looking in for about 3 stores, her father chose a blue colored gown for her and she liked it so much. But before buying she tried it on and she felt as if she was the princess of her own world and being with her dad at at moment made that moment more special than it was. She was happier than she could ever be. She had him buy a beautiful blue colored butterfly gown for herself that her father had chosen. Along with that beautiful gown, she even looked for the heels. She bought the high bold heels for the gown. Then she bought the jewelries like neck piece and earrings that would go with the gown.

After a day long of shopping, both father and daughter went home and then took some rest. At the evening when the mother and brother came back home from their respective schools, Bishakha showed her shopping for the farewell. All the family checked on the dress, jewelries and heels, they seemed very happy. Bishakha was so excited for the day and also somewhat upset that it might be the last day to meet some of her friends. Although every one had promised to be in touch with each other and meet very often, deep down she knew the life was about to change. It would not be that easy the upcoming days to chillout with the friends like they used to do during the school time. Each of her friends would chose different stream to pursue higher studies as all of them pursuing the same stream was next to impossible. Every one of them had their own dream and now the time had come that they would just open the wings and fly higher toward their dream without any hurdles being seen. Although the weather factor and may other hurdles were to be seen in the future, that moment was like the dream sequence of any fictional movie to watch while pursuing the dream. 

In the fullness of time, the farewell day of the batch came up. They all were invited at 10:00 am sharp. As per the excited they all hold on to themselves most of them had reached up to the venue before time. Some of them were arriving. The juniors of their batch were all dressed in all their respective cultural dresses as per the code decided by the school management. They were all decked up welcoming the senior batch students for the farewell imagining they would be the next getting such a grand welcome for the farewell. All the female teachers were dressed up in a similar sarees and the male teachers were suited well in the formal attire; coat and pant. All the teachers and students seemed like the flowers blooming in the garden. The different cultural attires of the students made the function more aesthetic. Everyone seemed to be jocular at the functions. Everyone seemed to be enjoying every moment at the functions. The tender love and care they showed for each other would have been seen as if they were putting up an act. 

Gradually, the number of people in the function started to grow. Parents, Guardians, Teachers, Students and the other staff members of the school all gathered together to celebrate the happiness of the excellent result of the school in SEE. They all loved to be the part of the celebrations. Bishakha was also the part of the celebration. She was busy wandering from one friend to another. Before the formal program was started, she had visited almost all her friends and their parents.