
Sword of the Morning

I walked in front of it so I can see what kind of sword it is. The pommel is a round red gem that looks like a ruby, the grip is black, there are dragon heads at both ends of the cross-guard, and the blade looks sharp and has thousands of fold patterns. I am sure that this sword is a Valerian steel sword, only Valerian steel has that pattern.

I observe the crown next as I notice that it is also made from Valerian steel, it also has ten square rubies around it. As I touch the crown so I can remove it and get the sword I lost my vision.

Next thing I know I'm at a familiar place, the throne room in King's Landing. I see a lot of swords in mountains and people that looks like blacksmiths that are hammering the swords together. Then I see fire melting the swords together helping the blacksmiths. I looked at where the fire came from and I see a large head of a dragon that also feels familiar. As i look into its eyes, it stared back at me before I lost my vision again.

I regained my senses and I'm back at the egg room.

"What the f*ck was that?"

I tried to appraise the crown and the sword.

[Aegon I's crown]

- Crown of Aegon I Targaryen. Made from Valerian steel with square-cut rubies.


- A sword made from Valerian steel once wielded by Ageon the conqueror.

So the vision I saw was from Aegon when the iron throne was just being forged by blacksmiths and the large dragon was Balerion the dread helping the blacksmiths. That was weird. Why would I have that vision? I can't think of a reason for having that vision. Let's forget about that first and get out of here, I don't want to be here any longer.

I put the crown into my inventory. Then I grip the sword in the handle. The handle feels hot in my hand as I pull it from the ground. It's overall length is 3 feet and 8 inches or 111 cm and it is almost tall as me. I put it in my inventory since it's too long for me use. I then left the room and headed back to the castle.

After I got back to my room, I asked my servants to get me ink and quill. I wrote to Eddard stark that Lyanna is in the Tower of Joy and give my letter to Arthur Dayne. I wrote to Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, about the aftermath of the rebellion and to let Eddard Stark see his sister and tell no one about happened in the Tower Joy for the safety of my niece. Then head to Dragonstone after he is done in the Tower of Joy if he is still loyal to House of Targaryen.

If my letter reach to Eddard Stark and Arthur Dayne, Eddard would head straight to the Tower of Joy and if Arthur Dayne will arrive here at Dragonstone, I would have the best swordsman in westoros to teach me how to wiled two swords. I'm sure that Eddard would not kill him this time like in the show because he idolizes Arthur Dayne.

After that writing the called for Ser Willam.

"What is it my prince?" he said

"Ser Willam, I have a task for you" I replied. "I need this letters to reach Eddard Stark"

"What is it for?"he asks me

"Lyanna Stark is pregnant and I need this letter to make sure that Eddard Stark reach there in time"

I trust him so I answered. "Make sure only Eddard will read this letter, It is better if no one knows about my nephew"

"I understand my prince, I will make sure that this letter gets to Eddard" He said and then left my room.

I just need to wait for Arthur to get here.

It has been three months since I wrote the letter to Eddard and Arthur will be arriving tomorrow. I learned that Arthur and the people with him, Gerold Hightower, the former Lord commander of Kingsguard and Oswell Whent, A knight of House Whent were relieved from being a Kingsguard. Gerold and Oswell returned to their Houses but Arthur chose to come here.

The next day, Arthur arrived at Dragonstone. I'm currently sitting in the throne at the throne room and Arthur Dayne is trying to pledge his service to me. Yeah,the Sword of the Morning, theonewho is worthy of wield the sword Dawn is pledging for me.

"I don't understand Ser Arthur, why you are trying pledge your services to me?" I ask him

"It's because of my sister. she escaped King's Landing with Elia Martell just before the sack and I heard that you were the one who told them to escape. If you did not tell them, they would have died in during the sack of King's Landing" He answered.

What? that's the reason? You care for sister that much that you will pledge to me? Oh yeah, when Ashara Dayne, his sister, heard that Arthur died in the Tower of Joy, she jumped from one of the towers in Starfall, into the sea. Do they love each other like how Jamie loves Cersei? But from what I know she loves Eddard Stark.

"Fine" I said.

He then laid his sword in front of him.

"Then I'm yours, prince Viserys, I will shield your back and give my life for yours if need be. I swear it by the old gods and the new." Arthur said.

"I vow that you shall always have a place in my home and at my table and that i shall ask no service from you that might bring you dishonor. I swear it by the old gods and the new." i said and finished the pledge.

Damn, it's like having a an op boss as a guard.


Current status of Viserys


Name: Viserys III Targaryen

Titles: The Reincarnated Otherworlder, Crown Prince

Age: 7

Level: 1

HP: 900/900

Exp: 0/100

Str:8 (6)

- affects damage value x 10 = damage

Agi:9 (6)

- affects movement speed

Int:16 (15)

- affects understanding

Dex:10 (7)

- affects attacking speed

End: 9 - affects health value x 100 = HP

AP: 0


Passive skills

- Language Comprehension (passive)(old tongue, common tongue, low valyrian, high valyrian, etc...)

- Persuasion (passive) lvl 2/3

- Fire Immunity(passive) lvl 3/3

- Swordmanship (passive) lvl 1/3

- Bowmanship (passive) lvl 1/3

Active skills

- Appraisal(active)

- Stealth(active) lvl 2/3

- Lock picking(active) lvl 2/3

I removed Wis attribute and added End attribute and HP. I will try to fix it more in the future.

You can look up the Crown and blackfyre in google if you want to know how they look

GudBrowncreators' thoughts